4th of July: Thanking Our Veterans For Serving, And Shot Over the Bow Of What’s to Come

It’s a day we celebrate are independence and also thank the men and women who have fought and died for America. They died on American soil to start but also died in the Philippines, France, Iraq and Viet Nam. They died not to save America but so others around the world could live free and to live their life to their full potential.

America the greatest fighting force on earth, the bravest men and women, the largest ships, the best Air Force and it will lose the war. Not a shot will be fired, not a plane will take off or a ship set sail. We as American’s were proud to work and die for are new country. Now we are offered checks for votes and they set aside the 2nd amendment rights for gay rights. Now with more being given citizenship they will vote Democratic and more of our rights will be gone.

The Muslim’s are invited in and more will come. Muslim’s flood the streets in the big cities of the world and pray for death to America, stopping traffic and business, but Tim Tebow can’ take a knee and look to the heavens. It’s only a matter of time before this day is changed to Dependence Day.

~Andrew Rubin

Top 5 Michelle Obama Bitches: Okay, That’s a Little Harsh, Top 5 Complaints By Our First Lady

Michelle Obama BitterChoosing the Top 5 Michelle Obama ‘Bitches’ was tough… it’s like choosing only 5 scandals of her husband’s!  So many to choose from, why stop at 5?  As published by Breitbart:

5. The White House is like a “really nice prison.” Which would mean that the First Lady failed to make parole in November 2012. Ms. Obama made that complaint at the African First Ladies Summit in Tanzania, among fellow inmates, some from countries where the opposition occupies really nasty prisons.

4. Our student loans were “higher than our mortgage.” That complaint, at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, sounds awful, except that both of the Obamas went to Harvard Law School, one of the most elite and expensive schools in the country. Many young people today would love to have a mortgage.

3. I “feel like a visitor” at Princeton. Ms. Obama wrote her undergraduate thesis about the conundrum of black identity on an Ivy League campus, despite the “liberal and open-minded” attitude of some students and professors. An interesting topic, but not what most people would regard as a serious grievance.

2. Law clients like Barney and Coors not interesting enough. As a second-year associate at the prestigious Sidley Austin law firm, Ms. Obama asked for more interesting work–and received it, but working on major cases involving public television simply was not good enough to suit her ambitions.

And the winner… drum roll…

1. America is “just downright mean.” Ms. Obama lodged that complaint on the campaign trail in 2008, explaining why America needed the kind of radical change that only her husband could bring. The country had “become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day,” needing urgent redistribution.

Obama’s Brother Ousted: Egypt Prepares for Backlash as Morsi Allies Reject New Regime Ousted Muslim Brotherhood

Obama Morsi MeetingBarack Obama had an emergency meeting with his largely low-life administration to decide how to handle Morsi’s ouster.  The coup (there I said it) will no doubt hurt the Islamic-in-Chief spread of Sharia law in the Middle East, but will continue on with his democratic facade to hold his cover.

Guardian reports: Egypt prepares for backlash as Morsi allies reject new regime.  Ousted Muslim Brotherhood mobilises for day of protest as hundreds of party’s members are seized Egypt is braced for further dramatic events on Friday as the vanquished Muslim Brotherhood called for a “day of rejection” following a widespread crackdown on its leadership by the country’s new interim president, Adly Mansour.

Supporters of the ousted president Mohamed Morsi, still reeling from the military coup that removed their leader from power, are expected to take to the streets after Friday prayers following a series of raids and arrests that decimated the Muslim Brotherhood’s senior ranks and consolidated the miltary’s hold on the country.

In a stark sign of Egypt’s new political reality, the group’s supreme leader, who was untouchable under Morsi’s rule, was one of those arrested.

Gehad el-Haddad, a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, said: “We are being headhunted all over the country. We are holding a mass rally after Friday prayers to take all peaceful steps necessary to bring down this coup.” He called for demonstrations to be peaceful, despite fears that anger may spill over into violence.

State prosecutors announced on Thursday that Morsi, who is in military custody, would face an investigation starting next week into claims that he had “insulted the presidency” – a move that would appear to put an end to any hopes of a political resurrection.

At his inauguration on Thursday, Mansour, who was appointed as head of the constitutional court on Sunday, said this week’s protests had “corrected the path of the glorious revolution that took place on 25 January 2011”, and that continued revolution was needed until “we stop producing tyrants.”

He also reached out to members of the Muslim Brotherhood, calling the organisation “part of the fabric of Egyptian society”.

“They are just one of its parties and they are invited to integrate. If they answer the call, they will be welcomed,” he told Channel 4 in his first interview.

Read the entire article at Guardian