Islam: Norwegian Woman Fighting Jail Sentence in Dubai for Reporting Rape

Norwegian Woman Reporting RapeThis is an example of why we must fight to keep Islam out of the United States.

We, as Americans, want no part of a theology that would sentence an innocent woman to jail for ‘having sex outside of marriage’ after being raped!

NBC reports: DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — A Norwegian woman sentenced to 16 months in jail in Dubai for having sex outside marriage after she reported an alleged rape said she decided to speak out in hopes of drawing attention to the risks of outsiders misunderstanding the Islamic-influenced legal codes in this cosmopolitan city.

The case has drawn outrage from rights groups and others in the West since the 24-year-old interior designer was sentenced Wednesday. It also highlights the increasingly frequent tensions between the United Arab Emirates’ international atmosphere and its legal system, which is strongly influenced by Islamic traditions in a nation where foreign workers and visitors greatly outnumber locals.

“I have to spread the word. … After my sentence we thought, ‘How can it get worse?'” Marte Deborah Dalelv told The Associated Press in an interview Friday at a Norwegian aid compound in Dubai where she is preparing her appeal scheduled for early September.

Dalelv, who worked for an interior design firm in Qatar since 2011, claims she was sexually assaulted by a co-worker in March while she was attending a business meeting in Dubai.

She said she fled to the hotel lobby and asked for the police to be called. The hotel staff asked if she was sure she wanted to involve the police, Dalelv said.

“Of course I want to call the police,” she said. “That is the natural reaction where I am from.”

Dalelv said she was given a medical examination seeking evidence of the alleged rape and underwent a blood test for alcohol. Such tests are commonly given in the UAE for alleged assaults and in other cases. Alcohol is sold widely across Dubai, but public intoxication can bring charges.

The AP does not identity the names of alleged sexual assault victims, but Dalelv went public voluntarily to talk to media.

Dalelv was detained for four days after being accused of having sex outside marriage, which is outlawed in the UAE although the law is not actively enforced for tourists as well as hundreds of thousands of Westerners and others on resident visas.

She managed to reach her stepfather in Norway after being loaned a phone card by another woman in custody.

“My stepdad, he answered the phone, so I said, that I had been raped, I am in prison … please call the embassy,” she recounted.

“And then I went back and I … just had a breakdown,” she continued. “It was very emotional, to call my dad and tell him what happened.”

Norwegian diplomats later secured her release and she has been allowed to remain at the Norwegian Seamen’s Center in central Dubai. She said her alleged attacker received a 13-month sentence for out-of-wedlock sex and alcohol consumption.

Dubai authorities did not respond to calls for comment, but the case has brought strong criticism from Norwegian officials and activists.

“This verdict flies in the face of our notion of justice,” Norway’s foreign minister, Espen Barth Eide, told the NTB news agency, calling it “highly problematic from a human rights perspective.”

Previous cases in the UAE have raised similar questions, with alleged sexual assault victims facing charges for sex-related offenses. Other legal codes also have been criticized for being at odds with the Western-style openness promoted by Dubai.

On Thursday, Dubai police said they arrested a man who posted an Internet video of an Emirati beating a South Asian van driver after an apparent traffic altercation. Police said they took the action because images of a potential crime were “shared.”

In London, a spokesman for the Emirates Center for Human Rights, a group monitoring UAE affairs, said the Dalelv case points out the need for the UAE to expand its legal protections for alleged rape victims.

“We urge authorities to reform the laws governing incidents of rape in the country,” said Rori Donaghy, “to ensure women are protected against sexual violence and do not become the targets of prosecution when reporting crimes.”

John McCain: Sucks Up to Obama Calling His Comments Friday on Trayvon Martin and Race ‘Very Impressive’

McCain and ObamaSenator John McCain continues to stink up the place with his latest kiss-ass charade, calling Obama’s comments Friday, ‘very impressive.’

It’s obvious the Obama administration has purchased McCain’s soul, lock, stock, and barrel.

Breitbart reported: On Sunday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) appeared on CNN’s State of the Union, where he called President Obama’s Friday comments on Trayvon Martin and race “very impressive.” He said, “I think we should continue to make progress,” but added that “we still have a long way to go,” even as he declined to “second guess” the verdict in the George Zimmerman case.

McCain stated that “we were probably too optimistic” about race relations in the aftermath of the election of the country’s first black president. “I think old prejudices die hard,” McCain said. ‘We have made significant progress, but I think recent events highlight the differences that remain.” McCain also said he believed that “Stand Your Ground” laws should be reconsidered in light of the Martin case, despite the fact that “Stand Your Ground” was never invoked by Zimmerman and he was acquitted on grounds of self-defense.

Ted Nugent: ‘Liberal Democrats Took Hold of the Greatest, Most Productive City on Earth and Turned it into a Bloodsucker Excuse-making Hell’

Ted NugentIn the usual Ted Nugent flare, he talked to TMZ reporters how liberals are to blame about the downfall of one of the greatest cities in the country, Detroit, Michigan.

TMZ reported: Motor City Madman and die hard conservative rock legend Ted Nugent is “shattered but not at all surprised” that his beloved Detroit has filed for bankruptcy — telling TMZ, the liberals have been sabotaging the city for decades.

You’ll recall, the City of Detroit filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection Thursday … the largest municipal bankruptcy case in U.S. history … and Nugent is utterly devastated.

He tells us, “Liberal democrats took hold of the greatest, most productive city on earth and turned it into a bloodsucker excuse-making hell. Liberals seem to think that what Mugabe did to destroy the breadbasket of Africa in Zimbabwe is somehow a desirable model.”

He might be on to something … considering Detroit’s last Republican mayor left office in 1962, but the fact is it’s a much more complicated issue than simply liberals vs. conservatives (for example, the decline of the American auto industry wasn’t exactly Detroit’s fault).

Nugent adds, “If allowed to continue, our President will do the same to the whole country. Heartbreaking and tragic.”

Yeah, the Obama part doesn’t make any sense.

Dr. Ben Carson vs Donna Edwards: Barack Obama’s Remarks and Black Crime in America

July 21, 2013 – Is Zimmerman verdict a diversion to the real issue facing the African American Community today? Asks Fox News Sunday Host, Chris Wallace as he is joined by Dr. Benjamin Carson, and Congresswoman Donna Edwards (D-MD), member of the Congressional Black Caucus, to share their opinions on the President’s recent comments about racism in this country.