RAND PAUL: ‘My Colleagues Just Voted to Arm Allies of Al Queda’

Rand PaulWhile we were sleeping, members of our elected Congress with the exception of Rand Paul (R-KY) and a few others, took it upon themselves to vote for a bill that would arm the allies of Al-Queda to the teeth in the fight against Assad and Syria.

That’s right, the same group of terrorists that we’ve been fighting against since September 11th, 2001, is now our ally.  Oh yeah, and you are going to fund this excursion as well.

Paul slammed members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Tuesday, which voted overwhelmingly to arm elements of the Syrian opposition in a bill co-sponsored by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN).

“This is an important moment,” Paul said, addressing his Senate colleagues. “You will be funding, today, the allies of al Qaeda. It’s an irony you cannot overcome.”

FP went onto say: The dispute centers on the issue of whether the United States could properly vet Syrian rebels so that weapons and body armor would not fall into the hands of extremist groups, such as the al Qaeda-aligned al-Nusra Front. The Pentagon’s top brass has vacillated about whether it’s logistically possible to keep track of weapons as they enter a conflict involving a complex mix of opposition groups, as the new bill would require. […]

[Sen. Bob] Corker added that not arming rebel groups such as the more moderate Free Syrian Army would ensure the dominance of the better-equipped al-Nusra Front. Paul responded, saying, “It’s impossible to know who our friends are … I know everyone here wants to do the right thing, but I think it’s a rush to war.”

To get a sense of how adamant the committee is to authorize more aggressive intervention in Syria, an amendment offered by Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) to limit the types of weapons delivered to rebels was forcefully rejected as well. “The senator from New Mexico wants to use shotguns against SCUD missiles,” McCain said dismissively.

The Democrats and RINO’s are obviously trying to protect what has already occurred to the Obama administration.  After all, shall I dare say, “running guns,” to Syria is what started the Benghazi tragedy and, what Obama is trying to cover up; the truth continues to be well insulated from public knowledge.  This whole scenario brings on the idiom “he who live by the sword, die by the sword” to a whole new level doesn’t it?


TED CRUZ: ‘Let Me Be Clear, I Don’t Trust Republicans’

Let me be clear, Ted Cruz is one of our best hopes we have as conservatives to turn the tide away from this fascist President and his minions.  Here, Cruz basically rebuts John McCain’s slobber speech that would in essence allow a “back room deal” to occur that would raise the debt ceiling.  All on our nickel!  It’s senators like Ted Cruz that I still have hope for the conservatives to save us from further assault by the liberals. But, we must pull together to make this happen. PLEASE Like and Share on Facebook.



“Senator from Texas and President that senior senator from Arizona urged this body to trust the Republicans.

Let me be clear I don’t trust Republicans and i don’t trust the Democrats.

And I think a whole lot of Americans likewise don’t trust for the Republicans and the Democrats because it is leadership in both parties that has gotten us in this mess.

You know my wife and I have two little girls at home they’re five and two. When Caroline was born our national debt was ten trillion dollars today it’s nearly seventeen trillion dollars.  In her short five years of life a national debt has grown by over sixty percent madam president what we are doing to our Kids and Grandkids, I think is a immoral.

Now, I commend the Democrats in this body for their candor. The Democrats and President Obama have been very explicit — that is their intention to raise the debt ceiling and to do so with no conditions whatsoever just keep borrowing and borrowing and borrowing money without any structural reforms to fix the problems.  That is it intellectually consistent position I think it is a dangerous position but it is at least candid.

And that is the reason why everyday for sixty days the Democrats have opposed taking the debt ceiling off the table in this discussion.  But unfortunately one of the reasons we got into this mess is because a lot of Republicans were complicit in this spending spree.  And that’s why so many Americans are disgusted with both sides of this house because we need leaders on both sides to do is my friend from Virginia said to roll up our sleeves to compromise to work together and fix the problem, fix the enormous fiscal and economic problems, stop bankrupting our country.

What this issue is all about is very simple.  Will we allow the debt ceiling to be raised in an unlimited amount with just a fifty vote threshold?  And if the answer to that is yes yet in effect just voted to raise the debt ceiling because the Democrats hold a majority of this body fifty-five cities and the Democrats are explicit they want to raise the debt ceiling.”

MICHAEL MOORE: ‘Conservatives Hate America…’

If you are a Conservative and you just ate your dinner, you may want to think twice about watching the video below because Michael Moore is about to school you on values and principles. Moore has to rank as one of the most vile human beings I’ve ever seen. Have a listen and please note your disgust to your Facebook Friends at the bottom of the video.


TORNADO RELIEF: Glenn Beck and Mercury One Provide Relief: Donation Link Here!

Glenn Beck teamed up with Mercury One to bring relief to the Moore, Oklahoma tornado victims. Beck describes the devastation of a small town that has lost so much, but has pulled together in a time of need.  You can help Beck and Mercury One by donating — click on the link below this video to donate.  Don’t forget to help us spread the word — Facebook it by using the “Share Your Thoughts” monitor below.  Thank you!


TO DONATE, please go to this website that Glenn Beck mentions in the video above, so it’s an approved donation source where 100% of your donations go to the victims of Moore, Oklahoma. Click the link below to donate:

