John Kerry: Quietly and Deceitfully Slips 1.3 Billion in Aid… Say What?

Kerry Gives 1.3 Billion to EgyptAs Bob Dylan once crooned: “Times they are a changin,” and so is our liberty.

The Obama administration is hell-bent on fighting for Democracy using the devil’s pitchfork,  while ultimately and forever changing the landscape of the Middle East into a Islamic cesspool.

This story conveniently kept a low profile for the obvious, and they succeeded by punting on 3rd down.  Proceed below to read at your own risk and may God help us.

Times of Israel reports: “U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry quietly approved sending $1.3 billion in arms to Egypt in May, waiving the requirements of a US law meant to promote democratic development in the post-revolutionary country.

Pursuant to the law, for the $1.3 billion to flow, the secretary of state must certify that the Egyptian government “is supporting the transition to civilian government, including holding free and fair elections, implementing policies to protect freedom of expression, association and religion, and due process of law.” The law also requires that Egypt honor its peace treaty with Israel.

In a memo written on May 9, Kerry said the aid would go forward, despite stating that “we are not satisfied with the extent of Egypt’s progress and are pressing for a more inclusive democratic process and the strengthening of key democratic institutions.” The memo was obtained by Reuters.

On Tuesday the US Congress erupted in anger over the sentencing of 43 NGO workers, including 16 Americans, for up to five years in prison in a case against foreign-funded pro-democracy groups. The verdict was strongly denounced by Kerry and a host of powerful lawmakers, who charged that the trial and verdict were politically motivated and incompatible with Egypt’s transition to democratic rule.

And on Wednesday, Egypt’s state prosecutor announced that 12 of the country’s best-known bloggers and activists were headed for trial on charges of instigating violence during a March demonstration against President Mohammed Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood.

In light of the apparent crackdown on democratic institutions, Congressmen Frank Wolf and Gerry Connolly circulated a letter in the House this week, addressed to Morsi, threatening a cutoff of US aid and asking him to step in and reverse the policy of prosecuting foreign NGO workers.

“In order for the US government and the American people to have any confidence that the Egyptian government is undertaking a genuine transition to a democratic state, under civilian control, where the freedoms of assembly, association, religion and expression are guaranteed and rule of law is upheld, we must see a swift and satisfactory resolution to this case that takes into full account the concerns expressed in this letter, including revisions to the proposed NGO law,” reads the letter, which was obtained by US media outlet The Daily Beast.

The lawmakers said that there was no way the Obama administration would be able to certify that Egypt was progressing toward democracy, given the jail sentences. But according to the report, they didn’t know that Kerry had already waived the congressional restrictions only weeks earlier.

In waiving those restrictions, Kerry cited US national interests, including tighter security in the Sinai Peninsula, helping to prevent attacks from Gaza to Israel, countering terrorism and securing transit through the Suez Canal, according to Reuters.

The US State Department also waived aid restrictions last year. Then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton announced the decision publicly and explained its reasoning to reporters. In contrast, Kerry’s waiver was sent without fanfare to congressional appropriations committees, and most members of Congress remained unaware of the waiver, reported The Daily Beast.”


Limbaugh Theorem: Rush Explains How Obama Gets Away With The Corruptness and Ineptness

You know you think about it… all Conservatives do.  Just how does Obama get away with the perpetrated destruction of our country, seemingly at will? With no accountability, no repercussion, just flippant excuses and blame.

Rush Limbaugh coined something called the “Limbaugh Theorem” which explains in great detail, the mechanics by which the Obama Administration operate by; appeal to low-information voters and defy logic.  Our President works the “smoke and mirrors” like no other.  It’s disheartening, but at the same time makes total sense. Knowledge is power.

Limbaugh Theorem

Rush Limbaugh reports: “RUSH: Wall Street Journal. I read this last night, and, you know, I am the creator of the Limbaugh Theorem, and you know what that is, the regular listeners do. Dawn, do you think you could explain the Limbaugh Theorem to people? It’s not a test. Here’s why I want to know. I’ve explained the Limbaugh Theorem for months now, and I’m wondering, is it still something complicated for people to understand?

Basically I evolved the Limbaugh Theorem to explain something that didn’t make any sense to me. I saw polls which showed the American people by vast majorities supported Obama’s agenda, and yet every aspect of it they opposed. They didn’t associate him with it. It was a New York Times story. I’ll never forget it. The American people opposed the direction the country’s going, and issue by issue by issue they opposed everything Obama was doing. Every element of the Obama agenda, a majority of the people oppose it, and yet they support him by 50, 55%. I said, “How can this be?”

