OBAMA: Deflection or Concession? You be the Judge

You be the judge — is this a deflection or a concession by Obama?  Does he really believe Ft. Hood and Boston Marathon bombing were at the hands of Islamic Terrorists (which we know are), or simply a slight of the hand?  I don’t know, it may be a trust hang up on my part, but something just doesn’t site right with me…

“Deranged or alienated individuals U.S. Citizens or legal residents can do enormous damage, particularly when inspired by a larger notions of violent Jihad. That pull towards extremism appears to have led to the shooting the Fort Hood and the bombing of the Boston Marathon.”

Here you have a murderer collecting $278,000 in back pay, while his victims, military service members, cannot make ends meet or pay their medical bills!  OUTRAGE!

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RAND PAUL: Likens Obama to ‘Everywhere a Scandal…’

The Obama administration now has the dubious distinction of having multiple impeachable scandals to his credit and Rand Paul took a moment to add some humor to a very ominous situation, equating the Obama scandals to McDonald’s Farm nursery rhyme.

“We have sort of an ‘Old MacDonald Farm’ of scandals — here a scandal, there a scandal, everywhere a scandal,” Paul said on Fox News on Thursday. “So we’re not sure which scandal to even talk about.”

“I don’t think this will work because he is putting off really the ultimate reckoning. He’s saying in 30 days we’ll do this and 90 days we’ll do this. The IRS scandal has been going on for over a year. The report is out there. I think they know who is responsible but he is not getting anybody,” Paul said on Fox News.

He continued: “Nobody is willing to be fired or removed from office from this. So I think it’s a bit of misdirection here. There are still some important questions about American citizens overseas. Even that issue he sort of obscures. He says that of course that they should get due process, but his idea of due process is flash cards and PowerPoint presentation. So even that he doesn’t really come clean with.”

Maybe a nice analogy from Rand Paul, albeit not without adding some more distress as to the future of our country.


FOOD STAMPS: Recipients Skyrocket Under Obama Regime

This country is now officially [heavily] dependent on food stamps; this dubious metric has almost doubled under the Obama regime, tipping the scale at 46.6 million in 2013′, up from 28.2 in 2008′.

Food Stamp Recipients

The graph on the left shows the growth of food stamps since 1974′ [click to enlarge].

And do you remember the hope and change mantra posed to the middle class Obama so proudly proclaimed? Well, Obama’s war on the middle class using food stamps, is alive and well.


Obama’s War on the Middle Class – Western Journalism


Further evidence of Obama’s silent war on the middle class is the explosion in the number of Americans receiving food stamps. When Obama took office in January 2009, there were approximately 32 million Americans on

And what about illegals?  Well, Obama has openly pushed his agenda there too — no citizenship required, no income status checked.

Obama administration openly pushing food stamps to illegals; no


Obama’s disregard for the Constitution doesn’t stop there… no he takes the push of government dependence to a whole new level.  It has been widely reported that this administration is now fully engaged in recruiting food stamp recipients.  The lofty mandate benchmark is set at 150 Seniors per month!

Obama Admin Tasks Food Stamp Recruiters With Enrolling


Obama Admin Tasks Food Stamp Recruiters With Enrolling Minimum Of 150 Seniors A Month? Hmmm, now why would Obama want people on public assistance? FORT PIERCE, Fla. (WaPo) ? A good recruiter needs to be

Now food stamp abuse is nothing new and certainly deserves honorable mention, nonetheless Obama’s plan to take down this country is going as planned, almost without a hitch.  Oh sure, a true socialist agenda has to expect a “bump in the road” now and then along the way.  However all in all, if we continue down this path of self-destruction, his chances of converting our population to a proletariat class increases with every month that passes, and it’s only going to get worse.

Photo by Fox News
