MSLSD Dyson: Black Republican E.W. Jackson Carries White Supremacist Message?

Michael Eric DysonBefore we get to MSLSD’s latest assault on Christianity, let’s lay the groundwork for E. W. Jackson, the Republican Lieutenant Governor from Virginia.  Jackson is a former member of the United States Marine Corps. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree(BA), Summa Cum Laude with a Phi Beta Kappa Key from the University of Massachusetts at Boston. Three years later he graduated from Harvard Law School with a Juris Doctor (JD). While in law school, he was accepted into the Baptist ministry and studied theology at Harvard Divinity School.

Jackson’s Youtube videos in support of that effort were played on Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham and to date have over 1.5 million views online. This is a part of his ongoing project to educate citizens on how the current leadership of the Democratic Party is not representing their values and to break the cycle of electoral dependency on the Democratic Party within the Black community.

Now onto MSLSD’s accusation:

“According to Bretbert:  On May 26th, MSLSD political analyst Michael Eric Dyson described Lieutenant governor nominee E. W. Jackson as a “black puppet” who carries a white supremacist message.  Jackson is a black man, and is urging Christians in the black community to break free from their loyalties to the Democrat Party.

According to, Jackson raised Dyson’s ire by warning these Christian that the Democrat Party has “has created an unholy alliance between certain so-called civil rights leaders and Planned Parenthood,” and that this alliance has resulted in the deaths of “tens of millions” of “black babies.”

Dyson responded by saying “Planned Parenthood is not about abortions.” He then added: “[Jackson’s] a vent. He’s being ventriloquized. His mouth is moving but White Supremacist ideology is floating through it, and the most repressive sorts of ideas that we can  imagine are being evoked here.”

It doesn’t matter that Planned Parenthood aborts approximately 340,000 babies a year. Nor does it matter that Planned Parenthood has aborted millions upon millions of black babies since 1973.

All that matters is that Jackson’s a Republican. Therefore he is lumped in with other black men whom the Democrat Party has discarded for rejecting race-driven politics and more reliance on government. Other blacks in this category include men like Walter E. Williams, Thomas Sowell, Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), and of course, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.”

The vast majority of so-called news that comes from MSLSD is simply liberal blather.  But given that Jackson is a Christian, a black Christian, who stands up for the perpetuating non-sense that comes from the far-left, it becomes painfully obvious MSLSD is simply out to smear the man shoot the messenger.  God, they are dreadful little human beings.


BRITT HUME: Destroys Juan Williams After Defending Eric Holder


Juan Williams is beginning to really irritate me. At one time, Williams, a political analyst for Fox News possessed common sense.  Unlike a vast majority of Kool-Aid drinkers, he was able to at least present the grain of rational, enough to clarify the reason liberals think like they do anyway.  Lately, he is carrying a lot of water for the Obama administration; not sure of the agenda but he’s beginning to frustrate conservatives.  Here, Britt Hume jumps down his throat for an empty argument for Eric Holder.