There’s only one answer. People do not associate Obama with his agenda, and that’s because he’s permanently campaigning. He’s running against his own agenda, by design, on purpose. He’s running against what’s happening. He makes people think that he doesn’t like what’s happening and he’s trying to fix it when in fact everything that’s happening is precisely because he wants it to and has made it happen. So here comes a story in the Wall Street Journal. It’s an opinion piece by a guy named Jason Riley. And it’s entitled, “Obama’s Poll Numbers.”

And here’s how it starts: “How is it that President Obama, despite the recent scandals, has been able to maintain an approval rating in the mid- to high-40s, or about where it’s been for the better part of three years? A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll may provide some clues. For starters, the public doesn’t seem to be blaming the president for the Benghazi terrorist attack, the IRS targeting of conservative groups or the Justice Department snooping.”

The public does not blame the president for anything that’s happening, and this guy says, how can this be? How is it that President Obama is able to remain unattached from his own policies, his own administration? The Limbaugh Theorem explains it. I’m sure Mr. Riley has not heard it. ‘Cause if he had heard me explain the Limbaugh Theorem, his poll would be understood by him.

RUSH: You know, this might be a good exercise, folks. Try to explain to people the Limbaugh Theorem. I mean, you hear me explain it and you say, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. That makes perfect sense,” and then you’ll run across somebody who says, “Wow, I don’t understand it. Obama’s approval numbers are up, and look at all these people that oppose it. They oppose the things he stands for.” There’s a health care story here: “Health Care Law’s Unpopularity Reaches New Highs.” It’s an NBC story.

“President Barack Obama’s signature health care reform law remains unpopular with the American public just months before it fully goes into effect, according to the new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.” This is one of the reasons why Jason Riley said (summarized), “I don’t understand this. Look at all the opposition to his agenda, his program, yet his approval numbers stay high? How’s this possible?”

It’s the Limbaugh Theorem.

Okay, well, how would you explain that to somebody who doesn’t know what it is? This is why I often say, “Don’t try this at home,” but this is something you need to be able to explain to people, because once you master the ability to explain this you’re gonna open people’s minds and eyes like you have never seen before. ‘Cause it has a lot of people confused. How in the world can this happen? “Health Care Law’s Unpopularity Reaches New Highs.”

Yeah, well, if it were George W. Bush’s “Health Care Law’s Unpopularity Reaches New Highs,” his disapproval would be 60%, because the media would be leading the charge. That’s one of the reasons why Obama’s static is the media does not lead the charge against him. But even so, people are opposed to Obama’s policies without the media helping them along. They instinctively oppose them. But his approval rating remains high.

I’m telling you, that’s because low-information voters are in these polls, and they think that what’s happening in the country has nothing to do with Obama. Because he’s out campaigning against things. He’s perpetually campaigning. He’s not seen as responsible for any of this. Forty-nine percent believe that the Affordable Care Act is a bad idea. Only 37% like it. That, by the way, is low. Most polls have the opposition to Obamacare at 52% all the way up to 55% in opposition.”

Conservative Christian Soldier: Told Not to Read Mark Levin or Sean Hannity in Uniform [DISGRACE]

A veteran member of the U.S. Army Band said he is facing retribution and punishment from the military for reading books written by conservative authors like Mark Levin and David Limbaugh, and having anti-Obama bumper stickers.  He has written a book recommended by Levin, Hannity, titled Dispatches from Bitter America.

Fox News reports: “Master Sgt. Nathan Sommers, a 25-year Army veteran and conservative Christian based at Fort Myer in Washington, believes his outspoken opposition to gay marriage prompted higher-ups to take a closer look at his beliefs. The recipient of an Army Commendation Medal and a soloist at the funeral of former First Lady Betty Ford, Sommers said his core beliefs are enough to mark a soldier for persecution in today’s military.

“It seems like with the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – that the Christians have been the ones who’ve had to go underground and in the closet – for fear of retaliation and reprisals,” Sommers told Fox News. “Christians feel like they can’t be forthright with their faith. They have to hide.”

Ret. Navy Commander John Bennett Wells is representing the master sergeant. He said there is no doubt in his mind that the U.S. military is discriminating against Christians – and specifically his client.

“There’s no question about it,“ Wells told Fox News. “Because he is religious, because he feels that homosexual conduct is wrong for religious reasons, he is basically being persecuted.”

Lt. Col. Justin Platt, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon released a statement to Fox News noting that the military branch cannot comment on ongoing investigations or administrative actions.

“With respect to the political activities, soldiers are expected to carry out their obligations as citizens in accordance with applicable regulations,” Platt said.

Army documents obtained by Fox News indicate Sommers was told that his actions bordered on being disrespectful to President Obama and the “slightest inference of disrespect towards superiors can have a demoralizing effect on the unit.”

“You should strive to express your opinion while being aware of the overall ramifications of your statements,” the Army noted.

