Jesse Jackson: Calls Upon the United Nations to Investigate Trayvon Martin’s Death, Say What?

Jesse JacksonOkay, these racist muttonheads are even surprising me now… Jesse Jackson is calling for the United Nations to investigate Trayvon Martin’s death now!  Just when you thought it was safe to come outside.

InfoWars reports: Jesse Jackson, the founder of Rainbow/PUSH, has called for the United Nations to investigate the death of Trayvon Martin.

According to Jackson, the acquittal of George Zimmerman contradicts international human rights laws and treaties.

Jackson’s call follows demands that the Obama Justice Department prosecute Zimmerman for allegedly violating Martin’s civil rights.

In addition, Representative Luis Gutierrez, an Illinois Democrat, has called for the House Judiciary Committee to hold hearings on the Martin-Zimmerman case.

We need a national investigation of the racial context that led to Trayvon Martin’s slaying,” Jackson wrote in an article published by the Chicago Sun-Times and posted on the Rainbow/PUSH website. “Congress must act. And it’s time to call on the United Nations Human Rights Commission for an in-depth investigation of whether the U.S. is upholding its obligations under international human rights laws and treaties. Trayvon Martin’s death demands much more than a jury’s verdict on George Zimmerman. It calls for us to hear the evidence and render a verdict on the racial reality that never had its day in court at the trial.”

IRS Scandal Revisited: Obama Administration Closer than First Thought, Obama Appointee Role Under Fire

IRS Closer to ObamaThe Blaze reports: Though the scandal surrounding the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups has fallen from breaking news headlines in recent weeks, more information is continuing to trickle out on the matter.

On Wednesday, four House Republicans released excerpts from congressional testimony with a number of involved IRS employees indicating the scandal may be closer to the White House than previously known, though there is still no evidence to indicate President Obama was personally involved.

However, it seems an Obama appointee may have been.

The Washington Post writes:

The chief counsel’s office for the Internal Revenue Service, headed by a political appointee of President Obama, helped develop the agency’s problematic guidelines for reviewing “tea party” cases, according to a top IRS attorney.

In interviews with congressional investigators, IRS lawyer Carter Hull said his superiors told him that the chief counsel’s office, led by William Wilkins, would need to review some of the first applications the agency screened for additional scrutiny because of potential political activity.

Previous accounts from IRS employees had shown that Washington IRS officials were involved in the controversy, but Hull’s comments represent the closest connection to the White House to date.

The head of Hull’s unit, Michael Seto, also spoke with investigators, adding that the former head of the Internal Revenue Service’s division on tax-exempt organizations Lois Lerner instructed that certain tea party applications undergo special scrutiny that included a “multi-layer review” that involved her own staff as well as the chief counsel’s office.

Hull, who worked in the approval process, described how he was “taken aback” when, after the IRS had held the applications for prolonged periods of time, they instructed him to solicit more “current” information from the groups.

Another individual who testified, Mr. Hull’s supervisor Ronald Shoemaker, said the chief counsel’s office wanted more information about the groups’ activities “right before the election period.”

Conservative organizations like Tea Party and 9/12 groups have faced appalling mistreatment at the hands of the IRS for several years. Many were asked to provide countless pages of information, some of which was personal or difficult to obtain, all while waiting inordinate periods of time for approval.

The IRS was quick to defend Wilkins back in May after it was revealed that the targeting was discussed with the chief counsel in 2011.

A reporter pressed White House Press Secretary Jay Carney on why the president’s appointee failed to share the shocking information with the White House, but the IRS said the meeting was with members of his office, not Wilkins himself. The implication was presumably that Wilkins was ignorant of the abuse.

The new information, though, will likely prompt closer examination of his role and his connections with the White House.

Michael Hastings: His Body was Cremated Without the Consent of His Family, More Proof of Coverup

Why in the world would anyone cremate the body of a dead person without the consent of that person’s family if that family was fully available to give or withhold their consent? That is what the family of Michael Hastings now wants to know, and they’ve hired a private detective to find out why Michael was cremated without their consent. Is this more proof of a CIA or US military hit upon a ‘potential problem’? Is this the NDAA at work? Something here stinks to high heaven and it’s not the family of Michael Hastings.