Benghazi Accused with Involvement: Claims He Is Not Hiding, Has Not Been Contacted by U.S., Not Even by FBI Team That Traveled to Libya

Benghazi Suspect Not Questioned

A suspect to having involvement in the Benghazi has NOT been questioned by FBI or Libyan government, not even contacted!

Translation=we (Obama and friends) don’t care a ‘hill of beans’ about Benghazi and don’t plan on doing anything about it.

Despite being accused of possibly playing a role in the deadly Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi terror attack, Ahmed Abdu Khattala has reportedly not been questioned in Libya by U.S. investigators. However, that’s not because he is in hiding.

He revealed as much to CNN, a media outlet that has now extracted more information from the Benghazi suspect than the United States government.

Khattala told CNN’s Arwa Damon, in a portion of the full interview aired on Wednesday, that American investigators were not searching for him and he is not in hiding. He is also denying any role in the Benghazi attack.

Further, he claimed that not even the FBI investigative team that went to Libya in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack attempted to contact him. He said the Libyan government has not reached out to him.

Khattala reportedly told CNN that he is willing to talk with U.S. investigators about what he witnessed on the night of the attack. However, he made it clear that he would not voluntarily agree to interrogation.

Obama: Asks John McCain and Lindsey Graham to Make Trip to Egypt, To Sort of ‘Smooth’ Things Over I Guess…

McCain and Graham going to EgyptRINO stars John McCain (AZ) and Lindsey Graham (SC) were asked by Barack Obama to take a trip to a country that wants to blow Israel (our true ally) off the map.

That’s all well and good, but should we be sending off kiss-ass representatives from the U.S. to a country were a military coup occurred?!  I think not Mr. President.

Breitbart reports: President Obama asked Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to go to Egypt and encourage the military to allow civilian elections so a democratic process can continue.

The Associated Press quoted Graham explaining the trip:

The president asked Sen. McCain and myself to go to Egypt next week… so we can go over and reinforce in a bipartisan fashion the message that we have to move to civilian control, that the military is going to have to… allow the country to have new elections and move toward an inclusive, democratic approach.

McCain said Egypt is in “turmoil,” but he believes the trip can do some good; he explained the U.S. “has credibility with everybody there, all the different factions there.”

To date, the Obama administration has refused to label the ouster of Mohamed Morsi a coup. Graham said he will stress to the military that “jailing the opposition is more and more like a coup.”

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Chris Matthews: Gets Called Out for Calling Ted Cruz a ‘Terrorist’

Thanks Steve Schmidt, John Cain’s former campaign manager, for sticking up for Ted Cruz, but it would have been nice if Matthews called Cruz a ‘terrorist’ in front of somebody that could have actually put him in his place.  Ted Cruz is one of the very few guys that’s working for America.

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The Blaze reports: MSLSD host Chris Matthews, apparently not satisfied comparing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to notorious Nazi sympathizer Father Coughlin and former Sen. Joe McCarthy (R-Wis.), called the Texas Republican a “terrorist” on his television program on Wednesday.

“I compared him to McCarthy — I shouldn’t get into what people look like, but he does,” Matthews said. “He reminds me so much, when I look at him interrogating a witness on the Hill, he looks like Joe McCarthy.”

He continued: “I will say he’s a terrorist. Because what the guy has done basically says, ‘my goals are, is demolition.’ Blow up health care. Blow up the continuing resolution. Bring the government to a standstill, and then make us forfeit on the national debt.”

Former John McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt was quick to call out Matthews for his use of the word “terrorist” in such a inflammatory manner, despite the fact that he is clearly no fan of Cruz.

“I disagree with your use of the word terrorist,” Schmidt said, though he later would call Cruz a “demagogue.”

“Why is he not a terrorist?” Matthews shot back. He then claimed he actually called him a “political terrorist” because “that’s what he is.”

“I’m not comfortable with the word,” Schmidt said.

