Sharpton and MoveOn: Join Forces to Exploit Trayvon Martin and Ignite Yet More Racial Divisiveness

Al SharptonAl Sharpton continues his racial divide under the guise of goodwill, by joining forces with to further exploit the African American population.  ‘Read On.’

Breitbart reports: For the second time since the jury cast its verdict in the George Zimmerman case, has sent out a fundraising letter riding on the coattails of the tragic death of Trayvon Martin.

Within a few hours of the verdict announcement last Saturday night, liberal activist group MoveOn joined NAACP President Ben Jealous in a mailer about the George Zimmerman verdict.

The newest email went out Thursday night and supported the upcoming rallies being led by MSNBC host Al Sharpton.

The mailer reads:

What: Since Saturday’s acquittal of George Zimmerman, who was found not guilty on all charges in the slaying of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, more than 550,000 MoveOn members have called on the Department of Justice to bring civil rights charges against Zimmerman. Now, MoveOn members are joining Rev. Al Sharpton, activists, faith leaders from the National Action Network, and other progressive allies in 100 cities across the country, to hold prayer vigils and rallies urging the Department of Justice to press charges. Can you join us on Saturday?

At the bottom of the mailer, MoveOn asks readers to donate money to them. The MoveOn Sharpton promo email says:

Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 8 million members — no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

Sharpton is a divisive figure, but the rallies and fundraising appear to have the approval of Martin’s parents. Both parents appeared for the full hour of Sharpton’s Thursday episode of his MSNBC showPolitics Nation. Additionally, both parents will be attending his rallies; Trayvon’s mother is scheduled to appear with Sharpton in New York and Trayvon’s father will be at the Miami event.

Benghazi Update: Key Benghazi Witness Col. George Bristol is Made Available to Congress After ‘Administrative Error’ Kept Him Hidden

COL George BristolThe U.S. Department of Defense will allow members of Congress to talk to the Marine Corps colonel who was in command of U.S. Special Forces in Northern Africa (AFRICOMM) on the night of the Benghazi terror attack. The key witness has previously been withheld from congressional investigators due to what officials are now calling an “administrative error,” the Daily Mail reports.

Until Friday, the Pentagon had claimed that it could not “compel” Marine Col. George Bristol to testify before Congress because he was retired. U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were never satisfied with that excuse. Chaffetz publicly criticized the Defense Department for being unwilling to “pass along any sort of information” about Bristol’s location.

This file photo taken on September 11, 2012 shows an armed man waving his rifle as buildings and cars are engulfed in flames after being set on fire inside the US consulate compound in Benghazi. Credit: AFP/Getty Images

However, the Pentagon has now reversed course due to what it is says was an “administrative error.” Air Force Maj. Robert Firman reportedly told the Daily Mail that Bristol was mistakenly identified as a retired officer despite his active-duty status.

“The Department of Defense has fully cooperated with congressional requests to understand the attacks on the Benghazi ‘The Department of Defense has fully cooperated with congressional requests to understand the attacks on the Benghazi compound,” Firman said. “Col. George Bristol, USMC, will be available to meet with House and Senate members and their staffs.”

Sen. Graham reportedly sent a letter to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Thursday and asked that the decision be reconsidered. The letter apparently set off a chain of events that helped officials see the “administrative error” that prevented Congress from talking to Bristol.

Bristol does not officially retire until August 1. He has stayed out of the public eye and has reportedly refused multiple interview requests from MailOnline.

His testimony could prove to be key in understanding what really happened in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, when radical Islamists stormed a U.S. compound and killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.

George Zimmerman: Parents Speak Out, Threats Include ‘Every One of George’s DNA Should Be Killed…’

It’s a travesty that our country has turned into a bunch of raving lunatics. When I look at George and his parents, racism is the furthest thing from their mind; it’s an absolute shame they have to go through this B.S. in America after going through a fair trial in our court system, and finding them innocent.

Chris Matthews: ‘I’m Speaking for All White People… I’m Sorry For this Stuff, That’s All I’m Saying’

MSLSD host Chris Matthews apologized Thursday to NBC creative director and vice president Val Nicholas on behalf of all white people for police incidents Nicholas was involved in as a teenager. Nicholas recounted the racially-motivated incidents and said that the proceedings in the George Zimmerman trial brought back memories of those incidents.