Top 5 Pictures: The Obama and Morsi Bond Captured, Pictures Banned by the Mainstream Media

Red Flag News: Egypt and Obama: 5 Stunning Pictures Banned by the Mainstream Media

Obama: Your Bitch is Our Dictator [click pic to enlarge]

Obama Morsi Bitch Dictator

Wake Up America: Obama Backs a Fascist Regime in Egypt [click pic to enlarge]

Obama Morsi Bitch Dictator

From Tahrir Square to the U.S. Media and Muslim Brotherhood [click pic to enlarge]
From Tahrir Square to U.S. Media and Muslim Brotherhood
Obama Supports Terrorism [click pic to enlarge]

Obama Supports Terrorism

Tweet: Resemblance of Obama Campaign logo and Morsi’s logo [click pic to enlarge]

Obama Morsi Tweet


Morsi Link to Benghazi: Is Morsi Behind The Murder of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens? There’s New Evidence He May Be

WND reports: Was Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood involved in the deadly Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya?

Circumstantial evidence possibly links the attack to Morsi’s campaign to free the so-called blind sheik, Omar Abdel-Rahman, who is serving a life sentence in the U.S. for conspiracy in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Rahman’s release has been one of the Morsi’s main foreign policy issues.

Last week, several major Arabic newspapers ran with a story, first reported by the Kuwaiti paper Al Rai, quoting a Libyan intelligence report on the Benghazi attack that mentions an alleged connection to Morsi and other prominent Egyptian figures.

The report, prepared by Mahmoud Ibrahim Sharif, director of national security for Libya, is based on purported confessions of some of the jihadists arrested at the scene.

The report states that “among the more prominent figures whose names were mentioned by cell members during confessions were: Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi; preacher Safwat Hegazi; Saudi businessman Mansour Kadasa, owner of the satellite station Al-Nas; Egyptian Sheik Muhammad Hassan; former presidential candidate, Hazim Salih Abu Ismail.”

‘Dr. Morsi sent us’

While the credibility of the confessions solicited in Libya, probably under duress, can easily be called into question, there is other information pointing to Morsi’s possible involvement in the Benghazi attack.

YouTube videos of the attack find some of the jihadists speaking an Egyptian dialect of Arabic, as previously reported by FrongPageMag.

One of the videos shows a jihadist carrying out the attack while stating in an Egyptian dialect, “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot, Dr. Morsi sent us.”

Read rest of story at WND.

Egyptian Opposition Activist Meltdown: ‘Morsi Sent Letters to Peres and to Obama And He Is Asking for American Protection’

The Blaze reports: Getting millions of people into the streets is one way the Egyptian opposition expressed discontent with now-ousted President Mohammed Morsi. Unleashing a torrent of passionate, unbridled wrath in a television interview is another.

In a new clip posted by the Middle East Media Research Institute – MEMRI – opposition figures react to Tuesday’s speech by Morsi in which he said he was refusing to cave to the military ultimatum. One of the interviewees, opposition activist Ihab Al-Khouli, becomes so emotional, he is physically overcome with hyperventilating, coughing fits, gasping for air and incessant table banging. He’s that upset with the Muslim Brotherhood leader who held power over Egypt for exactly one year.

The on-camera drama prompts the host to beg Al-Khouli to take a break and drink some water, as she expresses her concern he might have a heart attack if he keeps up his anti-Morsi venting.

MEMRI provides translation of the segment from Egyptian television, though Al-Khouli’s body language is so stormy, the clip hardly needs translating.

“This man is a liar and a deceiver,” he says.

“Relax, have some water… Calm down, Ihab,” says the television anchor.

“More than 33 million people have taken to the streets, but they [the Muslim Brotherhood] don’t see them. They are blind. Don’t they know what has happened to this country because of them? They dare to talk about foreign and domestic conspiracies? Morsi sent letters to Peres and Obama. He is asking for the Americans’ protection,” Al-Khouli said.

In his flurry of barbs, the opposition activist says of Morsi’s leadership, “What is this stupidity? What is this insanity?…What is this madness?”

“This man is now done for and so is the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt is the graveyard of terrorism and extremism. The lie of the Muslim Brotherhood has come to an end,” he says.

The host of the program again pleads with Ihab to calm down. She says, “Ihab, I’m worried about you. Ihab, I beg you for my sake…Ihab, calm down, you might have a heart attack.”

A second guest on set also pipes in with concern, telling Al-Khouli, “Calm down, you will die on us. Morsi is not worth it.”

The host continues pleading with him to be quiet for five minutes. When he doesn’t heed her call, she gets out of her seat and begs producers to cut to a commercial break.

Al-Khouli says, “I swear to you that I won’t go home before Morsi is gone.”

Mr. Al-Khouli, now that Morsi is gone as leader, you may go home, rest, take a deep breath, and have that drink of water.

Will of the People Prevails: Military Coup Has Forced Morsi Out of Power

According to CNN, reporting from al Ahram, the Egyptian state newspaper, the military of Egypt informed President Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood that he was no longer president as of 5 p.m. today local time.

UPDATE: A Morsi aide has said that Morsi has been removed to an undisclosed location.

Dr. Mohammed El-Baradei, a leader of the anti-Morsi opposition, stated that he hopes “all of us come back as reconciled people together. I hope that this ‘road map’ will be a beginning to continue with the revolution for which the Egyptian people have spent dearly to achieve social justice for every Egyptian man and woman.”

UPDATE: Here’s an unprecedented rant against Morsi (and Obama):


In the meantime, here’s a tribute to the people of Egypt, they stood up for their cause, and they prevailed:

Michelle Obama: Living in the White House is Living in a ‘Really Nice Prison’

Michelle ObamaThe Blaze reports: Because it can sometimes be a little confining, living in the White House is sometimes like living in a “really nice prison,” First Lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday, according to remarks sent to the press.

Her “prison” comments were made during a discussion with former First Lady Laura Bush and NPR’s Cokie Roberts at the African First Ladies Summit in Tanzania.

Roberts pointed out during the discussion that Martha Washington, wife of President George Washington, also likened the life of the First Lady to that of a state prisoner.

“Martha Washington, our first First Lady, wrote in the first year that she was First Lady, she wrote to her niece that she felt like a ‘Chief State Prisoner,’” Roberts said.

“But she was able to do good — she lobbied for all of those veterans that she had been to camp with through the Revolutionary War.  And people don’t realize that first ladies have been doing that kind of thing from Martha Washington,” she added.

First Lady Michelle Obama agreed that the role can sometimes be “confining,” but stressed that she loves the job.

“I always joke that we have probably the best jobs in the world because, unlike our husbands who have to react and respond to crisis on a minute-by-minute basis — they come into office with a wonderful, profound agenda, and then they’re faced with the reality,” Michelle Obama said.

“On the other hand, we get to work on what we’re passionate about. And I think that that’s something that I would encourage all first ladies to never lose sight of.  You have an opportunity to speak to your passions and to really design and be very strategic about the issues you care most about. And I just found it just a very freeing and liberating opportunity,” she added.

“No state prisoner?” Roberts joked.

“No, there are prison elements to it,” Mrs. Obama responded. “But it’s a really nice prison, so –”

“But with a chef,” former First Lady Laura Bush reminded the crowd.

“You can’t complain,” Michelle Obama said. “But there is definitely elements that are confining.”