Constitution Under Attack: Islam Trumps the First Amendment

Obama and IslamPresident Barack Hussein Obama continues his assault on our Constitution, this time the First Amendment is in the direct line of fire with his latest charade, adding a layer of protection to Islam.

WND reports: “Bloggers beware. And those who use email, too. And those on Facebook. And Twitter. And anyone else using social media: Diss a Muslim and the Department of Justice will be on your case with the full weight of federal law.

The Obama administration, which is launching a series of Muslim Outreach Summits so that Islamists can tell federal officials how they better can serve that community, says it also is holding educational outreaches to let people know that Internet postings that violate civil rights are subject to federal prosecution.

Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, is scheduled to appear at an event sponsored by the American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee next week, and will “provide input on how civil rights can be violated by those who post inflammatory documents targeted at Muslims on social media,” according to a report in the Tullahoma News in Tennessee.

“This is an educational effort with civil rights laws as they play into freedom of religion and exercising freedom of religion,” he said. “This is also to inform the public what federal laws are in effect and what the consequences are.”

“In its latest effort to protect followers of Islam in the U.S. the Obama Justice Department warns against using social media to spread information considered inflammatory against Muslims, threatening that it could constitute a violation of civil rights,” the organization said.

Judicial Watch noted that the Obama administration already has reached out to personally reassure Muslims that the DOJ is protecting them. In that unprecedented move, Attorney General Eric Holder assured a San Francisco-based group called Muslim Advocates, which urges members not to cooperate with federal investigations, that he is grateful to have Muslims with which to partner.

The Obama administration also has hired a special Homeland Security adviser, Mohamed Elibiary, who openly supports an Islamist theologian who condemns U.S. prosecutions of terrorists, Judicial Watch said.

And the president has ordered the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to focus on Muslim diplomacy and officials with Homeland Security covertly have met with extremist Arab, Muslim and Sikh groups to talk about national security matters.

The State Department lent its weight by sending anti-America imam Feisal Abdul Rauf on a trip to the Middle East for outreach to Muslims.

Explained Judicial Watch, “Over the years, the Obama administration has embarked on a fervent crusade to befriend Muslims by creating a variety of outreach programs at a number of key federal agencies.”

Tullahoma News said Killian wants to let people know about Muslim culture and civil rights laws.

“We want to inform everybody about what the law is, but more importantly, we want to provide what the law means to Muslims, Hindus and every other religion in the country.

“It’s why we came here in the first place,” he continued. “In England, they were using Christianity to further their power in government. That’s why the First Amendment is there.”

WND had reported just a day earlier on the “Muslim Outreach Summits.”

WND initially discovered documents referring to the Muslim summits while examining a U.S. Department of Education procurement of data-gathering and report-writing services.

The services are specific to information being assembled by the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, or WHIAAPI, which Obama created via executive order in 2009.

Upon closer inspection, however, WND learned that the Education Department explicitly will direct the selected contractor to chronicle findings and recommendations gleaned from the Muslim Outreach Summits.

The White House views this year’s venues as an extension of a previous outreach to “new immigrants and refugees – some of the most underserved in the AAPI community,” according to a document titled “WHIAAPI 2013 Faith-Based and Community Engagement.”

Complementing the prior effort will be the three “regional convenings,” tentatively scheduled June 15 in Chicago, June 22 in San Francisco and June 29 in New York City.

“These cities are main AAPI immigrant hubs and entry points for new immigrants/refugees,” according to a related document, “Questions Received from Vendors: Development and Preparation of the AAPI Annual Report to the President.”

“Each convening with [sic] include panel discussions/workshops with federal officials on key issues impacting the community and also an open-dialogue session to hear directly from the community about issues of concern.”

Sometime after the three Muslim Outreach Summits, the chosen contractor will develop and then present its summary report to the president and to newly appointed WHIAAPI commissioners.

The contracting action – the first of its kind since its inception in 2008 – will help lay the foundation for the initiative’s future work, the document says.”

How nice, so now our president is doing an end run around on the First Amendment, protecting the same religion that blew up the World Trade Centers.  It looks like the prez is entering into the 3rd Stage of Jihad on the United States.


Hating Breitbart

BILL MAHER: Compares George Bush to Ariel Castro

Normally, I don’t give too much notice to POS liberals like Bill Maher, but when they say over-the-top, asinine comments like this one, I feel the need to bring it to our readers.

Bill Maher on Friday blasted former President George W. Bush’s recent 100K bike ride with wounded war veterans as “nauseating,” likening it to the accused Cleveland kidnapper throwing a “pizza party” for the women he kept locked up in his home.

“First he sends them off to war to get their limbs blown off and then he has them over for a barbeque,” Maher said on his HBO show “Real Time.” “This is like the Cleveland guy having a pizza party for those girls he had in his basement.”

One of Maher’s panel guests suggested that was “a little much,” while actress Brit Marling said he could “go even farther.”

“I think it’s sort of sadistic — it’s very tragic when something like that happens,” Marling said. “The idea that, like, these amputees and the technology that’s allowing them to do this is somehow something to celebrate — people shouldn’t be over there losing limbs in the first place.”

But HuffPost Live James Poulos broke in that the veterans are “certainly celebrating their prosthetic limbs.” He brought up the Huffington Post’s interview with Bush during the ride where he talked about the injuries many soldiers sustained.

“W said, you know, ‘I don’t pity these guys, because they don’t pity themselves,’” Poulos said. “That doesn’t transcend the fact that the Iraq War was a colossal sh-t show, but it does transcend the fact that there’s kind of this uncomfortable irony between, like, Bush’s relationship and these guys. They’re all out there biking together, and that’s OK.”