ISRAEL: Launches Two Airstrikes on Syria, Declares State of Alert

While everyone is looking for answers to Benghazi and the Boston Marathon bombing, there’s a story that’s flying under the radar, one with major implications if Israel has their way.  Over the weekend, Israel launched two airstrikes against Syria.

“Israeli aggression” that killed and wounded several people and “caused widespread destruction.” It also said the attacks aimed “to give direct military support to terrorist groups” fighting the government. It called the strikes a “flagrant violation of international law” that have made the Middle East “more dangerous.”

Israel’s aggression opens door to all possibilities’ – Syrian


Syria’s information minister says that those who infringe on Syria’s sovereignty must “study their choices carefully.” He said that Israel has “proved its link to terrorist groups.” Israel has reportedly launched two airstrikes against

Syria says Israel strikes military research center – Associated Press


BEIRUT ? The Syrian state news agency SANA, citing initial reports, said early Sunday that Israeli missiles struck a military research center near the capital Damascus. If confirmed, it would be the second Israeli strike on



Benghazi Whistleblower: “My Jaw Hit the Floor”

Overview:  The Sunday’s CBS Face the Nation, there were some  ground-breaking revelations made from the #2 person in Libya, Greg Hicks, who was talking to Washington during and after the attack.

“I thought it was a terrorist attack from the get-go. I thought everybody in the mission thought it was a terrorist attack.” – Greg Hicks

“…the net impact of what has transpired is the spokesperson of the most powerful country in the world has basically said the President of Libya is either a liar or doesn’t know what he’s talking about.  The impact of that is immeasurable.  Magraif (President of Libya) lost face in front of not only his own people… but the world…” – Greg Hicks after Susan Rice reported on Sunday talk shows the exact opposite of President Magraif.

“my jaw hit the floor as I watched this…” – Greg Hicks when he realized Susan Rice talking points were in fact purposely misreported.

Summary: Greg Hicks will definitely be key unearthing this massive coverup — it will become obvious to even the ardent Obama backer that this was a coverup of the worst kind.

CHRISTIANITY: Now Officially Under Attack by Our Government

Mikey WeinsteinChristianity was the forefather’s pillar of strength when our country was founded, and is now under attack by the same body that created it. The Pentagon is now reaching for the power to court martial our military for “proselytization” (practicing) their faith. You read that right. Not only do we ask our military to lay down their lives for us, we are now stripping the very thing that keeps them going!  It’s obvious that this law is predicated on a convoluted version of right-wing extremism, but once again we see the ear markings of an administration gunning to pluck the heart out of this country.

“Retired Lt. Gen. William Boykin, a vice president at FRC, said if the policy goes forward, Christians within the military who speak of their faith “could now be prosecuted as enemies of the state.”

Pentagon moves to punish Christian evangelism in military


Pentagon moves to punish Christian evangelism in military. Declares policy after meeting with strident atheist activist. Published: 3 days ago. Printer Friendly; Text smaller; Text bigger. military. Mikey Weinstein has been on a crusade for more

Christianity Today Gleanings: No Ban on Military Evangelism


Fox News reported that Pentagon officials had met with Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, who is well known for his hyperbolic allegations against Christians and against religious

This is just one more outrageous calamity that has happened on the watch of this administration and should be stopped in its tracks.  And just like the Second Amendment, our government is aiming at stripping rights away from the good people instead of confronting the real issue.

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