AP Scandal: Justice Department Accused of Privacy Breach

Okay I was wrong, the IRS scandal wasn’t the only story in town — add the deplorable and self-serving AP wire tapping scandal to the list.  While Benghazi smoldered and the IRS scandal was burning out of control, a bomb landed in Obama’s lap — AP tapping scandal was born.

“We are not involved in decisions made in connection with criminal investigations, as those matters are handled independently by the Justice Department,” said Carney. “Any questions about an ongoing criminal investigation should be directed to the Department of Justice.” – White House Press Secretary Jay Carney

Obama IRS, AP Scandal Midterm 2014 – Business Insider


The Justice Department has “secretly obtained” two months of conversations between Associated Press (AP) officials in a move called “unprecedented”. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Cincinnati office singled out new …

Stewart Destroys Obama Over IRS Scandal, Lack Of ‘Managerial


No it isnt the GOP has crap on Obama about Benghazi. Now the IRS and the AP now that is something that could bite Obama in the ass those are actual scandals that REQUIRE ACTUAL OUTRAGE. 9/11 truther monarchist

Sean Hannity: Reporters Only Turning on Obama For AP Story Because It Affects Their Profession

5/14/13 – If you’ve been surprised at how quickly the mainstream media jumped onto the story that the Department of Justice obtained two months of phone reco…

Scandal politics sweep Capitol Hill – Jake Sherman and Lauren


White House claims no knowledge of AP investigation ? RT USA


The White House has denied having any prior knowledge of the Justice Department’s criminal probe of the Associated Press, but lawmakers appalled by the revelation are nonetheless lashing out at United States President

The most recent scandal to grip the Obama administration came Monday evening, when The Associated Press disclosed that the Justice Department sought its reporters’ phone records — including those of correspondents

It’s beginning to look bleak for the Obama — we are witnessing an administration that was once emboldened by ignorant voters, being dismantled and imploding, scandal by scandal.

IRS SCANDAL: Obama Administration Takes Another Blow

Obama is in trouble. If Benghazi and Fast and Furious weren’t enough, Obama now faces a flurry of accusations that the IRS was targeting conservatives entities.  This indictment alone would destroy most any sitting President.  But then again, we are talking about the lame-stream media…

“He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to .?.?. cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.?”

It was 40 years ago this weekend — May 17, 1973, the Senate Watergate hearings began exploring the nature of Richard Nixon’s administration.  Now, this administration must stare down revelations that point to yet another, potentially catastrophic scandal.

In IRS Scandal, Echoes of Watergate – RealClear Politics


In IRS Scandal, Echoes of Watergate. By George Will, Washington Post – May 13, 2013. Email · Print. Comments. “He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to . . . cause, in violation of the constitutional

The Real IRS Scandal – The New Yorker


Washington’s scandal machinery, rusty from recent disuse, is cranking back up to speed due to the alleged targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service. So it might be useful to ask: Did the I.R.S. actually

This is beginning to look like a “pick your poison.”  We will be following this scandal in great interest Patriots, so stay tuned.