DHS: Why is The Department of Homeland Security Arming itself to the Teeth?

DHS ArmingThe Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is purchasing hundreds of items of protective gear for a fleet of Federal Protective Service officers.

The reason? To prepare for “riot control situations,” increasing concerns that the federal agency is readying for domestic unrest.

Read more on InfoWars: ‘A June 10 solicitation posted on the FedBizOpps website seeks to outfit officers working for the DHS’ Federal Protective Service, which is primarily used to guard government buildings but has also been used to spy on protesters.

As we reported last month, FPS officers were used to guard an IRS building in St. Louis during a Tea Party protest against the federal agency’s discrimination targeting conservative groups.

As GSN reports, the items the DHS is looking to acquire include the following;

– 111 Centurion CPX2500 Soft Shell Riot Control System upper body and shoulder protection, which must “effectively protect the torso and shoulders from blunt force trauma.”

– 123 Centurion TPX200 thigh/groin protection systems “designed for blunt trauma protection during riot control situations,” said the solicitation. The gear “protects the thigh area and has an adjustable and removable groin protector.”

– 110 Hatch TS70 Centurion hard shell shin guards, which must provide “substantial protection from flying debris. Non-ballistic weapons, and blows to the leg.”

– 189 MaxPro-Police riot helmets, which have a “high impact molded half shell helmet with integral visor and neck protector.”

The solicitation also includes a request for 116 pairs of tactical gloves and 128 forearm protectors. The contract includes four additional one year option periods. The equipment will be delivered to a Federal Protective Service facility in Alexandria, VA, within 45 days of the award.

The reference to “riot control situations” can be found in the “Statement of Work” file at the bottom of the solicitation.

Fears that the Department of Homeland Security is preparing for civil unrest have intensified ever since the agency began purchasing large quantities of ammunition. Having already committed to purchasing well over 1.6 billion rounds of bullets over the course of the last year, a DHS “request for information” issued last month quizzed bullet manufacturers on how fast they can supply large quantities of ammo.

The request asked ammo companies if they were capable of supplying, “large quantity orders of any training caliber specified with a short turnaround time of 30-60 days.”

Last year, the DHS hired hundreds of new FPS guards to protect government buildings across the country.

This followed a controversial drill in Florida dubbed “Operation Shield,” during which FPS agents armed with semiautomatic guns were posted outside a Social Security office in Florida. The unannounced exercise centered around “detecting the presence of unauthorized persons and potentially disruptive or dangerous activities.” Residents were forced to show identification papers to the guards during the drill.

Whether the DHS is preparing for riots targeting government buildings remains to be seen, but this will do little to dampen concerns that big government is arming itself to the teeth while Americans are being lectured about relinquishing their second amendment rights.’

Ronald Reagan: 26 Years Ago Today, ‘Tear Down This Wall’ Speech

This speech by President Ronald Reagan to the people of West Berlin contains one of the most memorable lines spoken during his presidency.

The Berlin Wall, referred to by the President, was built by Communists in August 1961 to keep Germans from escaping Communist-dominated East Berlin into Democratic West Berlin. The twelve-foot concrete wall extended for a hundred miles, surrounding West Berlin, and included electrified fences and guard posts. The wall stood as a stark symbol of the decades-old Cold War between the United States and Soviet Russia in which the two politically opposed superpowers continually wrestled for dominance, stopping just short of actual warfare. Read the entire speech here.


Obama: The Problems We Face is the Result of Executive Order by George W. Bush

Some classic outright LIES caught on tape:

‘Most of the problems we have had through civil liberties were not done through the Patriot Act, they were done through Executive Order by George W. Bush…’

‘The first thing I will do is call in my Attorney General and have he or she review every Executive Order to determine which of those have undermined civil liberties, which are unconstitutional and I will reverse them with a stroke of a pen….’ sheeple applause

‘That’s how the worst abuses have occurred in Guantanamo, that’s what happened with the wireless taps…’

‘I want everybody to understand, I taught Constitutional Law for 10 years, I take the Constitution very seriously, the biggest problems we have right now is having to do with George W. Bush trying to bring more and more power into the Executive Branch and not go through Congress at all, and that’s what I intend to reverse when I become President of the United States…’

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Edward Snowden: ‘US Government has Been Hacking Hong Kong and China for Years’

Edward SnowdenAn interesting turn of events occurred yesterday when Edward Snowden made more explosive claims in an interview by South China Morning Post that the United States Government has been ‘hacking’ Hong Kong and mainland computers since 2009.

Furthermore, he stated Washington is ‘bullying’ Hong Kong into extraditing him.

scmp.com reports: ‘US whistle-blower Edward Snowden yesterday emerged from hiding in Hong Kong and revealed to the South China Morning Post that he will stay in the city to fight likely attempts by his government to have him extradited for leaking state secrets.

