Judge Jeanine: Opening Statement 6/15/2013, ‘The Real Losers of D.C.’


‘The script just doesn’t work anymore. The fairy tale doesn’t work anymore. The real losers of D.C. just can’t be trusted. Here’s something for you [Obama Administration]: I can’t trust you, I don’t trust you, and I won’t trust you. You don’t deserve to be trusted.’

‘That old chicken salad, marriage and the government? It seems the only thing we can trust today is that chicken salad sandwich.’

Palin on the Syria: ‘Let Allah Sort it Out’

Sarah Palin on SyriaSarah Palin may not be the slickest politician in the U.S., but many times, her words parallel the conservative base.  It’s also becoming painfully obvious Obama is playing a political hand on our involvement with Syria.

Syrian war is now a proxy war between the United States and Russia.  Arming the Rebels may be the lesser of two evils ‘on paper,’ but in reality is not without heavy repercussions.  The rebels have pledged loyalty to Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, and are Hezbollah.  We are about to go full bore into a conflict with Obama leading the charge.  I’m with Sarah Palin, let Allah sort things out.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said until the United States has a Commander-in-Chief who knows what he is doing, America should stay out of the mess in the Middle East.

“Until we have someone who knows what they’re doing, I say let Allah sort it out,” Palin said, in reference to the Obama administration’s decision last week to arm Syrian rebels. She made her comments while addressing the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington, D.C.

Palin asked, “where is our Commander-in-Chief?”

She noted America is “talking” about “more new interventions” in “radical Islamic countries” where both sides “slaughter each other” by crossing “arbitrary red lines” while screaming “Allah Akbar.”

Palin noted that these countries do not even respect “basic human rights.”

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com

Sarah Palin on Ted Cruz: ‘He is The Type of Senator Who Chews Up Barbed Wire and Spits Out Rust’

Palin on Ted CruzTed Cruz and Rand Paul have definitely emerged as leaders of the pack (conservatives) and retake the White House, to retake our Constitution, to retake our country!

On Saturday, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said Congress could get more done if it went on “Cruz control.”

“You know what I wish Congress would do?” Palin asked. “If they would just for one week… put themselves on Cruz control… on Ted Cruz control.”

She said Congress should try just try it “for a week” in order to “see where things go.”

“I think we’d see some solutions,” she said at the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington, D.C. that she headlined.

While introducing Palin, Faith and Freedom Coalition executive director Ralph Reed said Palin was leading conservatives long before conservatives even knew it. He emphasized how critical Palin’s endorsements have been in electing conservatives and singled out her endorsement of Cruz during the 2010 GOP Senate primary in Texas.

Cruz noted at this year’s CPAC that he would not be in the Senate without Palin’s endorsement. And Palin said, of Cruz, that he is the type of senator who “chews up barbed-wire and spits out rust.”

The Obama Diversion: Is Obama Starting A War With Syria Just To Distract Us From All The Scandals?

Obama and SyriaThere’s no coincidences with the Obama administration, this is another example.  And the timing of this announcement regarding Syria, although suspicious, is simply right on target as far as Obama’s concerned.

If Obama wanted to use chemical weapons as an excuse to go after Syria he could have done it weeks ago, or he could have waited several more months before taking action.

He chose to do it right now for a reason, and hopefully the American people will be able to see right through this.

Red Flag reports: Well, isn’t that convenient?  At the moment when the Obama administration is feeling more heat then ever before, it starts another war.  Suddenly everyone in the mainstream media is talking all about Syria and not about the IRS scandal, Benghazi, NSA snooping  or any of the other political scandals that have popped up in recent weeks.  As if on cue, Obama made headlines all over the globe on Thursday by claiming that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against the rebels “multiple times”, and that the U.S. was now ready to do more to assist the rebels.  That assistance is reportedly going to include “military support” for the rebels and a no-fly zone over at least part of Syria is being discussed.  Without a doubt, these are acts of war, and this conflict is not going to end until Assad has been ousted.  But Assad will not go quietly.  And all it would take is for Assad to fire a couple of missiles at Tel Aviv for a huge regional war to erupt in the Middle East.  And what happens if Russia or China decides to get involved in the conflict in Syria?  Obama is playing with fire, but he has shown again and again that he is willing to do virtually anything if it will benefit him politically.

As far as the Obama administration is concerned, there is no such thing as a coincidence.  The timing of this announcement regarding Syria was not an accident.  If Obama wanted to use chemical weapons as an excuse to go after Syria he could have done it weeks ago, or he could have waited several more months before taking action.  He chose to do it right now for a reason, and hopefully the American people will be able to see right through this. Read rest of story.

Obama: #2 Pick for CIA Used to Oversee ‘Erotica Readings…’ And is Totally Unqualified

Avril Haines Barack Obama’s latest appointment reminds me of an old Dennis Miller stand up act [at :28 mark] when he said to the audience: ‘the easiest job in the world is a Coroner… what’s the worst thing that can happen huh?’

Maybe Obama was thinking the same thing here when he appointed a former ‘Erotica Reader’ with literally no experience, as the back up to one of the most powerful positions in the government — what can wrong huh?

Breitbart reports: ‘While Obama appointee Avril Haines will be the highest-ranked woman in the CIA to date, she may also be the Agency’s only Deputy Director who used to oversee “erotica readings” at a bookstore.

According to the New York Post, when Haines was 24 years old, she dropped out of a graduate program in physics at John Hopkins University and opened a waterfront bookstore in Baltimore. The store “turned into the regular meeting place of a small group of erotica aficionados,” where Haines held a monthly erotica reading.

Haines would set the mood for the readings. For example, in preparation for one session, “she placed red candles throughout her store,” then “got pulses racing” by reading the following:

In the topmost bed chamber of the house (the prince) found her. He had stepped over sleeping chambermaids and valets, and, breathing the dust and damp of the place, he finally stood in the door of her sanctuary. And approaching her, he gave a soft gasp as he touched her cheek, and her teeth through her parted lips, and then her tender rounded eyelids.

Haines has taken part in “virtually every senior-level meeting at the president’s National Security Council over the past two years.”

She has never worked in the intelligence agency in which she will soon hold the No. 2 role.’
