Ted Cruz: Statement on Nomination of Samantha Power to UN

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) today issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s nomination of Samantha Power to be the United States Ambassador to the United Nations:

From Senator Ted Cruz: ‘The nomination of Samantha Power is deeply troubling. No nation has spilled more blood or sacrificed more for the freedom of others than ours, and yet Ms. Power has publicly embraced the need for America to continue apologizing to the world for perceived transgressions, going so far as to explicitly urge “instituting a doctrine of the mea culpa.”

She is yet another Obama nominee who has been sharply critical of our nation’s strong support of Israel. She’s an aggressive interventionist, supporting sending our men and women into harm’s way for “humanitarian” causes. And she has strongly supported the expansion of international institutions and international law–including the International Criminal Court, the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and the Kyoto Protocol–at the expense of U.S. sovereignty. Indeed, Ms. Power has publicly stated, “We have to believe in international law and binding ourselves to international standards in the interest of getting others bound to those standards.”

America needs a UN Ambassador to be an advocate for our own interests at the UN–not an advocate of elevating UN interests over U.S. sovereignty and the rights of the American people.’

MSLSD’s Martin Bashir: ‘IRS Is The New N-Word In The GOP’s War Against The Black Man In The White House’


You gotta see this to believe it! Just when you thought MSLSD’s Martin Bashir had stooped to the lowest level of intelligence possible, he beats his old standard. And this one is a beaut. Don’t know about you, but as a conservative, I am sick and tired of liberals using the race card to prop up their failing policies. Make no mistake about it, this nonsense will not stop true patriots from fighting the good fight against liberal idiocy and corruption. I would love to hear your comments below.

Susan Rice and Samantha Powers: Loyalty Rewarded, Slap in the Face to America Not an Issue for Obama

Obama appoints Susan Rice and Samantha PowersBarack Hussein Obama doesn’t mind dissing Americans, he’s done it before, and continues to do it in order to keep his plan alive with his latest appointments of Susan Rice and Samantha Powers.

Appointing these two came as no surprise and the timing couldn’t be better.  In the midst of four scandals with several more in the “queue” about to bust open, Obama just doesn’t care about what America thinks.  He has an agenda that he is following and will continue to follow it until America folds like a deck of cards. Watch Rand Paul’s response to this horror story at the bottom of the post.

PJ Media reports: “In a move that should surprise absolutely no one who’s been paying attention, President Obama has named Susan Rice to replace the outgoing Tom Donilon as national security adviser.

Not only was the move expected, but for Obama it makes perfect sense, although in conventional terms it would seem somewhat odd for a president to appoint someone with such a controversial and easily criticized past. But Obama cares little about the public’s opinion of his appointees; see how tenaciously he has clung to Holder so far through thick and thin.

It’s exactly the thing for which Rice has been criticized — her dutiful presentation of the administration’s deceptive but politically advantageous talking points about the death of the ambassador to Libya and three other Americans in Benghazi — that makes Rice most attractive to Obama as a close aide. He can trust her, and he doesn’t trust too many people.

I called her presentation “dutiful,” but another word for it would be “loyal.” It’s a loyalty that lies not only in Rice’s having presented those deceptive “facts” in the first place, but in never having turned on the administration afterward for putting her in that position (perhaps originally without her knowledge of the deception), even though it ended up costing her the post of Secretary of State, which would have required congressional confirmation.

Rice stuck with Obama even after she was thrown under the bus, as it were. And now she has been rewarded with a job that arguably could be as important in terms of influence if not prestige, because it is likely that Obama listens to his national security adviser at least as much, if not more, as he does to his secretary of State. To Obama, loyalty is almost everything, and Rice has the added bonus of actually having more of a background in foreign affairs than her predecessor.

The Rice appointment also frees up the job of UN ambassador, which gives Obama the opportunity to name another controversial woman and Obama loyalist to that position, Samantha Power. Power has a long record of supporting his foreign policy, is a fellow graduate of Harvard Law School, and is married to well-known leftist law professor Cass Sunstein. In an interesting twist, Power (like another close Obama adviser, Valerie Jarrett) was born outside the U.S. — in Power’s case, in Ireland to non-citizen parents who emigrated to the U.S. when Power was nine (Jarrett‘s parents were expat Americans in Iran during her early childhood).”


TED CRUZ: ‘Because I Tell You, I Ain’t Here Working for the New York Times…’

Ted Cruz was on the Mark Levin Show and said this:

“Let me say that the fact that the mainstream media and the New York Times is so hysterical about what I’m doing – to me frankly suggests that maybe we’re doing something right,” Cruz said on Mark Levin’s radio show.”

“Because I tell ya, I ain’t here working for the New York Times. I’m working every day for 26 million Texans and for conservatives and Americans all across this country that want to get back to our Constitution, and want to get back to the free market system that has made us the greatest nation in the history of the world.”

Go Ted, we support you!