Anti-Muslim Brotherhood Protest: Largest Political Event in the World, and Obama is on the Wrong Side of the ‘The People,’ Go Figure

Anti-Muslim Brotherhood ProtestAfter the Obama administration sent tanks, fighter jets, and billions of dollars in aid to the Muslim Brotherhood, the people rise up and protest against the very ideology that Obama supports, go figure.

This is the largest political battle cry of the people in the history of the world and Obama is playing a big part in it!

Breitbart reports: The demonstrations that began Sunday in Cairo, Egypt against the Muslim Brotherhood government of President Mohamed Morsi have attracted “millions” of supporters and many counter-demonstrators as well, making the protest the largest political event in the history of the world, according to the BBC.

The protests in Tahrir Square and throughout Egypt exceed those that ousted President Hosni Mubarak in 2011 in the key event of the Arab Spring. Two years later, after constitutional reforms and elections that saw Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood move to aggrandize their power, the public backlash is immense.

The demonstrations pose a puzzle for President Barack Obama, who was touring South Africa at the other end of the continent when the demonstrations began. In 2011, Obama initially supported Mubarak, then threw his weight behind the protests and reached out to the Muslim Brotherhood on its way to power.

The Obama administration, through Ambassador Anne Patterson, actively discouraged Sunday’s protests, as Breitbart News’ Kerry Picket reported last week. “Egypt needs stability to get its economic house in order, and more violence on the streets will do little more than add new names to the lists of martyrs,” she said.

Delivering an address at the University of Cape Town on Sunday night that was billed as the highlight of his three-nation tour, Obama touted Africa’s movement towards democracy but did not mention the Cairo protests, and downplayed the U.S. intervention in Libya and the chaos that followed in its wake.

The Tahrir Square protests in Cairo bear echoes of recent protests in Turkey, as well as the “Cedar Revolution” that took place in Lebanon in 2005, and the “Green Revolution” of Iran in 2009, when citizens took to the streets to protest economic stagnation, religious oppression, and costly foreign entanglements.

Yet if the Cedar Revolution was partly inspired by the toppling of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and the Green Revolution was partly inspired both by Iraq and the end of the Taliban regime in neighboring Afghanistan, the new protests in Cairo and Istanbul seem endogenous, fueled by popular discontent at Islamist rule.

There are counter-demonstrations in Egypt, too, as Muslim Brotherhood activists have been able to mobilize thousands of their own followers in protests of support for Morsi. The Egyptian army, which may hold the balance of power, has yet to intervene–but could do so in an attempt to restore stability.


Joe Biden: ‘The ‘President and I’ Saved Economy, Uncle Joe is Dangerously Ignorant And Delusional!

Joe Biden the Fool

This is a perfect example of the left lunacy and how dangerously close we are coming to losing it all in America.

I personally would not hire this clown to mow my lawn under supervision, let alone a Vice President or President of the greatest country in the world!

Breitbart reports: On Saturday, Vice President Joe Biden spoke at a major Virginia fundraiser, pushing himself as a possible 2016 presidential contender. “With virtually zero support from the Republicans, the president and I have moved the country from the worst recession since the Great Depression to 38 months of private-sector growth,” said Biden. Biden then launched an assault on Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli, the state’s attorney general, whom he said was “at odds with the value set of Virginians.”

He said that the GOP was now in danger of being controlled by the Tea Party. “They are so afraid of a challenge by the tea party that they vote against what is the right vote,” said Biden. “Imagine what they will do to Barack and me if Terry McAuliffe loses.”


Allen West: ‘Get the Hell Out of the United States of America’ A Message to the Obama Administration



“This is a battlefield, that we must stand upon. We need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, (audience boos) and my dear friend the chairman of the Democrat National Committee, we need to let them know that Florida ain’t on the table,” West said. “Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.”