Obama: Picks Berlin to Announce His Plan of Further Weakening U.S. Defense, Reducing Nukes by 1/3

Barack Obama chose the historic Berlin backdrop to deliver another blow to the U.S. with a speech stating his plans are to reduce nukes by 1/3. Ted Cruz today tweeted [jokingly I’m sure] ‘President Obama is calling for the reduction of US nukes by 1/3. Does he plan to give them to the Syrian rebels?’

A one-third cut would allow the US and Russia to lower the number of warheads to between 1000 and 1100 each, down from the New Start limit of 1550. That would leave them with more than enough warheads to deter any adversary, said US officials.

Ted Cruz Tweets

AP reports: BERLIN (AP) — In a wide-ranging speech in Berlin, President Barack Obama has renewed his call to reduce U.S. and Russian nuclear stockpiles — and also to confront climate change, which he referred to as “the global threat of our time.”

Speaking at the Brandenburg Gate, a symbol of the city that was divided during the Cold War, Obama said he wanted to re-ignite the spirit that Berlin showed when it fought to be reunited.

Obama also called for a one-third reduction of U.S. and Russian nuclear stockpiles.



IRS About to Pay Out $70 Million in Employee Union Bonuses Despite Sequester and Scandal

IRSWe all know the government has no scruples and this just reaffirms it with plans to dole out bonuses.

The IRS is scheduled to pay out $70 million in employee bonuses despite the sequester or even the fact that they have illegally targeted Americans and squandered millions in so-called ‘conferences!’

WASHINGTON (AP) — An influential Republican senator says the Internal Revenue Service is about to pay $70 million in employee bonuses despite an Obama administration directive to cancel discretionary bonuses because of automatic spending cuts.

Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa says his office has learned that the IRS is executing an agreement with the employees’ union on Wednesday to pay the bonuses. Grassley says the bonuses should be canceled under an April directive from the White House budget office.

The directive was written by Danny Werfel, a former budget official who has since been appointed acting IRS commissioner.

The IRS says it is negotiating with the union over the matter. The National Treasury Employees Union did not respond to requests for comment.