MEMORIAL DAY VIGIL: Vietnam Tragedy Reminds Us of Our Duty as Americans

Obama Marxist LeninistThe United States is a model democracy, one in which all free societies measure against. We love our freedom and most are willing to die for it.

Today is Memorial Day in the United States and what better way to end the day than to thank our veterans by example; to show the grim reality of the very thing they fought, and continue to fight, against: Tyranny? A prominent Vietnamese  blogger serves as a reminder for the acumen of democracy and why we owe so much to our veterans:

The Bangkok Post reports: “Truong Duy Nhat, 49, was detained Sunday at his home in the coastal city of Danang and escorted to Vietnam’s capital Hanoi for questioning, the state-run Tuoi Tre newspaper said.

He stands accused of “abusing democratic freedoms to infringe on the interests of the state”, a charge that could bring a maximum seven years in jail, the report said.

Nhat, who had worked for Vietnam’s official press but quit in 2011, writes the popular blog “A Different Viewpoint”.

His blog, “offering an alternative perspective” on news events from the staid official press, propelled him to nationwide recognition and “often attracted heated debate”, the state-run Thanh Nien newspaper reported.”

Vietnam is a communistic country.  More specifically, the Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP) is the founding and ruling political party of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a one-party system led by the Communist Party. The VCP ideology is very similar to what Barack Obama espouses: Marxism-Leninism.

Today we owe so much to the men and women that fought for our country, many of them lost their lives doing so. We will never forget.  We must also remind ourselves that freedom can and will, be taken away by the evil that lurks within. We simply cannot take freedom for granted.

As a free country, all Americans must remain vigil and fight the good fight when we need to, because that very same evil is knocking at our door right now. God Bless America.