Sommers’ troubles began last April when he was told to remove pro-Republican, anti-Obama bumper stickers that were on his privately owned car.

The stickers read: “Political Dissent is NOT Racism,” “NOBAMA,” NOPE2012” and “The Road to Bankruptcy is Paved with Ass-Fault.” That sticker included the image of a donkey.

His superior officer told the solider that the bumper stickers were creating “unnecessary workplace tension.”

“The types of stickers on your car were creating an atmosphere detrimental to morale and were creating unnecessary workplace tension,” the officer wrote in an Army document obtained by Fox News. “A Soldier must balance their personal feelings with the mission of the U.S. Army. Even the slightest inference of disrespect towards superiors can have a demoralizing effect on the unit.”

Attorney Wells said once he got involved, the military backed off of filing a formal reprimand.

“He’s allowed to have those bumper stickers on his car,” he said. “The DoD regulation allows it. There was nothing obscene about it.”

During the summer months, Sommers came under fire for reading the works of Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and David Limbaugh.

Sommers was reading Limbaugh’s “The Great Destroyer” backstage at a U.S. Army Band concert at the U.S. Capitol. A superior officer told him that he was causing “unit disruption” and was offending other soldiers.

“I wasn’t reading aloud,” he said. “I was just reading privately to myself. I was told they were frowning on that and they warned me that I should not be reading literature like that backstage because it was offensive.”

In another episode, he had been caught backstage reading a copy of Levin’s “Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America.”

Sommers said he was told to refrain from reading the book “while in uniform or within sight of anyone from the band.”

“This is the first time since (my superior officer) indicated I had offended others with my choice of reading material, that I was officially counseled about it,” he said. “The statement took my breath away. I was speechless.”

In spite of those incidents, the Army promoted the soldier in September to the rank of master sergeant. But the promotion would also mark the launch of an effort by the military to punish the soldier.

His promotion coincided with a controversy surrounding Chick-fil-A. The company’s president told a reporter that he was “guilty as charged” when it came to supporting traditional marriage. Gay rights activists pounced- calling for a boycott of the Christian-owned company. And some Democratic officials vowed to block Chick-fil-A from opening restaurants in their cities.

In response to that, Fox News Channel host Mike Huckabee launched a national Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day to rally support for the restaurant chain.

“I was inspired by Gov. Huckabee’s appreciation day,” Sommers told Fox News. “And since I wasn’t able to participate in the event, I decided to serve Chick-fil-A at my promotion party.”

It’s a long-standing tradition within the U.S. Army Band for promoted soldiers to host a party for their fellow troops. So the soldier decided to have Chick-fil-A cater the meal.

“My family likes Chick-fil-A and we like what they stand for,” he said. “I can make a statement and at least express a religious point of view at my promotion party – theoretically without any fear of reprisal.”

The soldier also tweeted about the party: “In honor of DADT repeal, and Obama/Holder’s refusal to enforce DOMA act, I’m serving Chick-fil-A at my MSG promo reception for Army today.”

He also tweeted to radio host Mark Levin: “@Marklevinshow ‘luv ya, Mark! Fellow Virginian & MSG, Army. Being promoted today, serving Chick-fil-A @ reception in honor of DADT repeal.”

Both tweets were cited in an official military document.

“As a Soldier you must be cognizant of the fact that your statements can be perceived by the general public and other service members to be of a nature bordering on disrespect to the President of the United States,” the document stated.

Sommers said he paid for the party with personal money, not government funds.

“I had no idea a Chick-fil-A sandwich would get me in trouble,” he said.

He was later summoned by a superior officer, who the soldier said is openly gay, and was told that unidentified individuals were offended by the tweets and some considered them to be racist.

Sommers was reprimanded, threatened with judicial action and given a bad efficiency report. An investigation was also launched.

“It’s an obvious attempt to set him up and force him out of the military,” Wells said. “They recently did an NCO evaluation that effectively torpedoed his chance at promotion and he could be forced out of the Army.”

During the course of their investigation, the military unearthed a tweet from 2010 that included a derogatory word for homosexuals. The soldier admitted that he had retweeted someone else’s original tweet.

“Lordy, Lordy, it’s faggot Tuesday. The lefty loons and Obamabots are out in full force,” the retweet read.

The soldier was hauled in to explain himself before a superior officer.

“He explained to me that homosexual Soldiers were now afraid of me,” Sommers said. “He showed me a letter from an Army Band colleague that demanded that I publicly apologize (to) the band for my statements and that I should be removed from positions of leadership and influence.”

Sommers admitted the retweet was a case of bad judgment on his part, but he said he believes that a group of homosexual soldiers are on a witch hunt and they were “attempting to dig up any negative information they could in order to silence me or ruin my career.”

