Obama: Tweets Support for Texas Democrat Filibuster of Late-Term Abortion Ban

Obama Supports Late-Term AbortionDo you think Barack HUSSEIN Obama is not against the morals engrained in the United States?  Think again.

After calling out a ‘God Bless Planned Parenthood’ slur at a recent speech, he stoops a notch lower, into the bowels of disgust and tweets support for killing babies.

Breitbart reports: If calling out, “God Bless Planned Parenthood,” didn’t earn him the title of the “Abortion President,” perhaps Barack Obama tweeting out his support of Texas Democrats in a filibuster against a state late-term abortion ban will.

On Tuesday, Obama sent out a message from his Twitter account expressing support for Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth) who filibustered the state House’s bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Something special is happening in Austin tonight: http://t.co/RpbnCbO6zw#StandWithWendy — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 25, 2013

Obama Tweets Support for Abortion Bill

The bill also would have required all abortion clinics to meet the same health and safety regulations as an ambulatory surgical center. It would require abortionists to secure admitting privileges at a local hospital and to personally administer abortion-inducing drugs to patients as well.

Davis argued that the bill would put abortion clinics that could not comply with the basic health and safety laws out of business, leading pro-life supporters to wonder how Davis and the Democrats were protecting women after all.

However, the bill failed when a violation of the filibuster rules prompted an objection, causing the end of the filibuster and throwing the session into chaos due to the presence of an angry mob of abortion supporters.


Obama: Invites Radical Muslim, Who Was Banned from the U.S. and has Praised the Holocaust, as Special Guest to White House

Obama Supports a TerroristJust when you think you’ve heard every possible calamity against the American people, Islam-in-Chief does one better.

This time, Bin Bayyah, the Vice President of an organization that supports the terrorist group Hamas met with senior Obama administration officials at the White House earlier this month.

Bin Bayyah is also a vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), an organization founded and led by  Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a radical Muslim preacher banned from entering the U.S. since 1999 who has praised has praised the Holocaust, publicly prayed that Allah would allow Muslims to commit the next Holocaust of  the Jews and legitimized the killing of American soldiers in Iraq.

Fox News reports: A Muslim scholar whose group supports Hamas, who has urged the U.N. to criminalize blasphemy and who is the deputy of an Egyptian cleric banned from the U.S. over his radical statements was able to secure a visit at the White House earlier this month.

A report from The Investigative Project on Terrorism uncovered a statement on the website of Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah claiming he met June 13 with Obama administration officials in Washington.

Bin Bayyah is vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a group founded by Egyptian cleric Yusuf Qaradawi — a Muslim Brotherhood leader who has called for the death of Jews and Americans and himself is banned from visiting the U.S.

While Bin Bayyah secured a visit, he and his group also have a history of questionable positions, IPT reports.

A 2009 fatwa from the group barred “all forms of normalization” with Israel. Bin Bayyah also got behind a campaign to pressure the U.N. to pass a resolution criminalizing blasphemy. IPT also found Bin Bayyah was vice president at the organization when they issued a 2004 fatwa saying that resisting U.S. troops in Iraq is a “duty” for Muslims — effectively allowing the killing of Americans.

On his website, as first reported by IPT, Bin Bayyah said the Obama administration requested the meeting.
