Charles Krauthammer: Obama’s Berlin Speech Was ‘Empty, Self-Indulgent, Anachronistic And Adolescent’


Charles Krauthammer did what he does best, he tells it like it is and backs it up ith facts, and this one was no different. Contrast Obama’s speech to Regan’s speech there is no comparison.  Regan had heart and love for our country, whereas Obama’s speech was indeed, empty, self-indulgent, anachronistic, and adolescent. But then again, what did you expect from Barack Obama?

Cruz: ‘This Current (Immigration) Bill is a Mess… Don’t Support the Gang of Eight Bill’

Ted CruzTed Cruz making logical sense again, huh, what are we going to do ‘Gang of Eight?’

Ted launched a Cruz Missile and aimed it right at the Gang of Eight Immigration Bill, stating ‘this new bill is a mess, it is repeating the same failed pattern we saw in 1986’ and you know what?  He’s right!  Please, let’s just FIX THE PROBLEM FIRST!  Let’s stop the bleeding of our country’s resources before we grant amnesty to illegals.  This is not rocket science!

The Blaze reports: ‘Despite the introduction of a so-called breakthrough border security amendment, Sen. Ted Cruz on Friday warned that the current bill is a “mess” and won’t result in a more secure borders.

He claims the immigration bill currently on the table makes the same hollow promises Congress made in 1986 with its amnesty legislation.

“This current bill is a mess,” Cruz told Fox News. “It is repeating the same failed pattern we saw in 1986. In 1986, Congress came to the American people and said, ‘we’re gonna grant amnesty to some three million people who are here illegally and in exchange, we’ll secure the borders. We’ll fix the problem so illegal immigration will go away.’”

“What happened was, the amnesty happened — three million people got amnesty — but the borders never got secured,” he added. “The problem got worse and worse. Today, instead of three million people, we are dealing 11 million people who are here illegally.”

Cruz said Congress is again vowing legalization first, and then “maybe someday in the future the border will be secured.”

In reality, the “overwhelming majority of Americans” want to see the border secured first and then create a plan to encourage legal immigration and “welcome legal immigrants,” he said.

Joe Biden: Please Support Our Flawed Immigration Reform Because it’s the ‘Christian Thing to Do…’

Joe BidenInstead of the race card, Vice President Joe Biden is now playing the ‘Christian card’ with hopes of persuading more gullible on the side of the severely flawed Immigration reform bill, and even went so far as to cite a verse in the bible.

Biden, who is a pro-abortion Catholic said, “Many of these same [GOP] representatives talk about their Christianity and their fidelity to the Bible, but they forget Matthew Chapter 25, Verse 34, where scripture teaches us: ‘I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty — you gave me drink. I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.’”

Breitbart reported: ‘Speaking at the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast Thursday, Vice President and self styled theologian Joe Biden suggested that Republicans who profess to be Christians are hypocrites because they oppose comprehensive immigration reform that does not secure the border.

Biden later added, “It’s the right thing to do; it’s the Christian thing to do. But it’s also an incredibly practical thing to do.”

Since Biden considers himself somewhat of an arbiter of what Christians should and shouldn’t do, I wonder what he would say about Nancy Pelosi’s comments characterizing late-term abortions as “sacred ground”, which has  has drawn fire from a national organization of Catholic priests active in pro-life work.

In an open letter to Pelosi, Priests for Life says her comments make a “mockery of the Catholic faith.”

“With this statement, you make a mockery of the Catholic faith and of the tens of millions of Americans who consider themselves “practicing and respectful Catholics” and who find the killing of children — whether inside or outside the womb — reprehensible,” the letter says.

“You speak here of Catholic faith as if it is supposed to hide us from reality instead of lead us to face reality, as if it is supposed to confuse basic moral truths instead of clarify them, and as if it is supposed to help us escape the hard moral questions of life rather than help us confront them,” Father Frank Pavone continues in the letter. “Whatever Catholic faith you claim to respect and practice, it is not the faith that the Catholic Church teaches. And I speak for countless Catholics when I say that it’s time for you to stop speaking as if it were.”

“Abortion is not sacred ground; it is sacrilegious ground. To imagine God giving the slightest approval to an act that dismembers a child he created is offensive to both faith and reason,” the letter adds. “And to say that a question about the difference between a legal medical procedure and murder should not “have anything to do with politics” reveals a profound failure to understand your own political responsibilities, which start with the duty to secure the God-given right to life of every citizen.”

The letter from Pavone concludes: “Mrs. Pelosi, for decades you have gotten away with betraying and misrepresenting the Catholic faith as well as the responsibilities of public office. We have had enough of it. Either exercise your duties as a public servant and a Catholic, or have the honesty to formally renounce them.”

Joe Biden of course agrees with Pelosi on abortion, so I guess he would say Father Pavone is not doing the “Christian thing” in confronting Pelosi, this way. He’s doing the “judgmental thing”, which as you know, is always bad.’

Obama: Predictable Announcement in Berlin on Climate Change, Adding Yet More Crippling Regulations

Barack Obama pulled the covers back on his latest attack on America, introducing climate change to his already impressive list of socialist policies.

Although, this one was predictable, it just proves one more time where this President’s objectives are at — to tear down our way of life and to ‘fundamentally transform’ this country into a socialist cesspool.  Focusing on more regulations that climate change will present, will only hinder businesses further and cause the inevitable economic collapse.  He’s simply working the plan.

Watch the video at the bottom of this post as well.

The Blaze reports: ‘During his highly anticipated Berlin address Tuesday, President Barack Obama proclaimed that climate change is the “global threat of our time,” and declared that the effor to slow it “required bold action.” From the podium where President Ronald Reagan infamously called on the Soviet Union’s Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall!,” Obama said ”for the sake of future generations, our generation must move toward a global compact to confront a changing climate before it is too late. ”

The environmental focus in the speech abroad comes as The New York Times reports the administration is preparing a major domestic policy push on climate change that would put limits on carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants, expand renewable energy development on public lands, and accelerate efforts on energy efficiency in buildings and equipment. After a failed effort by progressives to establish an emissions trading plan in the U.S. with the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, office holders in both parties have reservations about a renewed push on this issue.

Republicans criticize Mr. Obama’s climate policy as government overreach that is holding back the economy. Some Democrats, including those hawkish about climate action, also worry that tough new standards on power plants could slow job growth and raise energy costs, particularly in places like the industrial Midwest that depend on cheap power from coal.

But administration officials signaled that Mr. Obama had decided the risks from climate change outweighed the potential economic and political costs from taking steps to address it.

The National Journal reports that Obama’s former campaign organization now advocacy group, Organizing for America, is preparing a campaign designed to build support for the President’s climate change agenda.

They’re fanning out around the country—to more than 20 states, so far—holding meetings and press conferences aimed at spurring voters to bring up the issue with elected officials. They’re preparing to fight back against a national campaign, led by a conservative advocacy group that would roll back state renewable-energy laws. They’re starting conversations in churches and town halls about extreme weather and climate-change adaptation. And, they’re laying the groundwork to win enough Senate votes to protect Obama’s ability to use his executive authority to enact climate-change regulations—with or without the consent of Congress.’