“OK. Don’t use it. Use your words,” Matthews responded. “I’m comfortable with it.”

Schmidt eventually got back to criticizing Cruz, saying his and other Republicans’ plan to defund Obamacare is completely “irresponsible.” However, Matthews wasn’t ready to calm down the “terrorist” rhetoric.

The MSNBC host went on to say that Cruz and other Republicans are indeed “terrorists.”

“The purpose of a terrorist…is to cause chaos and to bring down a government because of the chaotic situation where nobody has any trust in institutions,” Matthews said. “You tell me how that’s not what he’s trying to do here: Bring the government to default so it’s not paying its bills, stop the government from functioning.”

But Schmidt didn’t budge on his opposition to the use of the word “terrorist,” though he agreed that Cruz is creating “chaos.”

Mark Levin: ‘We Have the Elements of a Police State Here, and I’m Not Overstating It’

Conservative talk show host Mark Levin hopped on Neil Cavuto’s Fox News and annihilated the Obama administration, stating they are grossly overstepping their constitutional boundary, and claiming we are in a ‘soft or semi-police state.’

Daily Caller reports: On Thursday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” conservative talk show host Mark Levin reacted to recent revelations that the National Security Agency had been collecting the phone records of millions of Verizon customers.

He said that the NSA news in addition to other openings for intrusion by the federal government are the makings of a “police state.”

“I tell you what I make of this — we have the elements of a police state here, and I’m not overstating it,” Levin said. “When you step back and realize the Supreme Court the other day ruled 5-to-4 that law enforcement can take DNA from you even if you’re arrested — by the way, you’re arrested even when you’re stopped for a speeding ticket, and Scalia was right, concerned about a national database. That goes way over the line of our traditions.”

Levin listed the areas where the federal government has the opening to exploit private information through its various agencies under the guises of welfare, law enforcement and national security.

“You look at the Internal Revenue Service, what’s going on there today, and they collect extensive financial and personal information, and they put it on a database,” he said. “This Obamacare is a massive data collection as well of our private personal medical conditions, procedures, drugs, mental, physical illnesses. The Transportation Department, people forget, has proposed black boxes in all of our automobiles to track how they function and how far they go in accidents. We now have domestic drones from EPA to make sure farmers aren’t stepping out of line.”

“The Department of Homeland Security now is checking laptops and iPhones and other data, making copies of it and keeping it, and now we have this,” he continued. “And some of my brothers and sisters in law enforcement, prosecutors, are saying, ‘Look, look, this is permitted. We need to be able to go through and match —’ wait a minute. You don’t throw a whole net on the entire country and everybody’s phone numbers and check the duration and see if you can come up with some overlaps. That’s not law enforcement. That’s not how national security works. I don’t care what the hell the Supreme Court said 30 years ago or what some judge said 15 minutes ago. This is America, and our government is collecting way too damn much data on we the private citizen.”

The conservative talker and author of “Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America,” explained that he wants to see Obama fire members of his administration or explain why these extraordinary measures are necessary.

“I want him to clean house, or give a speech to the American people and tell us why we need to live in this semi- or soft-police state, why we need to have all these records collected, whether it’s health care or automobiles or our DNA, whether it’s all these other things,” Levin said. “I mean, come out of the shadows, Mr. President, be honest with the American people and tell us about your fundamental transformation. That’s what I want him to do.”

Islam: Editor Jailed for 7 Years and Sentenced to 600 LASHES After Starting ‘Free Saudi Liberals’ Website

Saudi Editor Jailed An editor that originated and operated a website that ‘violated’ Islamic values gets 7 years and 600 lashes.  This is certainly not the only case of exploiting a religion for political gains, as Islam does, and it won’t be the last.

Daily Mail reports: The editor of a Saudi Arabian social website has been sentenced to seven years in prison and 600 lashes for founding an Internet forum that violates Islamic values and propagates liberal thought, Saudi media reported on Tuesday.

