Stockholm Riots Quell The Socialism Utopia Personification

Sweden RiotsSweden has been known as the Mecca for the socialism model, a sort of solidarity for all of socialism’s goodness under “one roof.”  Well, the socialism’s darling may have been delivered a blow to its personification.  After six consecutive nights of almost inexplicable, rioting in Stockholm, rioting continues.

Telegraph reports “This weekend, after six consecutive nights of rioting, Mr Mohammed was not the only one questioning the Swedish social model’s preference for the carrot over the stick. Many Swedes were left asking why a country that prides itself on a generous welfare state, liberal social attitudes and a welcoming attitude towards immigrants should ever have race riots in the first place.”

“It’s true that the welfare system here is an example to the rest of the world, so if you fall here you do not fall all the way to the bottom,” he said. “But people don’t like being dependent on social welfare, and there is hidden racism.”

‘Multiculturalism failing’: Swedish PM pleas for order as riots engulf


Hundreds youths hurling rocks, burning cars and smashing windows for the second day in a row in Stockholm say they are protesting against police brutality and inequality.

Stockholm Riots Leave Sweden’s Dreams Of Perfect Society Up In


LIKE the millions of other ordinary Swedes whom he now sees himself as one of, Mohammed Abbas fears his dream society is now under threat. When he first arrived in Stockholm as refugee from Iran in 1994, the vast Husby

Holder to Investigate Holder, Obama’s Contempt Will Trump Truth

Obama has had enough; it’s time to get to the bottom of this AP scandal once and for all.  Ahem, are you ready for this?  Obama has asked Holder to investigate… well, Holder.  Congrats prez, you have taken your arrogance to a whole new level.

“Obama sought Thursday to quell rising concerns in the press and public about the targeting of journalists by the Justice Department – an overbroad secret subpoena against the Associated Press and the naming of FOX News’ James Rosen as a possible criminal for working a source at the State Department – by again expressing his support for the First Amendment and instructing Holder to reflect on his policies.”

Holder signed off on warrant for James Rosen records « Hot Air


I hear Holder is going to investigate his own actions in the Rosen and AP cases, discuss it with some admin-friendly reporters, and report the minutes personally to the president. Finally! Transparency and accountability! /s

NBC: Eric Holder signed off on criminal investigation of Fox News


NBC News is reporting tonight that Attorney General Eric Holder personally signed off on the search warrant naming Rosen as a co-conspirator in the case of Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, whom the government has accused of leaking sensitive information. So, Eric Holder approved search warrant on Fox reporter’s PRIVATE emails. Eric holder’s world: signed off on warrant for that scary #jamesrosen. Wouldnt investigate thugs intimidating voters at polling places.—

Without a doubt, this is an ego-trip for Obama, even the most ardent liberals that get their cues from MSLSD will find it reprehensible for Holder to self-censure!

After all, NBC News is reporting that Holder himself signed off on the subpoena that targeted Rosen, though the agency remains officially “mum” on the subject. However, DOJ rules require that such document grabs require approval from the top cop.  The liberal droll continues.
