Bank of America: Gave Employees Gift Cards for Hitting Foreclosure Quotas

ForeclosureIt just keeps coming.  Not only is Bank of America’s latest scam anti-American, it is becoming a ‘business as usual’ protocol, and subsequently destroying the very fabric of our economy, and country.

Bank of America is no stranger to scams simply to enrich themselves and this one is no different. If you are doing business with Bank of America, you may want to rethink your banking strategy.

Breitbart reports: Six former Bank of America employees have filed a class action lawsuit alleging the bank instructed them to mislead home loan customers and gave workers Target and Bed Bath & Beyond gift cards and $500 monthly bonus checks for placing 10 or more accounts in foreclosure.

Employees were rewarded by meeting a quota of placing a specific number of accounts into foreclosure, including accounts in which the borrower fulfilled a HAMP [Home Affordable Modification Program] Trial Period Plan. For example, a [loan collector] who placed 10 or more accounts into foreclosure in a given month received a $500 bonus. Bank of America also gave employees gift cards to retail stores like Target or Bed Bath & Beyond as rewards for placing accounts into foreclosure.

President Barack Obama said the HAMP program, which was announced in early 2009, would “create new incentives so that lenders work with borrowers to modify the terms of subprime loans at risk of default and foreclosure.”

In an email to Bloomberg News, Bank of America spokeswoman Jumana Bauwens vehemently denied the allegations.

“These allegations are absurd, patently false and contrary to Bank of America’s long-standing policy only to foreclose as a last resort when other available options to help keep people in their home have been exhausted,” wrote Bauwens.

And now, creator of criticized Foreclosure Program is the highest paid White House Official.  Barack Obama and the slimy banking industry are in bed making deals to further collapse the economy:

Breitbart reports: The architect of President Barack Obama’s scandal-plagued home mortgage program is the highest-paid White House official, earning almost as much as Vice President Joe Biden, a new report reveals.

Senior National Economic Council adviser Seth Wheeler makes $225,000 a year; Biden is paid $230,700. Wheeler’s pay is 30 percent higher than the next-highest White House official due to his being subject to the higher Federal Reserve pay scale.

Wheeler, a former Morgan Stanley banker and Treasury official, was the brain behind Obama’s Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), a program criticized by the left and right for multiple failures in cleaning up America’s foreclosure crisis.

Six former Bank of America employees have filed a class action lawsuit alleging the bank gave them Target and Bed Bath & Beyond gift cards and $500 bonuses for placing 10 or more accounts in foreclosure, “including accounts in which the borrower fulfilled a HAMP Trial Period Plan.”

Julia Gordon of the progressive Center for American Progress conceded to Reuters that America’s housing system is broken.

“Our housing system is still in shambles,” said Gordon.

The White House’s 460-person payroll costs taxpayers $37.9 million a year.


Uncle Joe Biden: America ‘On The Verge’ Of Going ‘Even Further’ On Same-Sex Marriage

Joe BidenThe Obama administration continues it’s massacre on America sacred grounds, this time Uncle Joe gloating and encouraging more.

The Hill reports: Vice President Biden applauded the Supreme Court’s rulings earlier this week overturning the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8, saying that “we’re on the verge of seeing America move even further” on same-sex marriages.

“I think we’ll see the day when it is no longer a debate about whether or not same-sex couples can be married and whether or not they deserve every single civil right every other married couple deserves,” Biden says in the latest “Being Biden” episode, a periodic series posted to the White House’s website.

Biden heralded the Supreme Court’s ruling as “a great day for every gay and lesbian couple and it should be a great day for every straight couple in America.

“Now we can look each other in the eye and say: We’re on the road to absolute fairness and equity.”

He also said that the decision would have a “profound impact” on “every gay and lesbian couple in America.

“The point here is Americans are way ahead of their political leadership,” Biden said. “They have been. I think they crossed this rubicon about fairness for same-sex couples a long time ago.”

Biden made waves last year when he announced last May that he was “completely comfortable” with gay marriage — a statement he made despite President Obama remaining, at the time, in favor of only civil unions. Three days later, the president said he had “evolved” on the issue and agreed with Biden, acknowledging that his vice president’s comments had accelerated the timeline for announcing his policy shift.