KRAUTHAMMER: Biggest Scandal of All Is What the President Was Doing for 8 Hours?

This has always been at the root of the questions for Benghazi. What was the President doing during those 8 hours of the Benghazi attack? Charles Krauthammer as usual, brings up the critical points and the critical questions that need to be answered:


“I think there is a bigger story here that will in time come out. The biggest scandal of all, the biggest question is what was the president doing in those eight hours. He had a routine meeting at five o’clock. He never after during the eight hours when our guys have their lives in danger, he never called the Secretary of Defense, he never calls the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, he never called the CIA Director, Who does he call?”

“But five hours in he calls the Secretary of State. And after the phone call she releases a statement essentially about the video and how we denounce any intolerance. It looks as if the only phone call is to construct a cover story at a time when the last two Americans who died were still alive and fighting for their lives. There’s the scandal and that has to be uncovered.”

BOARDWALK BROMANCE: Obama and Christie Kindle ‘Bromance’

President Obama and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie found some quality time to kindle a bromance of sorts, while strolling down the boardwalk during Obama’s visit to New Jersey.  Here, Glenn Beck reminisces on some of the “thoughtful” moments in what seemed “awkward” to say the least:


The Blaze reports: “Love was in the air as NJ Governor Chris Christie won his new object of obsession, President Obama, a teddy bear while the lovebirds strolled along the boardwalk in NJ. With his administration mired in scandal, Obama is trying to play his greatest hits – revisiting all the places where he got a bump in the polls. But the media seems to be missing one of the biggest stories from the day, and only Glenn had it.

And while many news outlets picked up on Chris Christie stepping in to win a stuffed teddy bear for President Obama, only Glenn and his special, investigative reporters picked up on what happened next.”

“TheBlaze is reporting this morning that afterwards, the two made a sand castle of the White House on the beach and then frolicked in the crashing waves, playfully and gently splashing wanter on one another for about an hour. Then after Chris Christie played a game of shirtless beach volleyball, just in jeans, while the President cheered him on, the two departed for a dinner meeting,” Glenn reported.

“Instead of the secure limo, the President rode on the back of Christie’s motorcycle, tightly hugging around his waist from the back seat – or at least as much of the waist as we can get his arms around.”

“As they sped off, a handwritten note flew out of the president’s pock and one of our Blaze reporters picked it up and it’s — seems to be — I don’t want to report it is, but it seems to be in Chris Christie’s handwriting and it just says: Watching every motion in my foolish lover’s game on this endless ocean finally lovers know no shame. Turning and returning to some secret place inside, watching in slow motion, as you turn around and say take my breath away.”

“Now, because of Christie’s recent weight loss surgery, the two decided just to eat a little lighter and they shared a plate of pasta at dinner. I don’t know why, but they were in the back alley of some place there in Jersey. They claimed it was an odd coincidence, they happened to suck up the same end of the noodle as they were looking away from each other, then they suddenly turned and found their lips touching.”

“The night ended with Christie giving the president a one hour private tour of Hurricane Sandy’s tour under the Boardwalk,” Glenn continued, “no press or staff were allowed, although the secret service got a little an antsy, because they did hear some moaning and they didn’t know if one of them was hurt or what was going on. One unsourced account reported hearing the following exchange shortly before the moaning began, and Christie apparently said, ‘Here we are, just the two of us together, taking the crazy chance to be all alone, because we both know that we shouldn’t be together, because if they found out, it could mess up both hour happy homes.’

“And the president responded, ‘How could something so wrong be so right? I wish we didn’t have to keep our love out of sight. Yeah. Living two lives, it just ain’t easy at all, but we got to hang on in there or fall.”

OBAMA IS INCOMPETENT: Robert Shrum Claims ‘Obama is Carteresque’

Obama is IncompetentBarack Obama is one of two things: extremely corrupt or extremely incompetent.  There’s really no other way to describe this president we have occupying our White House.

The Daily Beast reports: Bob Shrum, a longtime Democrat operative, has decided that President Barack Obama’s handling of the White House during this IRS scandal has been bad. Maybe not “Nixonian” bad, but instead indicates a sort of Carteresque incompetence.

Shrum is a high-powered Democrat operative of the first order. He was a speech writer for such Democrat luminaries as George McGovern and Jimmy Carter, and worked on campaigns for Dick Gephardt, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Bob Kerry, and John Kerry and more. So when he speaks, a lot of folks in the media pay attention.

For the Daily Beast, Shrum starts his piece denying that Obama did anything wrong with the IRS targeting of conservatives. He insists that Obama didn’t direct these attacks on his enemies and claims he had no idea it was going on. Shrum is going with the “low level operatives in Cincinnati” explanation.

“For the White House, there is no crime here, there is no scandal, no matter how feverishly, irresponsibly, or demagogically the GOP labors to concoct one,” Shrum insists.

But once he gets past that disclaimer, he warms to his Obama-as-incompetent theme.

“This is not a case of Nixonian indifference to the Constitution, the law, and the president’s oath of office,” Shrum decides. “But it does look like a reprise of Cartersque incompetence, increasingly so as we learn more about how the White House staff handled–or mishandled–a crisis they knew was coming.”

Shrum points out that the whole cascade of lies from Obama’s underlings about who knew of the IRS scandal and when they knew it was a Keystone Kops version of crisis management.

First White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler claimed she knew but didn’t tell the president in order to “shield him” from the scandal. But then we found out that Ruemmler had actually briefed Chief of Staff Dennis McDonough and other aides before that timeline.

Worse, we found out still later that officials in the Counsel’s office had known even sooner than Ruemmler. Next we found out that Obama’s staffers and the Treasury Dept. had conferred even earlier than that on how to handle the soon-to-break story. A lot was known about the coming scandal for far longer than Obama’s White House at first claimed.

So, as each day passed, we got a new story on who knew about the actions of the IRS and when they knew it. That drove Shrum to say that “it’s hard to credibly contend that the White House strategy here, if you can even label it that, has been a model of crisis management.”

Read entire article.


BILL OREILLY: Destroys Juan Williams For Stand on Holder


Appearing on “The Factor” Tuesday, Juan Williams doubled down on his assertion that it is completely appropriate that Attorney General Eric Holder is investigating actions that he personally signed off on. Williams is, of course, referring to the Justice Department’s decision to name Fox News reporter James Rosen a possible “co-conspirator” and go after his private records.

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