Raif Badawi, who started the ‘Free Saudi Liberals’ website to discuss the role of religion in Saudi Arabia, has been held since June 2012 on charges of cyber crime and disobeying his father – a crime in the conservative kingdom and top U.S. ally.

Al-Watan newspaper said the judge had also ordered the closure of the website.

France was concerned by the sentence and remained committed to ‘freedom of opinion and of expression’, the foreign ministry said in a statement. Officials from the Saudi National Society for Human Rights could not be reached for comment.

Badawi’s website included articles that were critical of senior religious figures such as the Grand Mufti, according to Human Rights Watch.

The watchdog said in December that Badawi faced a possible death sentence after a judge cited him for apostasy, but Al-Watan said the judge dropped the apostasy charges.

Apostasy, the act of changing religious affiliation, carries an automatic death sentence in Saudi Arabia, along with other crimes including blasphemy.

Badawi’s wife denied her husband had expressed repentance before the judge on Monday at a court in the Red Sea city of Jeddah. ‘The judge asked Raif “Are you a Muslim?” and he said “Yes, and I don’t accept anyone to cast doubt on (my belief)”,’ she wrote on Twitter.

The world’s top oil exporter follows the strict Wahhabi school of Islam and applies Islamic law, or sharia.

Judges base their decisions on their own interpretation of religious law rather than on a written legal code or on precedent.

King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia’s ruler, has pushed for reforms to the legal system, including improved training for judges and the introduction of precedent to standardise verdicts and make courts more transparent.

However, Saudi lawyers say that conservatives in the Justice Ministry and the judiciary have resisted implementing many of the changes announced in 2007.

The Obama and Soros Coup: The Usurping of American Sovereignty and Insurgence of The New World Order

by Dan DeRoeck

Irrefutable evidence of a surreptitious and hideous ‘vision’ emerged early on in Barack Obama’s first term that went largely unnoticed by the American people, unchecked by our elected Republican ‘gatekeepers,’ and ignored by mainstream media.

The ‘cloak-and-dagger’ was then predictably revealed following the reelection of Obama in 2012,’ as numerous scandals began to peel away from his beguiled, rotten core.  Worse yet, the pervasive mainstream media willingly consenting to the lawlessness that ensued, help set up the precursor of massive, chaotic change, a notable Saul Alinsky trademark.

Barack ObamaThe new ‘vision’ had been packaged under the guise of democracy, contrived upon Obama’s ‘Fundamental Change‘ edict, and delivered to an unwitting accomplice, the low-information voter, the new posit majority of the country.

Even though the erosion of our Constitution began long before the Obama regime, the Marxist-in-Chief was handpicked to carry it out to an unprecedented level, a level of destruction so massive ‘walking it back’ to any semblance of normalcy would prove futile.

Obama is responsible for tipping the scale in his favor, piling on over 5 trillion of debt that will ultimately collapse world financial markets and eventually render the U.S. dollar worthless.

The national health reform bill, a.k.a. ObamaCare, was the opening act of this play.  The numerous scandals that followed were spectacles, mere sideshows designed for the public to ‘take the eye of the ball.’  In the meantime, Obama will no doubt heroically campaign against those very same scandals he ordered up to create a facade that he is in no way, shape or form, part of, and will continue to ‘fight to find the answers’ for the people, the charade that became known as the Limbaugh Theorem.

There’s no other way to put it — America, the land of the free and home of the brave, has been hoodwinked.

You might ask, who is behind such a ubiquitous vision of doom? Who could prop up a former ‘pot head’ allowing him to command the world stage with relative ease?  Does George Soros come to mind?  In fact Soros has nearly unlimited funding and with ‘a little help from his friends’ at the Trilateral Commission, there seems no limit to what they can achieve.

