ObamaCare: Feds Plan to Extort $130 Billion in Penalties from Business Owners Not in ‘Compliance’

ObamaCare PenaltiesThe Federal Government is set on picking up $130 billion in revenue from penalties over the next decade.

The huge windfall of penalties will come from collected penalties of companies 50 employees and over, not in ‘compliance’ of ObamaCare.  This will bankrupt many businesses, and is nothing more than ‘legal’ extortion, a.k.a. Socialism.

Breitbart reports: ‘Here’s how it works. If you’re a company with 50 or more full-time employees, and one of your employees is spotted getting a tax credit for coverage in a state-based health insurance exchange, you’ll pay $2,000 per employee past 30. In other words, if just one of your workers receives a tax credit, you’ll shell out $40,000 minimum. The fine maxes out at $140,000 for a company with 100 employees in 2014.

If any policy offered by the company amounts to more than 9.5% of an employee’s income, the company has to pay $3,000 for that employee.

The goal of all of this is to leverage employers into paying for health insurance. The Associated Press foolishly reports, “Initially there was widespread speculation that many employers would drop coverage and opt to pay the fines instead, but that talk seems to have died down.” Instead, employers will likely dump full time employees if they’re near that 50-employee bubble.


NSA Spoof: ‘Who Are You Talking To?’



Being a huge fan of the ‘Candid Camera’ model of entertainment, I couldn’t help but share this with my readers at Conservative Angle, called ‘Who Are You Talking To?’

This humorous skit of spying on Americans, mimics the TSA collecting personal information and essentially ignoring the 4th Amendment.  ‘ Great job MRC TV! Please Like and Share it with your friends.

Chris Matthews: Cruz ‘Fits the Tradition of Notorious Nazi Sympathizer’ I am Now Convinced There’s Aliens Living Amongst Us!


MSLSD’s Chris Matthews said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) “fits the tradition” of notorious Nazi sympathizer Father Charles Coughlin. He also made the outrageous comment that he had a “black Irish look.” On Thursday, Glenn Beck lost it when he heard the comparison.

The Blaze reports: “I think this is really staggering what he said here,” Beck said. He went on to say that Coughlin was actually a progressive and not a conservative.

“He’s Hispanic and Cuban!” Beck noted of Cruz and the comment. “It is the most racist thing! I can’t believe we live–!”

As Urban Dictionary and Newsbusters note, “Black Irish” is a term referring to “one who is of irish decent but has dark hair and olive skin.”

Beck’s co-hosts also pointed out a few other oddities and contradictions that you can see below:If you need a refresher, here’s what Matthews said:

“This guy goes pretty far, but I think he fits in the tradition of Father Coughlin, and [Joe] McCarthy, and of course, and maybe to a lesser extent, Pat Buchanan, and [Bill] O’Reilly. These guys are hard right-wing guys, they look a lot alike — they have what we call the ‘black Irish look’ to them — they don’t smile much.”

He continued, “it’s quite a tradition here but it does run to the right of the regular Republican Party.”

Bill Maher: POS Maher Targets Sarah Palin’s Special Needs Child Trig to Make Him Feel Something Other than a Weasel

Sara PalinNever cared for Bill Maher much… at all really.  He comes across as a total liberal weasel with a heinous sense of humor to boot (bad combination).

Many times he is caught casting his ‘black cloud’ on people that can’t defend themselves.  Bad move when applying his bizarre humor on somebody that won’t put up with it — as in Sarah Palin.

In usual ‘weasel’ fashion, big man Maher referred to Palin’s son Trig as ‘retarded’ in a recent Las Vegas live show.  This time, he may have climbed the wrong tree, because mama bear Palin is waiting for him.

The Blaze reports: ‘Comedian Bill Maher brought the wrath of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin upon himself when he reportedly referred to her special needs son as “retarded” during a comedy show at the Palms in Las Vegas on Saturday.

Former Las Vegas TV personality Ron Futrell claims he was escorted out of the event after he confronted Maher several times during the show at some point after the tasteless joke about Trig Palin.

“I’ve got a son with special needs,” Futrell told the Review-Journal. “It didn’t surprise me that Maher said it. It surprised me that a lot of people laughed at that joke.”

After learning about Maher’s so-called “joke,” Palin went after Maher on Twitter.

“Hey bully, on behalf of all kids whom you hatefully mock in order to make yourself feel big, I hope one flattens your lily white wimpy a#*,” Palin wrote.

“I’m in your neck of the woods this weekend, little Bill. Care to meet so I can tell you how I really feel?” she added.’
