Obamas Furlough Getaway: First Family Returns to Martha’s Vineyard for Summer Vacation, While Furloughs Kick In!

Obama on Bike

Obama’s don’t waste any time on planning their next ‘get-away’ on the taxpayers dime.  This time, they plan on rubbing elbows with the rich and famous on Martha’s Vineyard, this will be their third time frequenting this location.  Bon Voyage!

Fox News reports: The first family is returning this summer to Martha’s Vineyard, the third time the Obamas have vacationed on the exclusive Massachusetts island in the past four years.

President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will arrive August 10 and stay through August 18, the White House said earlier this month.

The vacation is drawing some criticism about the president relaxing among the rich and famous while drastic cuts to the federal budget known as sequester kick in with full force, including the start this month of furloughs for 85 percent of the Defense Department’s civilian workforce.

The family is reportedly staying near Chilmark pond in a “veddy private, veddy secluded and veddy posh island retreat,” writes Boston Herald columnist Gayle Fee.

Among the closest neighbors will be Hollywood couple Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen, whom Fee describes as “ardent” Democrats and friends of President Clinton and wife Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state.

Still, at least one local merchant is excited about the first family’s return.

“It’s nice to have the president of the United States,” Robert Breth, owner of Martha’s Bike Rental, told FoxNews.com on Sunday. “It puts the word out about Martha’s Vineyard.”

Breth downplayed the inconveniences of the visit, saying the presidential motorcade can create some traffic problems, “but it’s quiet for the most part. They’re not here to make a ruckus.”

The White House says the first couple has no public events scheduled that week. Daughters Sasha and Malia have joined their parents on the previous vacations.

The Obamas didn’t vacation on the island during the 2012 election season but spent the first three trips at the Blue Heron Farm in Chilmark, which overlooks Tisbury Great Pond.

However, the 28-acre retreat was bought in 2011 for $21.9 million by British architect Lord Norman Foster.

Liberal Idiocy: It’s A Conspiracy! Zimmerman Car Accident Rescue Made Up!

Apparently the left, or at least the looney left with nothing better to do, believe George Zimmerman’s attempt at helping a family out of a overturned truck was staged. Listen to the left idiocy at work from Bill Press and Peter Ogburn.

Video Transcript:

Bill PRESS (23 July 2013): Bottom line, he….


Bill PRESS: He’s just a nice guy.

IGOR VOLSKY: Well, he’s been protecting his neighborhood for years. So this is just a an extension.

Bill PRESS: Well I would hope that if you come across a car accident that anybody, even a murderer would get out and help them out, right? Not get out and kick them in the teeth or something. Ah but so two questions I have about this for both of you ah number one what does it matter that he helped somebody out of a car? Doesn’t doesn’t erase the fact that he shot and killed Trayvon Martin, right?



Bill PRESS: Unjustifiably in my opinion and I think the facts show that. But secondly all right I know I’m going to get in trouble for this, do you really thing is happened?


Bill PRESS: All right you’re the one in trouble.

PETER OGBURN: Yeah I don’t think so, its smells it sticks to high heaven.

IGOR VOLSKY: Where are the pictures or video?


IGOR VOLSKY: One of the things that I think has been most frustrating after the verdict is their effort to rehabilitate his image

Our Government Is Collapsing: Will We Stand By and Watch?

It’s no secret that our government is getting more corrupt and more totalitarian by the year, by the day. Barack Hussein Obama is only in place to hasten this destruction and help destroy the very fabric and framework that our Founding Fathers bestowed upon us.

This video encapsulates the horror unfolding before our eyes. Will we, as a country, simply stand by and watch this destruction or will we stand up and fight?

Please Like and Share this video!

George Soros and Amnesty: Yet Another Calculated Move to Destroy Country from Soros and Company

George SorosHas George Soros had a change in heart?  Nope.  George Soros is as evil as they come, and Obama is straight out of his playbook.

The goal?  Why of course, to destroy America from within and rebuild it according to the Soros eye.  Pushing Amnesty through would put more nail in our coffin.

Breitbart reported: The former chief strategist for left-wing billionaire George Soros has joined Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg in an effort to push amnesty for America’s illegal immigrants, Bloomberg reports.

Stanley Druckenmiller, who Bloomberg reports served as Soros’s “chief strategist” for “more than 10 years” as a client money manager, has joined Zuckerberg’s efforts at FWD.us to push for comprehensive immigration reform.

Druckenmiller served as the lead portfolio manager for Soros’ Quantum Fund from 1988 until 2000. According to Bloomberg, he “produced average annual returns of 30 percent at his hedge fund Duquesne Capital Management LLC” from 1986 through 2010.

In addition to hiring Druckenmiller, Zuckerberg funds former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour’s “Americans for a Conservative Direction.” According to the New York Times, that group has been one of the many special interests at the forefront of trying to push conservatives in the House of Representatives to support a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. The Times wrote recently that Barbour’s Zuckerberg-funded group “has been running ads in Iowa lately that implore those watching to ‘stand with Marco Rubio to end de facto amnesty.’”

The Mexican government once paid Barbour to lobby on behalf of amnesty for illegal immigrants inside the United States.

Other special interest groups are lobbying for the House to pass an amnesty program, as well.

The American Action Network, a group led by former Minnesota Republican Sen. Norm Coleman, has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on television and radio ads pushing the Senate’s immigration bill in the House. Coleman founded the American Action Network with Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign National Finance Committee co-chair Fred Malek. In addition to his various roles in politics, Malek is the founder and chairman of Thayer Lodging Group.

Karl Rove is similarly spending money pushing amnesty. “Certainly the way in which the bill is perceived and Rubio’s own political fortunes are closely entwined,” Steven Law, the president of Rove’s American Crossroads, said a few weeks ago. “Our first priority is to promote and advance immigration reform, and to talk about the ways this advances conservative goals. If we do that we will not only be helping to move legislation, but it will also protect those who stuck their necks out like Rubio.”

Before those special interests started their lobbying and advertising campaigns for amnesty in the House, most of House GOP leadership seemed to brush off the Senate’s bill. After weeks of pressure from these special interests, however, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor will hold a hearing on his version of the “DREAM Act” on Tuesday, an amnesty provision for young illegal immigrants.

Beyond Druckenmiller’s role, several Soros-backed groups are involved in the effort to pass amnesty. As Breitbart News has reported, the Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT) and the National Immigration Forum (NIF) are funded by the progressive billionaire.