OBAMA BLUNDER: Obama Refers to Tornado Ravaged Monroe [instead of Moore] Oklahoma



Last week the president referred to ‘Jane’ Madison as one of our Founding Fathers, this week it looks like he needs to head back to Geography 101 class (that is if he every took U.S. Geography). Tuesday, while on the New Jersey photo op trip with Governor Chris Christie, he spoke to a hearty crowd in Asbury Park, NJ, to make his second blunder in as many weeks referring to tornado ravaged Moore, Oklahoma as Monroe, Oklahoma… oops.  President Obama is beginning to look more like our Vice-President.

“So, Jersey, you’ve still got a long road ahead, but when you look out on this beach — this beautiful beach here, even in the rain, it looks good. You look out over the horizon, you can count on the fact that you won’t be alone. Your fellow citizens will be there for you — just like we’ll be there for folks in Breezy Point and Staten Island — (applause) — and obviously, we’re going to be there for the folks in Monroe [sic], Oklahoma, after the devastation of last week. (Applause.)

WATTER’S WORLD: The ‘Comfortable Ignorance’ That Threatens Our Liberty

Americans are clueless about Obama’s scandals and unfortunately, many of them are our next generation.  Watter’s World takes a dive into “comfortable ignorance” — the world of liberals. This is obviously humor at the expense of ignorance, but on a much more serious note, this ignorance is threatening our very freedom, our liberty. Please Like and Share this disturbingly, albeit humorous video.
