Chicago Violence: 67 Shot Over July 4 Weekend in Chicago, 11 Fatally

Chicago Gun ControlHow’s that gun control working for you pin head Illinois lawmakers?

Look America, this is what happens when imbecile government, Marxist government at that, get involved and try to control out lives, our God-given rights… disgusting.

Breitbart reported: July 7 — At least 67 people were shot in Chicago since Wednesday, 11 fatally, over the July 4 holiday long holiday weekend, reports the Chicago Tribune.      Eight people were shot — one fatally — in a drive-by shooting in which two men fired on a group of people at a home in the Lawndale neighborhood Saturday evening, authorities said.     At least one of the shooters used a rifle and casings were recovered at the scene, police said.

Among the shootings  reported were:  One victim, a 49-year-old man, was pronounced dead, according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office. He was identified as Terry Patterson; his home address was not available. He had been taken to Mount Sinai Hospital with a gunshot wound the groin, Chicago Police Department News Affairs Officer Joshua Purkiss said.  At Stroger were: a woman, 72, with a wound to an ankle; a woman, 41, with a wound to her right thigh; a man, 43, with gunshot wounds to the leg and back; a man, 45, shot in the penis and right thigh; and a man, 48, shot in the leg and buttocks. At Mount Sinai were: a man, 31, shot in the wrist, and a woman, 20, shot in the right leg. Police described all the victims as having had their conditions stabilized.

And idiot Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn wants to make it more strict:

Chicago Tribune reported: July 2 — Gov. Pat Quinn on Tuesday made sweeping changes to a bill that would allow concealed guns to be carried in public, writing in tougher regulations he deemed “common sense” amid staunch criticism from lawmakers who say they are poised to overturn his efforts when they return to Springfield next week.

Flanked by gun control advocates during a veto ceremony, Quinn argued the legislation lawmakers sent him would harm public safety by letting people carry as many guns as they wanted in places they shouldn’t be allowed.

“I think this is an example of a situation in Illinois where the legislature passed a bill in a hurried way at the inspiration of the National Rifle Association, contrary to the safety of the people of Illinois,” Quinn said after announcing the changes. “We don’t need the NRA telling us how to keep people safe in Illinois.

New Video: San Francisco International Airport 777 Crash

Just Released Footage: Dramatic footage emerged Sunday afternoon of an Asiana Boeing 777 crash landing at San Francisco International Airport, showing the massive jet losing its tail and cartwheeling down the runway on Saturday. The plane was en route from Seoul, South Korea. Two people are reported dead, and over one hundred were injured. Officials have not yet determined the cause of the crash.