Barack Obama: Twin Third-Graders Introduce Obama at LGBT Pride Event


Nine year-old twins Zea and Luna introduce President Barack Obama at the White House’s LGBT Pride Month celebration Thursday, June 13.

Obama told attendees at an LGBT Pride Month celebration that the U.S. needs to get marriage equality “done now,” but that he believed the nation had reached a “turning point” on gay rights.

Is this guy for real? We have literally a melting pot of scandals going on, and he’s talking at the LGBT Pride Month and worse yet, using children to further his agenda?

Breitbart reports: ‘We’re not going to have to wait that long. From Minnesota to Maryland, from the US Senate to the NBA, it’s clear we’ve reached a turning point …. Eventually America gets it right. That doesn’t mean we can be patient. We know from our own history that change happens because we push it to.

Obama then stated that he and Vice President Joe Biden were living proof that America can change over a short period of time. He wasn’t referring to his own “evolution” on the issue of same-sex marriage. He was referring instead to America’s acceptance of him as president and Biden as vice president. “You’ve got a couple of guys on stage that I don’t think anyone in their high schools would have thought would be the president and vice president of the United States,” Obama said.

Obama has relied on the Supreme Court to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, which would effectively nationalize same-sex marriage. He has never attempted to repeal DOMA through legislative means.’

Obama on Same Sex Marriage: Nationalized Same Sex Marriage Needed to be “Done Now…”

Obama Same Sex MarriageObama told attendees at an LGBT Pride Month celebration that the U.S. needs to get marriage equality “done now,” but that he believed the nation had reached a “turning point” on gay rights.

Is this guy for real?  We have literally a melting pot of scandals going on, and he’s talking to the LGBT Pride Month?

Breitbart reports: ‘We’re not going to have to wait that long. From Minnesota to Maryland, from the US Senate to the NBA, it’s clear we’ve reached a turning point …. Eventually America gets it right. That doesn’t mean we can be patient. We know from our own history that change happens because we push it to.

Obama then stated that he and Vice President Joe Biden were living proof that America can change over a short period of time. He wasn’t referring to his own “evolution” on the issue of same-sex marriage. He was referring instead to America’s acceptance of him as president and Biden as vice president. “You’ve got a couple of guys on stage that I don’t think anyone in their high schools would have thought would be the president and vice president of the United States,” Obama said.

Obama has relied on the Supreme Court to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, which would effectively nationalize same-sex marriage. He has never attempted to repeal DOMA through legislative means.’

Barack Obama: Planning Family Safari Trip to Africa Next Month that Will Cost $100 Million to the Taxpayer

Obama Trip to AfricaBarack Obama and family will be going to Africa later this month and thus cost the American taxpayers $60 to $100 million dollars, this according to the Washington Post.

Red Flag News reports: “When President Obama makes his first extended trip to sub-Saharan Africa later this month, the federal agencies charged with keeping him safe won’t be taking any chances. Hundreds of U.S. Secret Service agents will be dispatched to secure facilities in Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania. A Navy aircraft carrier or amphibious ship, with a fully staffed medical trauma center, will be stationed offshore in case of emergency,” reports the Post.

“Military cargo planes will airlift in 56 support vehicles, including 14 limousines and three trucks loaded with sheets of bullet-proof glass to cover the windows of the hotels where the first family will stay. Fighter jets will fly in shifts giving 24-hour coverage over the president’s airspace so they can intervene quickly if an errant plane gets too close.

“The extraordinary security provisions — which will cost the government tens of millions of dollars — are outlined in a confidential internal planning document obtained by The Washington Post. While the preparations appear to be in line with similar travels in the past, the document offers an unusual glimpse into the colossal efforts to protect the U.S. commander-in-chief on trips abroad.”

After the paper questioned the costs of a planned family safari, the White House nixed the plan. “The president and first lady had also planned to take a Tanzanian safari as part of the trip, which would have required the president’s special counter-assault team to carry sniper rifles with high-caliber rounds that could neutralize cheetahs, lions or other animals if they became a threat, according to the planning document. But the White House canceled the safari on Wednesday following inquiries from The Washington Post about the trip’s purpose and expense, according to a person familiar with the decision.”

The paper adds, “Obama’s trip could cost the federal government $60 million to $100 million based on the costs of similar African trips in recent years, according to one person familiar with the journey who was not authorized to speak for attribution. The Secret Service planning document, which was provided to The Post by a person who is concerned about the amount of resources necessary for the trip, does not specify costs.”

Hot MIC: After Giving Egypt $1.3 Billion ‘Our War is With America and Israel’ Says Islamic Labor Party Chairman

Just last month, Secretary of State John Kerry quietly “wired” the Muslim Brotherhood an additional $1.3 billion in aid even though Egypt has failed miserably at putting anything that resembles a democratic model in place.

That generosity certainly didn’t stop a prominent Egyptian politician from talking about Egypt’s “enemy” the United States.  I don’t know about you, but this should make the American people livid… I mean stand up, get in your face livid.

