OBAMA ATTACK DOG: Was Former IRS Commissioner Making Easter Egg Roll Plans with Stephanie Cutter?

Doug ShulmanLow and behold, guess what name surfaced as being “involved” in at least some of the unprecedented 157 White House meetings with embattled ex-IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman?  None other than Obama’s chief campaign attack dog, Stephanie Cutter.  You remember Cutter’s lovely personality don’t you?

Cutter was Obama’s Deputy Campaign Manager for 2012 reelection campaign.  How nice to see her again.

But what do you suppose a non-partisan IRS commissioner would want to meet with hyper-partisan Cutter?  Perhaps they were planning for the annual Easter Egg Hunt?  Fellow Conservatives, you ain’t seen nothing yet because all tracks will lead back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, you can count on it.

Breitbart reports: “The curious case of former IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman’s 157 meetings at the White House is now more curious with the revelation that he attended meetings with Stephanie Cutter, Deputy Campaign Manager for President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign. While she technically served a stint as a White House advisor to the President, her role has always been that of an aggressive political operator. That their meetings coincided with the IRS targeting of conservative and tea party organizations raises many questions.

Cutter may have had an official White House title, but she has always been a campaign operative. In 2010, she was named an Assistant to the President, charged with communications and outreach for ObamaCare. Presumably, it is in this role that she was in meetings with Shulman. This itself is odd, because as the IRS is tasked with implementing large swathes of ObamaCare, HHS is responsible for the public outreach and oversight of the public exchanges at the heart of the law.

Cutter has not revealed the details of the meetings she attended with Shulman. We don’t know the exact dates they met, except that they must have coincided with the IRS targeting of conservative groups. We do know that the targeting began around the time that ObamaCare was enacted.

It is hard to imagine a meeting agenda that would include both the supposedly non-partisan IRS Commissioner Shulman and the hyper-partisan Cutter. The IRS is supposed to develop technocratic rules to implement ObamaCare. Communications and outreach ought not be part of their mission. Could it be that part of the White House’s outreach plan on ObamaCare was to silence opponents?

Cutter should be called to testify under oath before the House Oversight Committee to explain the details of these meetings. Her portfolio at the time, communications and outreach, imply a political component that would not ordinarily be tasked to the IRS Commissioner. What, exactly, were the nature of these meetings?”

For those of you that don’t recall the charming Stephanie Cutter, here’s a video of her getting smoked by Brett Baier, when the Obama administration was clinging to the Benghazi “video” narrative.


Holder and Clinton Blocking Truth: ‘It’s Time America Understands Who Clinton, Holder, and Mills Really Are’

Holder and ClintonOur country is at war with evil-doers — they want to destroy what our country has stood for and has been built on for over 235 years.  Our Founding Fathers specify our implicit duty and responsibility, is to uphold our Constitution.  And, we are now faced with need to act upon that responsibility.

Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton are just about the two lowest lives that have served [themselves] our country, and just so happen to serve under the most unscrupulous administration our country has ever seen, the Obama administration.  Holder, Clinton and Cheryl Mills is just one collective example of holding up the truth, and stand between freedom and tyranny.

Breitbart reports: “This time around, it’s been Clinton and Mills questioned over the Benghazi terrorist attack and botched cover story, while Holder is facing scrutiny for his questionable congressional testimony about his department’s highly suspicious investigations into members of the media. The saga that follows is just one example of their past escapades.

On August 11, 1999, President Bill Clinton offered clemency to 16 unrepentant members of the Puerto Rican terrorist group FALN (Armed Forces for National Liberation). The FALN carried out a reign of terror in America from 1974 through 1983, conducting 114 bombings including the January 24, 1975 lunchtime attack of New York’s historic Fraunces Tavern that killed four innocent people. Among the victims was my 33 year-old father, Frank Connor.

In 1981, the majority of the FALN terrorists were arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced in Chicago Federal Court to 50 to 70 year prison terms for crimes including seditious conspiracy, bomb making, conspiracy to commit armed robbery, and weapons possession.

Prior to the clemency offers, supporters of the release received a reported nine meetings with White House and Justice Department officials, while victims and their families were ignored. Incredibly, the FALN terrorists never requested clemency themselves. Instead, a “support committee” requested clemency on their behalf.

Inexplicably, the Justice Department conducted the standard investigation, which resulted in Pardon Attorney Margaret Love not recommending the terrorists’ release. However, Eric Holder, then Deputy Attorney General, fired Love and compelled her replacement, Roger Adams, to draft a neutral “options” memo which provided President Clinton the rationale he needed to offer their releases. Fourteen of the sixteen terrorists eventually accepted clemency and left prison on September 10, 1999.

I listened incredulously only feet from Mr. Holder at his Senate Confirmation hearing as he asserted that the clemency was “reasonable,” as those terrorists were not specifically convicted of killing or harming anyone. However, these terrorists were convicted of willfully and knowingly joining a conspiracy to commit acts of violence. Further, all evidence indicates that those convicted in Chicago were members of the same conspiracy that killed five people in New York, including those in the Fraunces Tavern bombing.

