Obama Pet Project: U.S. is Giving Away 20 Million of Your Money to Fund College Education for Indonesians

Millions of Americans are getting engorged in college loan debt for an education they simply cannot afford otherwise.  Well, the Muslim favoritism (over American citizens) continues.

We have learned this administration is responsible for [more] fleecing American tax payers to the tune of 20 million dollars so Indonesian kids earn a degree.

Below, is a snapshot of the 135 page document — click image below to enlarge or download it for your review.

US Aid to Indonesia

Mr. Conservative reports: U.S. Trade & Aid Monitor reported that last year the Obama administration sunk an additional $90 million into aide for Indonesia. Obama sunk some of the money into schools–including radical Islamic Madrasas–with a project named PRIORITAS. That stands for Prioritizing Reform, Innovation and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students.

Part of that additional $90 Million (on top of what we’ve spent already) will include an additional $20 million for the masters program. This is phase II, though and it isn’t clear what was spent on phase I.

And that is just one of the programs. There are many, many others all costing millions each.

Some may say its a good idea to help train Indonesia’s next generation of leaders. But how likely is it that Obama is smart enough to demand that this money only be spent to inculcate American ideas and practices? Hell, he isn’t even interested in fostering American ideals in America.


Ted Cruz: Fights Off Democrats and RINO’s, ‘We’ve Seen This Play Before, It Is Reminiscent of ObamaCare…’


It’s beginning to look like Ted Cruz is the only true conservative left in the now hallow chambers of Washington D.C. Please take a moment to Like and Share in support of Senator Cruz.

Breitbart reports: Late this afternoon, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX addressed the Senate floor to contrast the border measures in the current Corker-Hoeven amendment to the border security amendment he filed last week.

Sen. Cruz spoke in opposition to efforts of both Democrats and Republicans to rush through the bill without giving Americans adequate time to understand what’s in the bill. Additionally, he cited six different areas where the Corker-Hoeven amendment fails to secure the border.

“Fundamentally, this is about political cover. It’s not about solving the problem. It is an approach that says: I will gladly secure the border next Tuesday for legalization today,” Sen. Cruz concluded. “This amendment and the underlying Gang of Eight bill grants immediate legalization, and the border security changes will never be implemented, and the border will not be secured. That’s not a solution the American people can be proud of, and I urge this body to reject the amendment, to vote against cloture and reject the underlying bill.”

When Cruz decried the fact that the 1,200 page bill was laid on the Senators last Friday for a vote, today, Senator Schumer interrupted to make an argument many of us heard ad nauseam over the weekend.

“Does the gentleman deny that of thousand pages, about a hundred pages are new text – the rest is just the old text of the existing bill and every Senator over a weekend, should be able to read a hundred pages of important legislation?” Schumer asked.

Cruz answered, “as the Senator knows well, the amendments are interspersed through a very complicated bill, and analyzing where waivers have been given, what the intersection of new previsions with old previsions, is not a simple endeavor, and indeed in this particular body, it is not unbeknownst… to slide something into text, and my point is very simple – what is the rush?”

Rush transcript:

“Why are we proceeding gangbusters? And the only explanation that makes sense is there are many senators it seems in this body perhaps on both sides of the aisle that very much want a fig leaf. They want something that they can claim we are supporting border security when, in fact, this bill does not.”

Larry Klayman: ‘This Government, Under Obama, Is Seeking To Enslave Us’


Larry Klayman has been outspoken and given his fair share of warnings, that armed rebellion might be necessary to fight Barack Obama’s efforts to enslave the American people.

‘It’s not a new phenomenon that Obama’s taken it to a much higher level he’s now included the entire American populace all the citizens of this country are under surveillance.’

‘Now what does this guy have in mind?’ 

‘This government, under Obama, is seeking to enslave us, to make us as prisoners and if we complain the warning is: you’ll be destroyed. This is our opportunity to peacefully legally wage a second American revolution. Our country’s been taken from us. We don’t have it anymore. We don’t have the freedoms the John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin and others fought for, they’ve been removed and this is the chance the peacefully use the courts to try and take the country back.’