Our anger should not be directed at Egypt, because we should know their intentions but with John Kerry and the ruffian POS occupying the White House!  But even worse, is these scum bags (Morsi and gang) have the gall to laugh!  So without further ado, let’s embark on the blooper shall we?  You can spot the video at around the 4:50 mark to begin hearing the enlightening remarks from Magdi Ahmad Hussein:

Magdi Ahmad Hussein, chairman of the Islamic Labor Party: I’m very fond of battles. With the enemies, of course – with America and Israel, but this battle must be waged with maximum judiciousness and calm. Even though this is a secret meeting, we must all take an oath not to leak anything to the media, unless it is done officially by sister Pakinam. We need an official plan for popular national security, even if we… Okay… Fine… The principles behind what I’m saying are not really secret… Our war is with America and Israel, not with Ethiopia. Therefore, engaging in a war… This is my opinion…

Participant: This meeting is being aired live on TV.

General laughter

The full transcript of the meeting is below:

Following are excerpts from a parliamentary session on the dam crisis between Egypt and Ethiopia, with leading Egyptian politicians, including President Morsi, it was aired on Channel 1, Egyptian TV and was posted on the Internet on June 3, 2013:

Saad Al-Katatni, chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party: I say loud and clear that all options are available to us, and that we will support all the options, but we must proceed gradually: If diplomacy fails to change the situation, we shall resort to international law, and if this is unsuccessful, we shall resort to any option one can imagine, in order to protect our water security, because for us, water security is a matter of life and death.

Younes Makhioun, chairman of the Al-Nour Party: We in the Al-Nour party believe that Egyptian agreement to the building of this dam would be a dangerous strategic mistake, because Ethiopia – and Israel and the U.S., which are behind it – would use it as a lethal bargaining chip to pressure Egypt.

We should use bargaining chips. For example, 35% of the Ethiopians belong to the Oromo people. They have a thing called the Oromo Liberation Front. The domestic Ethiopian front is very weak and fragile. We could also support the Ogaden National Liberation Front. This would constitute a means to pressure the Ethiopian government. If all these attempts fail, we may resort to our intelligence agencies in order to destroy any dam that undermines Egypt’s security, because some experts have said that building this dam is tantamount to a declaration of war against Egypt.

Al-Azhar scholar Sheik Hassan Al-Shafe’i: I remember that the foreign minister of Ethiopia came to Egypt, and mocked the Egyptian people. He said that the Nile does not have wings and cannot fly to Israel. But the Egyptian people knows, like any other people would know, that the Nile might have subterranean “wings,” through pipelines passing under the Red Sea. This is entirely possible. Many countries import water through pipelines.

Ayman Nour, chairman of the Ghad Al-Thawra Party: I don’t know whether this is something that should be said or not, but like some of my colleagues said, there are many political rivalries in Ethiopian society. Some changes are anticipated there. We do not need an embassy in Ethiopia. What we need is a task force that will deal with politics and intelligence. We should play a role in all aspects of Ethiopian reality. I think this would be much less costly than other options to fend off the danger. We should intervene in their domestic affairs.

The Ethiopian newspapers say that Egypt has no military option. They say that Egypt does not possess the capabilities – no airplanes, no missiles – and that Sudan would not allow this… Indeed, Sudan’s position is nauseating. It is much weaker than it should be. But we could leak intelligence information. We could leak that Egypt is trying to buy planes for aerial refueling, and so on. Even if this is unrealistic, it would bring results on the diplomatic track.

Muhammad Anwar Essmat Al-Sadat, chairman of the Reform and Development Party: We should be aware of the influence of Egypt’s national soccer team in Ethiopia. Our national team was champion of Africa and has tremendous influence. The same is true with regard to Egyptian art. We have great influence. We could also use the Egyptian churches and Al-Azhar. Some people talked about a possible military operation. Practically speaking, this is difficult. We’d be criticized for something like that.

We should form an axis with Eritrea, Somalia, and Djibouti. This is a job for the intelligence agencies. They will resolve this from within. We have the right to do this. There are a hundred ways of doing this indirectly when we lose hope.

Magdi Ahmad Hussein, chairman of the Islamic Labor Party: I’m very fond of battles. With the enemies, of course – with America and Israel, but this battle must be waged with maximum judiciousness and calm. Even though this is a secret meeting, we must all take an oath not to leak anything to the media, unless it is done officially by sister Pakinam. We need an official plan for popular national security, even if we… Okay… Fine… The principles behind what I’m saying are not really secret… Our war is with America and Israel, not with Ethiopia. Therefore, engaging in a war… This is my opinion…

Participant: This meeting is being aired live on TV.

General laughter

Magdi Ahmad Hussein: I am not presenting a secret plan or anything. All the countries do what I am saying and what has been said by others. All countries with regional conflicts do that.

I say to the Egyptian people: Nobody can turn off your water supply – unless they want to turn the Egyptians into the world’s most extremist people. Imagine what this people would do if its water were turned off – what all 80 million of us would do to Israel and America if our water were turned off.

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi: We have a lot of respect for the Sudanese people in the north and the south, and we respect their decisions, and the same is true with regard to the Ethiopian people. We are not about to start any aggression against anyone whatsoever, or affront anyone whatsoever.

But we have very serious measures to protect every singe drop of Nile water – every single drop of water.