Like the current administration’s untruthful response to the Benghazi attack, the reasons for these Clinton-era clemencies were purely political and an obvious attempt to further Hillary Clinton’s political career. In 1999, Hillary was planning for her 2000 U.S. Senate run. Offering clemency to these individuals was designed to help her gain footing with New York’s Puerto Rican population of 3.5 million people.

However, Clinton and her team miscalculated. Instead of a quiet release and minimal fallout, (like they also hoped for with Benghazi), the terrorists did not immediately accept clemency and a firestorm erupted. The terrorists were allowed an astonishing 30 days to consider their release, as the FBI, Bureau of Prisons, and various law enforcement organizations condemned the offers. Forgotten victims and families like mine publicly demanded answers from the Clintons. The U.S. Senate passed a resolution of condemnation by a 95 -2 vote as media outlets hammered the administration.

Many of the same political figures you are hearing about in the scandals of today were involved back then; Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, and her former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, who, in 1999, wrote to congressional investigators to inform them that President Clinton would be asserting executive privilege in the inquiry into the FALN. Because of this executive privilege claim, none of the Justice Department or FBI officials testified at the congressional hearing at which we warned that releasing these terrorists would set a horrible precedent.

The questions from 1999 and 2013 are eerily similar: why did the executive branch obfuscate and refuse to explain the truth to the American people? In 1999, why did they misrepresent the facts regarding convicted terrorists whose organization killed five innocent Americans and maimed scores of others? In 2013, why did the administration misrepresent facts regarding terrorists who attacked an American consulate and killed four heroes?

It’s time America understands who Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Cheryl Mills really are: ruthless, unscrupulous political opportunists. I said in 1999, “It is painful to think that my father’s life was worth less to the president than his wife’s election.” I regrettably expect the families of the Benghazi victims are feeling a similar pain now.


Sarah English: The 2nd Amendment Works, No Trial, No Appeal

Sarah English just got off work at the Roadhouse Grill and was walking to her car when a man approached her from the rear and put a gun in her back and said to come with him. He walked her to his car, opened the trunk and told her to get in, putting more pressure from the gun. He slammed the trunk and started the car, pulling out.

What the abductor doesn’t know is Sarah served two tours over sees, both times in combat and a total of 8 years in the service. She told herself she had been in worse situations than this and when the time came she would be going home to her husband and kids. She got into a better position with her head behind the driver’s seat. She reached around her back and pulled her 10mm Glock from the holster which she wore clipped to her belt.

She thought she could shoot thru the seats but worried about hitting an innocent bystander. She waited, after about 20 minutes he turned onto a bumpy road, possibly gravel. She thought it was a mountain road and was worried if she shot he could crash into a tree or go over the side. She told herself to wait until he slowed or stopped. And then it happened, he stopped and before he could get out she started firing and kept firing, right and left until her magazine was empty. She quickly ejected and inserted the other magazine from the holster.

She listened for a few minutes but no noises or movement from the inside of the car. She shot the lock out of the trunk and stepped out one leg at a time with the gun at the ready. She moved slowly and looked thru the driver’s window and knew it was all over. She could see the holes in the windshield thru the blood and matter on the glass.


~Andrew Rubin

OBAMACARE NULLIFICATION: South Carolina Leads Charge to Restrict Enactment of ObamaCare

South Carolina Restricts ObamaCareSouth Carolina has taken the lead to restrict enactment of ObamaCare.

The State reports: South Carolina this week could become the first state in the country to restrict the enactment of Obamacare since the U.S. Supreme Court upheld that law last year.

A proposed bill, on special order in the state Senate, would allow the state attorney general to take businesses, including health insurers, to court if he “has reasonable cause to believe” they are harming people by implementing the law. The bill already has passed the House.

If it passes, the bill could push South Carolina to the forefront of Obamacare resistance, giving the state’s Republican leaders a national stage. It also could push South Carolina into yet another costly legal battle in the federal courts that, critics say, is unnecessary and avoidable.

“It is going to get us in court, as we all know. But … it is worth the risk to see if we can protect our state from this far-reaching federal legislation,” state Sen. Kevin Bryant, R-Anderson, one of the lawmakers pushing for the Senate to pass the bill this week before it adjourns for the year.

Obama to Sign U.N. Treaty During Summer Recess To Avoid Scrutiny

Obama U.N. TreatyGiven the hot water Barack Hussein Obama is in at the moment, with multiple scandals, it’s not surprising he is opting to sign the U.N. treaty during Summer recess… it gives a new meaning to “while the cat is away, the mice will play” doesn’t it?

Breitbart reports: “In an attempt to avoid public scrutiny, President Obama plans to sign the controversial United Nations gun treaty in August, when Congress is in summer recess. According to White House press secretary Jay Carney, Obama will sign the treaty “before the end of August,” even though legally he could have done so next week.