‘Now if these judges who were appointed here in Washington, federal judges, don’t follow the law then we’re back to 1776, God forbid. But that’s where we’re being pushed, the American people are being pushed up against the wall and unless our institutions our judicial institution, start working and representing the American people, there’s going to be catastrophe in this country, I don’t want to see it but that’s what’s gonna happen.’

BREAKING: New IRS Chief Says Targeting Of Conservative Groups Was Broader And Longer Than Previously Disclosed, and Still No Heads to Roll?

IRSThe flaunting of power, in-your-face, politics to the American people continues.

Where in the hell is accountability to the smallest degree, the Obama administration will certainly not take any responsibility!  Is there an once of ethics left in this Washington D.C. cesspool?  I think not.

It’s certainly no news that the IRS has inappropriately screened conservative groups from tax exempt status, but for the new chief of the IRS to claim that it was still happening when he got into office, and still no heads to roll?  Beyond outrageous.

Soft tyranny is now firmly in place, quickly transitioning to hard tyranny.

The Weasel Zippers reports: WASHINGTON (AP) — The head of the Internal Revenue Service says inappropriate screening of groups seeking tax-exempt status was broader and lasted longer than was previously disclosed.

Danny Werfel told reporters Monday that after becoming acting IRS chief last month, he discovered inappropriate and wide-ranging criteria in lists screeners use to single out groups for careful examinations. He did not specify what terms were on the lists.

Werfel’s comments suggest the IRS may have been targeting groups other than tea party and other conservative organizations for tough examinations to see if they qualify. The agency has been under fire since last month for targeting those groups.

Werfel said he has suspended use of those lists. Investigators have previously said agency officials abolished targeting of conservative groups in those lists in May 2012.

UPDATE: (The Hill) – The acting head of the IRS said Monday that the agency was still giving improper scrutiny to groups seeking tax-exempt status when he arrived in May, suggesting that the probe into the IRS’s treatment of conservative groups could widen.

Danny Werfel, the acting chief, said that the IRS division overseeing tax-exempt applications used other “be on the lookout” lists as they tried to flag cases that needed more attention.

The so-called BOLO list has proven to be a key detail in the current investigation over the IRS’s singling out of conservative groups, with agency officials searching for groups with the name “Tea Party,” “patriots” and “9/12.”


Immigration Provision: Dirty Harry (Reid) Inserts a Provision for Las Vegas Casinos, This Bill Reeks of Crony Capitalism!

Harry ReidDirty Harry has inserted a provision that amounts to little more than a handout to Las Vegas casinos into the repackaged immigration reform bill. This provision, a glaring example of crony capitalism, was inserted into the immigration law enforcement section of the bill despite the fact that it has nothing whatsoever to do with “immigration” or “law enforcement.”

Breitbart reports: ‘On page 66 of the repackaged bill, the following provision appears:

“CORPORATION FOR TRAVEL PROMOTION.—Sec- 9(d)(2)(B) of the Travel Promotion Act of 2009 (22 U.S.C. 2131(d)(2)(B)) is amended by striking ‘‘For each of fiscal years 2012 through 2015,’’ and inserting ‘‘For each fiscal year after 2012.”

The Travel Promotion Act (TPA) of 2009 allows the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury to spend up to $100 million on promoting travel to specific areas of the country. If the provision Reid and Heller inserted into the proposed immigration reform legislation becomes law, the benefits of the TPA would be extended indefinitely.

As the Heritage Foundation’s Jena McNeill wrote in June 2009, the Travel Promotion Act creates “a government-run public relations campaign funded by a tax on international visitors.” After the law was passed, the PR campaign touting Las Vegas casinos and other tourist destinations in the U.S. using that tax was rolled into a government-run corporation called “Brand USA.” In October 2012, Jim DeMint and Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) released a report that “reveals a history of waste, abuse, patronage, and lax oversight” with the Brand USA program and the Department of Commerce that oversees it.