Attorney Wells said Sommers is taking a “courageous course.”

“He’s not going to abandon his beliefs,” he said. “It would be easy for him to stand up and say, ‘Oh, I’ve seen the light. Yes, I was wrong – and I’m going to do everything I can to embrace the political correctness and all will be forgiven.’”

But Wells said the soldier’s “conscience won’t allow him to do that.”

Sommers said he has worked alongside gay soldiers for quite some time and does not have a problem serving with them.

“My point is everybody has a right,” he said. “Christians also have a right to express their points of view and that’s what’s being squelched here. There is no tolerance or dissent from the military’s point of view.”

The soldier fears that the military is becoming less tolerant.

“Ironically, the liberals are preaching tolerance,” he said. “They are saying, ‘We can tolerate you.’ But if you have a certain belief that doesn’t align with what the military wants you to believe – particularly religious beliefs – you’re no longer welcome in the U.S. military.”

Attorney Wells said his client is not going down without a fight – and they are vowing to file a federal lawsuit and reach out to Congress if necessary.

Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty said stories like this are becoming commonplace in the military post-repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

“These stories are the ones that have not been told – about some of the more subtle ramifications of the repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy,” he said.

One service member received a severe reprimand for expressing his faith’s religious position about homosexuality in a personal religious blog.

A chaplain was relieved of his command over a military chapel because he could not allow same-sex weddings to take place in the chapel.

And a chaplain who asked senior military officers whether religious liberty would be protected in the wake of the repeal of the law against open homosexual behavior in the military was told to “get in line” or resign.

Crews said they are sharing these stories to let other service members know there is a place to get help. He said Chaplain Alliance publishes a religious liberty palm card – explaining constitutionally protected liberties to service members.

“If you believe your religious liberties have been violated, here’s what you can do,” he said. “We will see that you get the help that you need.”

And what about Sommers?

“We’re going to stand with this soldier who did nothing wrong,” Crews said. “There is nothing wrong in saying he wants to celebrate DOMA – which happens to be federal law.

UPDATE: After this story was published, the Military District of Washington issued the following statement:

A public affairs spokesperson said Sommers did have the right to display a political sticker on his private vehicle.

“Accordingly, the Soldier was not prohibited from displaying a political bumper sticker. Instead, the Soldier’s supervisor discussed the appropriateness of the bumper stickers with him and potential perceptions of others in light of the regulatory guidance.”

“The Soldier is not, and never has been, “facing retribution and punishment from the military for having anti-Obama bumper stickers on his car, reading books written by conservative authors like Mark Levin and David Limbaugh, and serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at his promotion party,” the spokesperson added.


Dispatches from Bitter America

Ted Cruz Statement on NSA Scandal: ‘In Light Of Administration’s Track Record, How Can They Expect To Be Trusted?’

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) today released the following statement regarding President Obama’s comments on the NSA’s gathering of Americans’ private phone records: states: ‘We should always be mindful of the need for government to have the tools necessary to keep Americans safe in a dangerous world, where there are enemies plotting to attack us. We have seen the face of that enemy time and again, most recently in the terrorist attacks at Fort Hood, Benghazi and Boston to name a few.

But on one hand the Obama Administration says this enemy is in retreat, yet on the other, they are implementing what appears to be an unprecedented and intrusive surveillance system on private American citizens in the name of guarding against that enemy. Just today, the president encouraged us to trust him on this – to trust that there are safeguards to ensure our privacy is protected, trust that there is a system of checks and balances to prevent an abuse of power. But in light of this Administration’s track record, how can they expect to be trusted?

We have discovered over the past few months an ongoing pattern of wanton disregard not only for Americans’ privacy, but for the truth – DOJ’s refusal to be forthcoming about drone policy, IRS’s targeting groups for their political beliefs and then misleading the American people about it, DOJ’s targeting of journalists for doing their jobs, and now what seems an unprecedented intrusion into Americans’ personal phone records and potentially into their broader online activities.

Americans trusted President Obama when he came to office promising the most transparent administration in history. But that trust has been broken and the only way to earn it back is to tell the truth. That’s what Americans deserve. I will be working with my colleagues in the Senate who share my concerns to ensure that we have all the facts about these surveillance programs, and that our government is appropriately balancing concerns of national security with Americans’ personal liberties.’

ObamaCare: Pelosi Has Bout of Amnesia, ‘I don’t remember saying that everybody in the country would have a lower premium’

Pelosi TODAY: [at 1:17 ‘I don’t remember saying that everybody in the country would have a lower premium…’]  [at 1:51 ‘for everybody, it (ObamaCare) will be a liberation…’]

Pelosi 2012: [at :01 ‘and everybody will have lower rates, better quality care, and better access…’]