In an exclusive interview carried out from a secret location in the city, the former Central Intelligence Agency analyst also made explosive claims that the US government had been hacking into computers in Hong Kong and on the mainland for years.

At Snowden’s request we cannot divulge details about how the interview was conducted.

A week since revelations that the US has been secretly collecting phone and online data of its citizens, he said he will stay in the city “until I am asked to leave”, adding: “I have had many opportunities to flee HK, but I would rather stay and fight the US government in the courts, because I have faith in HK’s rule of law.”

In a frank hour-long interview, the 29-year-old, who US authorities have confirmed is now the subject of a criminal case, said he was neither a hero nor a traitor and that:

US National Security Agency’s controversial Prism programme extends to people and institutions in Hong Kong and mainland China;
The US is exerting “bullying’’ diplomatic pressure on Hong Kong to extradite him;
Hong Kong’s rule of law will protect him from the US;
He is in constant fear for his own safety and that of his family.

Snowden has been in Hong Kong since May 20 when he fled his home in Hawaii to take refuge here, a move which has been questioned by many who believe the city cannot protect him.

“People who think I made a mistake in picking HK as a location misunderstand my intentions. I am not here to hide from justice, I am here to reveal criminality,” he said.

Snowden said that according to unverified documents seen by the Post, the NSA had been hacking computers in Hong Kong and on the mainland since 2009. None of the documents revealed any information about Chinese military systems, he said.
I’m neither traitor nor hero. I’m an American

One of the targets in the SAR, according to Snowden, was Chinese University and public officials, businesses and students in the city. The documents also point to hacking activity by the NSA against mainland targets.

Snowden believed there had been more than 61,000 NSA hacking operations globally, with hundreds of targets in Hong Kong and on the mainland.

“We hack network backbones – like huge internet routers, basically – that give us access to the communications of hundreds of thousands of computers without having to hack every single one,” he said.

“Last week the American government happily operated in the shadows with no respect for the consent of the governed, but no longer. Every level of society is demanding accountability and oversight.”

Snowden said he was releasing the information to demonstrate “the hypocrisy of the US government when it claims that it does not target civilian infrastructure, unlike its adversaries”.

“Not only does it do so, but it is so afraid of this being known that it is willing to use any means, such as diplomatic intimidation, to prevent this information from becoming public.”

Since the shocking revelations a week ago, Snowden has been vilified as a defector but also hailed by supporters such as WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange.

“I’m neither traitor nor hero. I’m an American,” he said, adding that he was proud to be an American. “I believe in freedom of expression. I acted in good faith but it is only right that the public form its own opinion.”

Snowden said he had not contacted his family and feared for their safety as well as his own.

“I will never feel safe.

“Things are very difficult for me in all terms, but speaking truth to power is never without risk,” he said. “It has been difficult, but I have been glad to see the global public speak out against these sorts of systemic violations of privacy.

“All I can do is rely on my training and hope that world governments will refuse to be bullied by the United States into persecuting people seeking political refuge.”

Asked if he had been offered asylum by the Russian government, he said: “My only comment is that I am glad there are governments that refuse to be intimidated by great power”.

Tens of thousands of Snowden’s supporters have signed a petition calling for his pardon in the United States while many have donated money to a fund to help him.

“I’m very grateful for the support of the public,” he said. “But I ask that they act in their interest – save their money for letters to the government that breaks the law and claims it noble.

“The reality is that I have acted at great personal risk to help the public of the world, regardless of whether that public is American, European, or Asian.”

The US consulate in Hong Kong could not be contacted yesterday on a public holiday.

Dennis Miller: Change from ‘Hail to the Chief’ ‘to ‘Every Breath You Take’ by Police


IJeview reports: ‘On the O’Reilly Factor, Dennis Miller riffed on everything from the NSA’s love song “Every Breath You Take” (which might have inspired a top-trending U.S. Twitter hashtag last night) to how it’s now closed-minded for open-minded people to disregard calls by Muslims to ban bikinis from the Miss World pageant in Bali. The highlight was when Miller comments on the NSA domestic spying story:

“I’m enough of a patriot to sit here every week to tell President Obama he really stinks at the job on national television. I don’t go behind the scenes and chit-chat on phones or send emails. I’m right here Mr. President. I respect you enough to tell you, I think you’re really crappy at this on the biggest rated cable show in America.

And I can’t do anything about tapping anyway. As far as the feds go now, Billie, I don’t even use the Pledge of Allegiance, I use the A.A. Serenity Prayer. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. And I can’t keep them from tapping my phone, so go ahead boys, tap it, just tap it for oil.”