Judge Jeanine: Opening Statement 7/20/2013, Rolling Stone and the Terrorist

‘I have an idea, how about you put pictures, before and after the bombing, pictures of them minus arms and legs and eyesight. I’m talking about the people rolling stone didn’t bother to give a voice the people whose trauma was denied who will be trying to repair their broken lives and will view the future through that prism of that one singular, traumatic event.’ ~Judge Jeanine, Opening Statement

Flashback Hate Crime: Blacks Beat Up Whites at 2011′ Wisconsin State Fair, Wonder if Obama, Holder, and Sharpton, Would Rise Up for This Cause?

Eleven separate incidents of victims describing their attackers as African American and police and of the victims were Caucasian or Hispanic, at the 2011′ Wisconsin State Fair.

I wonder if Obama/Holder/Sharpton would rise up for this cause and go on a crusade? How about the Lame Stream Media, do you think they took note? Nah, they instead went after an innocent man (George Zimmerman) who went through our court system and had to deal with racism and the constant withholding of evidence, and now they gang up to persecute the man!