Rubio: Helps Kill Immigration Bill, Votes Against Amendment That Would Require Double-Tiered Fence

Marco Rubio ImmigrationSenator Marco Rubio (R-Fla) is digging his hole deeper and certainly not gaining any support from conservatives.  This time, after stating support for a double-tiered fence, he votes against it.

Bretibart reports: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said late Tuesday that he supports securing the United States border with Mexico with a double-tiered fence but voted against an amendment to the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill that would have required exactly that.

Rubio and his fellow Gang of Eight Republicans helped the Democrats kill an amendment from Sen. John Thune (R-SD) that would have required the double-tiered fence be built, as current law requires, before amnesty was granted to America’s at least 11 million illegal immigrants. The only other Republican to vote against the amendment was Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).

“I support Senator Thune’s efforts to require completion of double layered border fencing,” Rubio said in a statement after voting against the amendment. “Properly deployed, these fences have proven highly effective in limiting illegal crossings. That is why the current bill requires $1.5 billion be spent specifically on a border fence plan.”

“However, his amendment does not detail a specific border plan,” Rubio claimed. “Therefore, I opposed his amendment and instead continue to work with my Republican colleagues to arrive at a new measure that improves on the significant border security measures already in the bill.”

The amendment would have undercut Rubio’s promise to Univision’s Spanish-speaking audience this past weekend that amnesty would come before border security in the end. “First comes the legalization. Then come the measures to secure the border.” He added, “It is not conditional. The legalization is not conditional.”


Joe Biden: Team Obama ‘Have Not Given Up’ on ‘Rational Gun Policy’

Joe BidenUncle Joe reemerged with more words of encouragement for the lame brain liberals.

Biden after speaking at the White House released a report, saying it was “completed or made significant progress” on 21 of 23 executive actions that Obama outlined on Jan. 16 as part of a major gun-control initiative.

USA Today reports: ‘Vice President Biden said Tuesday the Obama administration will continue fighting for a “rational gun policy,” more than six months after a mass killing at an elementary school and two months after a major reversal in Congress.

“The president and I — our team — have not given up,” Biden said in remarks at the White House.

Biden spoke just hours after the White House released a report, saying it has “completed or made significant progress” on 21 of 23 executive actions that Obama outlined on Jan. 16 as part of a major gun-control initiative.

Still, Biden said, “we need Congress to act.”

The Senate blocked a background check bill in April, thanks mostly to the votes of Republicans. Obama administration officials and Senate Democrats are trying to revive the bill by pressuring senators who voted against it to reconsider.

Biden noted that the background check bill had majority support in the Senate, but ran afoul of filibuster rules that require “60 votes for everything.” The vice president said some senators who voted to block a debate now wonder if that was “a prudent vote.”

While he did not cite specific names, Biden noted that some senators have seen their approval ratings drop since their opposing gun vote in April.

“The country has changed” on the gun issue, Biden said, and opponents will “pay a political price” for opposition to legislation.

Obama, who had attended the G-8 summit in Northern Ireland, was en route to Berlin on a diplomatic trip as Biden spoke.

The White House report on Obama’s executive actions said that “passing common-sense gun safety legislation, including expanding background checks and making gun trafficking a federal crime, remains the single most important step we could take to reduce gun violence.”

In his remarks, Biden said, “We have yet to succeed in the House and Senate,” but added that “we will.”

Gun-control opponents say the proposals are ineffective and undermine the Second Amendment rights to gun ownership.

The Obama administration began pushing for new gun legislation after the Dec. 14 shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., that killed 20 students and six educators.

It was the latest in a string of mass shootings. Stephen Barton, wounded during a shooting last July at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., introduced Biden at the White House event.

The new White House report listed the executive actions on guns taken by the administration.

Among them: ending a freeze on federal research into the causes of gun violence, reducing barriers that prevent states from submitting certain records to the existing background check system, and easing the ways in which federal law enforcement agencies can trace guns recovered in investigations.

The report did not mention two other legislative proposals backed by gun-control supporters: a new ban on assault weapons, and restrictions on the size of ammunition magazines. Neither proposal has sufficient support in Congress.

The White House report says the president’s executive actions are designed to address several goals, including improvements to the existing background check system, law enforcement, and school safety, as well as to promote responsible gun ownership.