When the Travel Promotion Act was passed in 2009, the Las Vegas Casino industry and the Las Vegas Strip officially thanked Reid for passing it. Among others, Bally’s Casino ran an advertisement on their electronic billboard on the Strip thanking Reid for its passage, a billboard Reid promoted on his website.

“The recently signed into law Travel Promotion Act is going to greatly benefit Nevada because we have so many wonderful tourist attractions,” a 2009 post from Reid’s website reads. “Senator Reid fought so hard to pass this bill because he knew that it would mean thousands of jobs for Nevada as foreign tourists flock to Las Vegas, Reno, and Lake Tahoe. Yesterday a number of hotels on the Las Vegas Strip showed Senator Reid their appreciation for his efforts on behalf of Nevada by thanking him in their marquees.”

Heritage’s Jessica Zuckerman wrote in a 2012 post based off DeMint’s and Coburn’s report ripping the program that Congress “should leave the promotion of tourism to the private sector.”

“Instead, Congress and the Administration should focus on making it easier, safer, and more efficient for travelers to come to the U.S by improving U.S. visa services and expanding the Visa Waiver Program, the very program that is helping to fund Brand USA’s misguided efforts,” Zuckerman wrote.

Current law would fund the government-run program through 2015. But, now Reid and Heller have inserted an indefinite expansion of it into a bill that has nothing to do with tourism, and into a section of the bill that was supposed to be aimed at adding additional Border Patrol and U.S. Customs Border Protection officers to the current staffs of those agencies.

The provision was inserted under “Sec. 1102,” which is titled: “Additional U.S. Border Patrol and U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers.” That section falls under “Title I: Border Security and Other Provisions,” “Subtitle A–Border Security” in the repackaged bill.

Heller is a co-sponsor of the revised bill; he was not a sponsor of the bill in its original form.

Reid has consistently pushed projects that benefit big casinos over the course of his career.’

Video: Was Award Winning Journalist Michael Hastings Targeted by the FBI?



Award-winning journalist and war correspondent Michael Hastings died last Tuesday in a single car crash in Los Angeles, and to many his death has too many coincidences tied to it. This is an interesting video that may be speculation, nevertheless should be investigated.

Below, is a tweet by Wikileaks claiming Hastings was inquiring about an attorney.

Michael Hastings Tweet

IRS Blunder: IRS Sends Tens of Millions to Unsuspecting Illegal Aliens in Atlanta

IRS is a JokeThis is why we must and abolish IRS!  The monolithic agency has lost touch and all credibility.

And they are queued to run ObamaCare?  Fellow Patriots, we are in trouble.

American Thinker reports: ‘This is one of those stories that you have to read and check twice to make sure it’s not some delayed April Fools Day joke.

Guess what government agency needs a little “mail room quality control”?  or what agency doesn’t seem to care just how much they spend on postage?

The answer is the IRS, the “Star Trek” or “line dancing IRS”!

Here is the story:  The IRS mailed 23,994 refund checks to the same address in Atlanta.

Wonder what the neighborhood mail man said about that?  Did he notice a heavier bag or a stuffed mail box?  Did he bring it to the attention of his supervisor?  What did the IRS mail room do when thousands of “return to sender” letters came from the same address?

Frankly, does anyone care?

The story gets better, if that’s possible:  The IRS sent 11,284 refunds to a 2nd address…..3,608 to a 3rd and 2,386 to a fourth address.  All of the checks were refunds for illegal aliens.

At some point, the IRS will have to come clean and admit that there are some real operational problems.  Otherwise, the IRS will continue to lose support among those who write checks payable to the IRS every year.

The IRS has collected millions of dollars over the year because people trust the integrity of the agency.

The IRS’s integrity, and competence, are at stake today.  Let’s hope that someone tells President Obama that he can’t continue to “vote present” on this scandal.’