The treaty is problematic for a variety of reasons ranging from the substantive to the procedural. On substance, the treaty is designed to regulate arms importers and exporters, which the United States already does. The treaty, however, does not properly regulate foreign countries, leaving the United States on the hook while leaving actual wrongdoers alone. Meanwhile, signatories are supposed to keep information on “end users” of arms imported into their country and to give that information to the supplying country. In other words, it makes it more difficult for American citizens to import arms, and guarantees the solid chance that foreign governments have information about domestic gunowners.

Procedurally, the United States originally insisted that the treaty go through consensus decision-making, meaning that everyone sign on. But when a conference to do so failed, the US decided that the treaty did not need to apply to all countries. Countries abstaining from the vote include China, Russia, India, and Egypt.

While the Obama administration openly supported the treaty when it was first proposed, it has changed its view since the failure of domestic gun control legislation. Now, it appears that the White House wants the benefit of being on the record with regard to the treaty, but does not want the fallout of a public battle over the treaty before the 2014 elections, especially given the fact that the treaty will not be ratified in the Senate.

“We believe it’s in the interest of the United States,” Carney said of signing the treaty. “While we look forward to signing the treaty, there are remaining translation issues that need to be resolved.”

While President Obama wants to delay the treaty for political reasons, Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly wants it signed as soon as possible. “The United States welcomes the opening of the Arms Trade Treaty for signature and we look forward to signing it as soon as the process of conforming the official translations is completed satisfactorily.”


Hating Breitbart

ISRAEL: Obama Administration Shockingly Releases Top Secret Facility

Israel Top SecretBesides the seemingly endless collage of scandals, can this administration do anything right by chance?  I think not.

It was released today that the U.S. has released ‘top-secret’ facility at Tel Shahar, classified so top secret that Israel’s military won’t officially confirm its location between Jerusalem and Ashdod, would be made so public.

Israel’s military fumed Monday over the discovery that the U.S. government had revealed details of a top-secret Israeli military installation in published bid requests.

The Obama administration had promised to build Israel a state-of-the-art facility to house a new ballistic-missile defense system, the Arrow 3. As with all Defense Department projects, detailed specifications were made public so that contractors could bid on the $25 million project. The specifications included more than 1,000 pages of details on the facility, ranging from the heating and cooling systems to the thickness of the walls.

“If an enemy of Israel wanted to launch an attack against a facility, this would give him an easy how-to guide. This type of information is closely guarded and its release can jeopardize the entire facility,” said an Israeli military official who commented on the publication of the proposal but declined to be named because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the facility. He declined to say whether plans for the facility have been altered as a result of the disclosure.

“This is more than worrying, it is shocking,” he said.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Wesley Miller said he couldn’t comment on the specifics of the Arrow 3 base, but he said the United States routinely published the details of its construction plans on a federal business opportunities website so that contractors could estimate the costs of jobs. He said such postings often might be revised after contracts were approved.

Israeli officials appear to have been well aware of the danger of outsourcing building projects to the United States. In an interview with the Reuters news agency in March, Lt. Col. Peleg Zeevi, the head of the bidding process at Israel’s Defense Ministry, justified Israel’s long history of relying on the United States to help build military installations by saying that Israel needed “a player that has the knowledge, ability and experience.”

“We are aware of the security issues that arise in deals with foreign firms, but because we want real competition and expertise, we will create conditions that will allow and encourage their participation,” Zeevi said.

It appears, however, that Israeli officials were caught by surprise that details of the facility at Tel Shahar, classified so top secret that Israel’s military won’t officially confirm its location between Jerusalem and Ashdod, would be made so public.

Jane’s Defence Weekly first wrote about the bidding documents, citing them in a story in which it recounted details of the Arrow 3, a defense system designed to intercept ballistic missiles outside the Earth’s atmosphere that’s expected to become operational in 2015.

According to the bid requests, the Arrow 3 system will include six interceptors in vertical launch positions to be placed in the facility, and a gantry crane would need to be erected for further missiles. The structures encasing the interceptor system are to be constructed from high-grade concrete reinforced with steel mesh grids. They’ll have steel blast doors and a system to protect electrical wiring from the pressure created by a launch.

Israeli officials had announced that they were fast-tracking the Arrow 3 system because of their fear that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon.

“We want to reach a situation in which Israel has a ready defense for any threat, present or future,” said Col. Aviram Hasson, the head of the Defense Ministry department that’s charged with developing the system.

The Arrow 3 is capable of intercepting missiles at a range of up to 1,500 miles and can maneuver in midair to chase them. Last February, Israel conducted the first test of the Arrow 3 in space. That test was overseen by the United States.

The new facility won’t be the first military installation the U.S. government has built in Israel. Since 1998, when Israel and the Palestinian Authority signed the Wye River memorandum, the U.S. has constructed about $500 million in military facilities for the Israeli army. In addition to bases in southern Israel, including the Nevatim air base, the U.S. has built command centers, intelligence offices and underground hangars to protect Israel’s jet aircraft.

Last year, U.S. defense contractors began constructing an air force base just outside Tel Aviv – known as the “site 911” – that will cost up to $100 million. Israel’s military hasn’t revealed the purpose of the site, but it’s widely thought that Israel is trying to move some of its military headquarters from high-value real estate in Tel Aviv to the outskirts of the bustling city.