PETRAEUS ON BENGHAZI: Ex-CIA Directory Frustrated with Talking Points

Ex-CIA Directory Gen. David H. Petraeus obviously was a major player in Benghazi, but it’s beginning to look a lot like he had been frustrated with the talking points all along.

“These will not respond to what Rupersberger asked for and I’d just as soon not use them. They won’t even let us add the Cairo warning. But it’s their call (national security staff). Thanks for your work.”

Petraeus was frustrated with Benghazi talking points that removed


Is it any wonder that Petreaus's private life suddenly exploded? The Weekly Standard reported new details today describing how then-CIA Director David Petraeus voiced surprise when he learned the Saturday after the attack

Petraeus didn't approve of final Benghazi talking points: “I'd just as


So why did he not object? Fox News reported on Petraeus as well, and notes in the second half of their report that Petraeus may have known at the time that his relationship with Paul Broadwell was being investigated by the

Okay, so we know Petraeus obviously did not support the action plan taken on Benghazi. And after Jay Carney threw Petreus under the bus last Friday, time will tell how much he will impact future hearings. One thing is for sure, Petraeus is resigned and no longer has ties to Washington, he becomes a dangerous man to the Obama administration. We will watch this one.