Glenn Beck NSA Whistleblower: Edward Snowden ‘He Has Issued Himself a Death Warrant’

The Blaze reported: “Glenn Beck on his radio show Monday passionately defended Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower who leaked explosive classified information on the federal government’s massive surveillance programs.

“At least what he is doing is an act of heroism,” Beck said of Snowden. “What he is doing, coming out and speaking to the press, he has issued himself a death warrant.”

“He’s at least lost his life, and he may have his life taken from him,” he added.

Beck called Snowden’s actions “the first act of real heroism that we have seen” regarding the actual scope of the NSA’s spying capabilities.

“If the American people, however, see that what he has done was right, we have a chance of changing things,” Beck said. “But I believe this is the last exit.”

Offering a bleak outlook for Snowden’s future, the conservative host said the whistleblower is “dead.”

“[The NSA has] absolutely everything. They have all of the levers. They can follow you in real-time,” Beck explained. “They’ve been tracking your purchases and your credit card activity, they’ve been capturing all of your phone conversations…they have your whole life.”


CA would love to hear your opinion on this issue.  Is Edward Snowden a Hero or is he a Villian?  Please comment below.

Whole Foods: Organic Food Market is Under Fire for ‘English-only’ Policy

Whole Foods English-only PolicyWhole Foods CEO John Mackey is no stranger to stirring the pot.  Mackey is a libertarian at heart, who has managed to gain favor with the left and the right because of his tremendous business sense and the company he has created.  Mackey’s book, Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business, tackles these themes and explains the importance of capitalism and the entrepreneurial spirit.

Breitbart reports: “Organic supermarket chain Whole Foods is experiencing a local crisis in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where a local leftist organization, ProgressNow New Mexico, is blasting the organization for supposedly prohibiting employees from speaking Spanish. ““Whole Foods Market’s commitment to organic and natural foods has made it a national leader in responsible food choice,” said ProgressNow New Mexico. “[B]ut their policies prohibiting employees from speaking their own language or organizing to overturn these anti-diversity policies directly contradict their commitment to ‘team member excellence and happiness.’”

They’ve filed a petition on to push the CEOs of Whole Foods to change the alleged policy.

Two employees said last week that they were suspended after complaining about a rule that stops them from chatting in Spanish to one another while on the clock. The store itself claims they were suspended for rudeness.

The policy does state that all English-speaking workers must speak in English to customers and other employees, unless the customer wishes to converse in another language. A spokesman for the company said that the policy allows employees to speak in Spanish if “parties present agree that a different language is their preferred form of communication.”

Gov. Susana Martinez (R-NM) has weighed in, saying Whole Foods should change the policy.


Mic Turned Off: Valedictorian’s Was Mic Turned Off at Graduation Ceremony

A North Texas high school silenced its Valedictorian’s microphone during his speech, prompting questions over his free speech rights.

Students attending the Joshua High School graduation say Remington Reimer’s microphone was cut off, right when he began to talk about the Constitution.

“He just said, he was talking about getting constitutional rights getting taken away from him,” Colin Radford, a Joshua H.S. graduate, said. “And then he said, just yesterday they threatened to turn my microphone off, and then his microphone went off.”