George Soros is a billionaire “philanthropist” who hates America. He is a soulless, anti-God, anti-family, pro-Marxist, and self-proclaimed sociopath, that has no self-conscience. Soros has played a key role in quite a few political revolutions around the world, including the 1992 ‘Black Wednesday’ where he allegedly brought down the Bank of England, and collected a cool one billion dollars for his effort.  Feeding his psychotic narcissism is seemingly Soros’ only objective in life; he takes great joy in collapsing national economies and inflicting pain onto others in exchange for rabid power.

The usurping of American sovereignty is in full swing; we may soon be at the mercy of a Marxist regime, specifically designed to decimate the democratic benchmark of the world, the United States.  Make no mistake, the ignorance and contempt of the voting masses will ultimately carry the ball over the goal line for a group of elitists cloaked in altruism and blood on their hands.

Soros’ long-time political aspiration is to establish a New World Order government, but by no means is he acting alone.  The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission or the Bilderberg Group, is the brain of the scare crow, one in which controls Obama’s every major move.  This vast network of private think tanks, foundations, unions, stealth PACs, and other front groups make up the ‘Shadow Party,’ the mastermind.  Obama is merely the hand-picked, surrogate puppet that carries out the marching orders.

The Trilateral Commission strategically appointed key members of the media including, David Bradley, Chairman of Atlantic Media Company, Karen Elliot House, former Senior V.P., Dow Jones & Company and Wall Street Journal, Richard Plepler, Co-president at HBO, and the list goes on and on.  Soros and company, have created the perfect coup and designed it around the ‘Manchurian President’ of choice, Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama’s nexus to the Trilateral Commission is unequivocal.  Immediately after taking office, he appointed twelve per­cent of the U.S. Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion mem­ber­ship to key positions, three of those positions related to our national security.

Soros and the Trilateral Commission have never lost sight of the grand prize, that of collapsing the U.S. economy and destroying the dollar.  And, Soros makes no bones about it when telling Financial Times in October 2009 that ‘an orderly decline of the dollar is actually desirable.’

‘The entire edifice of global financial markets has been erected on the false premise that markets can be left to their own devices, we must find a new paradigm and rebuild from the ground up. I decided to sponsor INET to facilitate the process.’ – George Soros

Needless to say, if the dollar gets toppled as the world’s preferred currency, it would be catastrophic for the United States.  Sadly, this may come to fruition with or without the assistance of George Soros.

One could make the argument that Soros is simply an ‘opportunist’ taking advantage of inadequate, flailing economies of the world.  Others see it as a deeper evil; a subset of carefully crafted, culturally changing events predicated upon major economic parameters, all to accomplish the end goal, the feeding of unquenchable power and greed to an elite class.  To George Soros, the U.S. is simply a pawn on his chess board, one in which he desperately wants and will go to any lengths to make it happen.

The United States is in a perilous state. Her back is against the wall.  We are literally clinging onto constitutional sovereignty while witnessing the destruction of our economy, and possibly culture and society as we know it.  There is no time for excuses, and there’s no time for political correctness.  We must stand tall and fight for our Constitution with every last breath within us.  We must now contend with a formidable enemy that is among us.

Obama Administration: White House Creates Team To Shape Americans’ Behavior

The next wave of ‘Obamanism’ is transpiring, this time the government’s attempt to transform our society, to ‘nudge’ our behavior to suit their agenda, called the ‘Behavioral Insights Team.’  How quaint…

Video of Cass Sunstein above, President Barack Obama’s former Regulatory Czar promoting the Nudge theory.

Fox News reports: The federal government is hiring what it calls a “Behavioral Insights Team” that will look for ways to subtly influence people’s behavior, according to a document describing the program obtained by Critics warn there could be unintended consequences to such policies, while supporters say the team could make government and society more efficient.

While the program is still in its early stages, the document shows the White House is already working on such projects with almost a dozen federal departments and agencies including the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture.

