Obama: Birther Kids Greet Obama in Senegal Wearing His Photo on T-shirts: “Welcome Home Mr President”

Welcome Home ObamaThey apparently didn’t get the memo. Birther kids from Senegal blew Obama’s cover.

During a visit to Goree Island, Senegal on Thursday Barack Obama crossed a rope line and mingled with a crowd of people who had gathered.

The crowd included several children who, according to a White House pool report, were donning white t-shirts with the caption: “Welcome home, Mr. President.”  These kids not even 10 know more than 50% of Americans do!

Welcome Home President Obama


Obama: Will Use Climate Change as Prop to Take Down America, Time to Revisit Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals

Obama and Climate ChangeClimate ‘change’ has been a socialist hack for years, and I for one was looking for this prevarication to come much sooner from Team Obama.  But, he’s been busy with other Alinsky tactics.  Health care, student loans, gay marriage, now climate change; it’s all very orderly and predictable in Obama’s plan to take down America.

First of all, there is no global warming.  Secondly, even if there was, the fact that the United States has done more for reducing carbon emissions than any other country since 2006 and still represent a mere fraction of the total, equates to an initiative with no teeth.  But then again, Obama could care less about global warming, because it in fact doesn’t exist.  So in the meantime, Obama’s mission is to use climate change as a mere prop to further destroy our economy.  Sad but true.

Breitbart reports: President Obama’s Climate Action Plan won’t do much to curb global warming, but it will please liberals who delight in extending government control over large segments of the economy.

The president argues the overwhelming majority of scientists, including some early skeptics, agree the planet is warming and greenhouse gas emissions are the primary culprit. As CO2 composes 80 percent of those gases, Obama is targeting coal-fired electric utilities and opportunities to reduce fuel use in heavy transportation.

The president proposes reducing U.S. emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels through strict EPA regulation and oversight when market forces are already accomplishing that goal without imposing a command and control regime.

In 2011, the last year data is available, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions were already down 8.5 percent from 2005. Simply responding to changing consumer preferences, Detroit started making more fuel efficient vehicles even before the president started phasing in tougher mileage standards in 2012. Recently, more abundant and cheaper natural gas inspired electric utilities to start switching out of coal where it was most cost effective.

If current trends continue, as is likely, these market driven adjustments in U.S. energy use will take U.S. greenhouse gases well below the president’s target by 2020, without needless and costly government intervention.

If left alone, the power sector in the Midwest, for example, will continue to phase out coal in most cost efficient ways by strategically replacing it with natural gas and purchasing nuclear, hydro, and other renewable power from other parts of the country. This will keep down electric utility rates.

Instead, the president will micro-manage the process by imposing strict and inflexible requirements on each electric utility, similar to corporate fuel economy standards now imposed on car and light truck manufacturers. This will limit flexibility, result in the overuse of natural gas, and unnecessarily raise both natural gas and electricity prices to manufacturers, other commercial users, and homeowners.

Similarly, competition from rail, complemented by short-haul light trucks, already imposes pressures on long-haul trucking companies and heavy truck manufactures to conserve fuel in the most cost effective ways. But the president’s program will micro-manage their efforts out of the EPA, and raise the cost of moving goods around the country without cutting CO2 emissions very much.

All this will make U.S. manufacturing and other commercial enterprises less competitive and send more jobs to China, where businesses pollute with reckless abandon.

With an economy about half the size, China already emits twice the greenhouse gases as either the United States or Europe. Every three years, its emissions grow enough to replace the savings the United States would accomplish over 15 years. Other developing countries, like India, are similarly adding to the problem.

The president proposes to bring China and other nations along through diplomacy, but he has not been able to obtain Beijing’s cooperation on the value of the yuan, cyber piracy, or even detaining Eric Snowden. No one can reasonably believe China can be persuaded to rearrange its entire automobile and electrical generation industries to suit the predilections of American environmentalists–especially when American approaches to regulation are delivering growth at less than one-third the pace accomplished in the Middle Kingdom.

The president wants the new EPA standards for power plants finalized by June of 2015 and implemented in 2016. This hasty time table is necessary to lock in a new regime before its wisdom is debunked and another round of negotiations with China, India and others fail.

Global warming will go unmitigated, and U.S. economic growth and jobs creation will be further harmed; however, the president’s desired legacy will be served. As with ObamaCare, the scope of command and control over the private economy will be extended.


Marco Rubio: ‘Piece of Garbage Who is Falling into Washington’s Power Structure

Marco RubioGlenn Beck has called out Marco Rubio on his latest game-playing with the ‘Gang of Eight’ and has fallen from graces completely, calling him a ‘piece of garbage.’  I wholeheartedly agree with Beck.  Although I was never a fan of Rubio from the beginning, I was willing to let it ride, to wait for what most conservatives thought was a glimmer of hope for the Republican party.  It never transpired.  Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are now the lifeline of the Conservatives.

The Blaze reports: Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has begun to upset of a number of influential figures on the right due to his work on immigration reform with the “Gang of Eight.”

After Rubio spoke out in defense of his actions yesterday — which some on the right have said would lead to the creation of a “special class” of former illegal aliens who are exempt from certain laws and penalties — Glenn Beck responded on radio by calling Rubio a “piece of garbage” who is being sucked into the Washington establishment.

“He’s not trying to do the right thing,” Beck said with a snort.  “He’s falling into the power structure.”

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) speaks as (L-R) Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), and Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) listen during a news conference on immigration reform April 18, 2013 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Credit: Getty Images

Beck suspected long-established politicians have been telling Rubio that the Republican Party will no longer exist if the controversial bill isn’t passed, and that he will be lauded as the grand deal-maker and a presidential favorite.

In response to Rubio’s assertion that he agrees with the critics on “virtually every other issue,” Beck analogized the situation to agreeing with your spouse on every issue but your affair.

“So I’m cheating on her with Chuck Schumer, but so what!” Beck joked.  “Every other issue we agree…I’m just trying to do the right thing for our marriage…”

When audio played of Rubio saying he’s “just trying to help this special country,” Beck could barely contain his laughter.

“What are we, in the short bus?” he asked.  “A ‘special’ country?  What a piece of garbage this guy is.”

As the clip of Rubio’s remarks continued, Beck and his co-hosts pointed out that the lawmaker’s arguments (that the bill “has flaws” but also contains “important” reforms) have been made on controversial bills in the past, none of which turned out favorably for the right.

“MARCO!  You are dealing with radicals, revolutionaries, and communists — have you seen what they’ve done to the rest of the country?” Beck said.  “How can you possibly sit in the same room with those people?”

He continued: “You are becoming a progressive Republican.  Get away!  Get away!  Otherwise we’re going to have to send you away.”