“Behavioral sciences can be used to help design public policies that work better, cost less, and help people to achieve their goals,” reads the government document describing the program, which goes on to call for applicants to apply for positions on the team.

The document was emailed by Maya Shankar, a White House senior adviser on social and behavioral sciences, to a university professor with the request that it be distributed to people interested in joining the team. The idea is that the team would “experiment” with various techniques, with the goal of tweaking behavior so people do everything from saving more for retirement to saving more in energy costs.

The document praises subtle policies to change behavior that have already been implemented in England, which already has a “Behavioral Insights Team.” One British policy concerns how to get late tax filers to pay up.

“Sending letters to late taxpayers that indicated a social norm — i.e., that ‘9 out of 10 people in Britain paid their taxes on time’ — resulted in a 15 percent increase in response rates over a three-month period, rolling out to £30 million of extra annual revenue,” the document reads.

Another policy aimed to convince people to install attic insulation to conserve energy.

“Offering an attic-clearance service (at full cost) to people led to a five-fold increase in their subsequent adoption of attic-insulation.”

Such policies — which encourage behavior subtly rather than outright require it — have come to be known as “nudges,” after an influential 2008 book titled “Nudge” by former Obama regulatory czar Cass Sunstein and Chicago Booth School of Business professor Richard Thaler popularized the term.

The term “nudge” has already been associated with the new program, as one professor who received Shankar’s email forwarded it to others with the note: “Anyone interested in working for the White House in a ‘nudge’ squad? The UK has one and it’s been extraordinarily successful.”

Richard Thaler told that the new program sounds good.

“I don’t know who those people are who would not want such a program, but they must either be misinformed or misguided,” he said.

“The goal is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government by using scientifically collected evidence to inform policy designs. What is the alternative? The only alternatives I know are hunches, tradition, and ideology (either left or right.)”

But some economists urge caution.

“I am very skeptical of a team promoting nudge policies,” Michael Thomas, an economist at Utah State University, told

“Ultimately, nudging … assumes a small group of people in government know better about choices than the individuals making them.”

And sometimes, he added, government actually promotes the wrong thing.

“Trans-fats were considered better than saturated and unsaturated fats in the past. Now we know this is an error.”

Every intervention would need to be tested to make sure it works well, said Harvard economics professor David Laibson, who studies behavioral economics and is in touch with the people in government setting up the program. He added that the exact way the team will function is currently unknown.

“We have to see the details to be sure, but this could work out very well,” he said.

Asked about details, Dan Cruz, spokesman for the U.S. General Services Administration (the department which the team will be a part of) told “As part of the Administration’s ongoing efforts to promote efficiency and savings, GSA is considering adding some expertise from academia in the area of program efficiency and evaluation under its Performance Improvement Council.”

Maya Shankar did not respond to questions.

Laibson added that he hoped the U.S. program would stay away from overly controversial subjects.

“Let’s say we want people to engage in some healthy behavior like a weight loss program, and then start automatically enrolling overweight people in weight loss programs — even though they could opt out, I’m guessing that would be viewed as offensive … a lot of people would say, ‘I didn’t ask for this, this is judging who I am and who I should be.”

But Laibson added that there are very real benefits to some “nudge” policies — such as one that increases the number of people registered as organ donors by making people decide when they apply for a drivers’ license.

Thaler, who is also an adviser to the British Behavioral Insights Team, said that his research also supports automatically enrolling people in retirement savings plans.

“Many people have struggled to save enough to provide for an adequate retirement. … Two simple design changes can dramatically improve the situation … automatic enrollment (default people into the plan with the option to easily opt out) and automatic escalation, where workers can sign up to have their contributions increased annually,” he said.

Jerry Ellig, an economist at the Mercatus Center, said that some “nudges” are reasonable, but warned about a slippery slope.

“If you can keep it to a ‘nudge’ maybe it can be beneficial,” he added, “but nudges can turn into shoves pretty quickly.”