OBAMA: Spends Twice as Much Time on Golf Than Economy

Obama spends more time playing golfAccording to the nonpartisan Government Accountability Institute (GAI), President Barack Obama has spent over twice as many hours on vacation and golf (976 hours) as he has in economic meetings of any kind (474.4 hours)!  Now, before you liberaltards start going off on unwarranted tangents, let’s look at the facts shall we?

“Throughout his time in office, President Obama has played 115 total rounds of golf and spent 86 days on vacation, for an estimated combined total of 976 hours”

Download the GAI Presidential Calendar Report.

“The study applied a similarly generous assessment to Obama’s time spent in economic meetings by counting anything on the official White House calendar even remotely related to the economy as an economic meeting. For example, “Obama meets with Cabinet secretaries” and “Obama has lunch with four CEOs” counted as economic meetings.”

Report Indicates Obama Spent TWICE as much time golfing and


Wake up late. Read a scripted speech written by his Big Government handlers via teleprompter, and then head out to the golf course. So goes the presidency of Barack Obama

The Obama administration is clearly out of control and heading for impeachment, and Conservative Angle will be leading the charge.  Stay tuned as we have a lot of work to do make this happen.

Download the damming report.

TERRORISM: Is Islamic Terrorism Against the U.S. Justified?

Greenwals vs SextonThe Boston Marathon bombing that occurred on April 15th, was one of just several terrorist attacks that were invoked by jihadist supporters. This brings up the age-old question: are these acts of terror against the United States some how justified? Or is it simply a broader ideological difference that brings about the terrorism that provokes this violence?  Buck Sexton absolutely owned Glenn Greenwald, a former CIA agent in an interview on MSNBC.

Glenn Greenwald Spars With Former CIA Officer On MSNBC Over


Glenn Greenwald Spars With Former CIA Officer On MSNBC Over Whether American Violence Abroad Fuels Jihad …. -Every Mediaite Lib-Tard, April 2013 The only thing that was fair about this segment was Greenwald hanging up on the MSNBC host. TheBlaze? Really MSNBC??? http://twitter.com/EvaDGiGi Eva D Gigi. This is a Spirit world, we don’t have to put up with this soul-crushing deception. Stop America’s Gestapo, the CIA (corporate interests abroad)

This debate seems ridiculous to any clear-thinking American — anybody that believes terrorism is the result of any United States policy (past or present) is missing the entire point.  The U.S. is probably the most “tolerant” country in the world when it comes to accepting other religions.  Mr. Sexton clearly explained during this debate that these Islam terrorists are at war with Christianity.

BENGHAZI: Hearings Coming Quickly and Will be Explosive!

Benghazi Hearings Coming SoonThe heat has been turned up on the Benghazi-gate — could the witnesses of Benghazi finally be revealed?

BREAKING: Rep. Trey Gowdy says more Benghazi hearings


Trey Gowdy says that more Benghazi hearings are ‘coming quickly’ and they will be ‘explosive’. When asked if it will include …. It’s time to put Obama back on the golf course where he belongs. honestynow 5pts. @cabensg

RS: More Benghazi Hearings Coming – New EXPLOSIVE Evidence


Trey Gowdy says that more Benghazi hearings are ‘coming quickly’ and they will be ‘explosive’. When asked if it will include <strike> <strong>. Previous post: Chris Cillizza | Obama’s second-term window shrinking rapidly

Conservative Angle continues to be hopeful that we will finally resolve and get to the bottom, of how our government failed at Benghazi.  In addition, the hope is for Benghazi will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and impeachment hearings will finally begin.  Through the many months of research, everything points back at severe negligence, or a coverup of the worst kind.

Join the discussion on our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ConservativeAngle/posts/331877030273803

The 2nd Amendment: A View from a Former Cop

I retired from law enforcement. After retiring, I have continued to study crime and terrorism. I have learned over the years to think like criminals, and I’ve applied the same thing to terrorists. What is their goal? To kill, but also to cripple a society with fear or terror.

From the ’93 World Trade Center bombings, to 9-11, to the events in Boston, they have concentrated on public gatherings, public places, and targets of ideology. But let me ask you a question. Where do you feel safest? Most people I ask say “at home”. Is that you too? If I were in control of a terrorist group, I would want to take that away. Our last bastion of safety. Our homes.

I have always wondered why terrorists weren’t doing home invasions. What better way to take away the one place most feel safest. Think of the psychological effects of waking up to the morning news and finding out 20 families were slaughtered in their homes, and they were killed by terrorist cells. Then the next night or the next week, it happens again. People would lose their feeling of safety and security in the one place it matters most. This hasn’t happened yet, and it may never happen, but there are enough terrorist cells in the U.S. to do it, and all it would take is a few terrorists with guns. No bomb making, no smuggling of enriched uranium, nothing complicated. The people that will read this for the most part are supporters of the 2nd Amendment and own guns. The liberals want to know why we need assault rifles and 30 round magazines. If terrorists ever decide to do attack us in our homes ( and I believe someday they will) for the massive psychological impact it would create, I want my AR-15 and at least 30 rounds. I know that any group that chose my house would be granted their wish, they would die in Jihad, the second they busted in my door.

The tragic incidents in Boston, and the manhunt that followed are just one more example of why a home should be protected by a well armed, well trained gun owner. These men could have burst through anybody’s door while they were on the run. They are ( or in the one case, were) murderers, and imagine the people in their homes where these men were on the loose. They would come in, and kill you and your family, if you didn’t stop them first. An armed homeowner in the area would keep his or her gun close, and be protected. An unarmed homeowner would be at the mercy of people who don’t have an ounce of it in them. Thus, they would be killed. If they were on the run with assault rifles, I certainly wouldn’t choose to arm myself with a handgun or shotgun to protect my home. Another thing to consider is that bad guys wear body armor too.

The shotgun or handgun won’t penetrate the vest, so you would need a head shot to kill them. Difficult under the best of circumstances, but for a civilian with no law enforcement or military experience, very unlikely given the lack of experience, the probability of shooting a moving target while also moving to cover, and the heightened adrenaline. An assault rifle is not only far more accurate, but will penetrate body armor, and you have enough rounds to account for misses. The people who are unarmed are simply potential victims. The well armed are prepared and ready.

Given the two scenarios you have one of two endings: The terrorist bursts through the door and is met with accurate fire from a shoulder fired assault rifle, with ammunition created for home defense, that terminates in the terrorist, and the police then respond to the scene to find a dead terrorist, and a family safe and alive. Scenario two, the terrorist bursts into the home of an unarmed homeowner, kills him or her, and her family, and holes up. The police may find him in a house to house search, and he may kill some of them as they enter to get him, but ultimately, they will find the bodies of the dead family. I think we all want scenario one. Terrorist dead, and no more innocent people are killed. Logic dictates that the best scenario is the way that we can best protect the innocent lives. The 2nd Amendment guarantees that right.

The Invisible Oath: Our Constitution is Under Attack

US Flag and Constitution Many of our leaders across the country are violating their oaths of office, and violating our rights laid out in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Someone asked me today, what is the right thing to do about this, as a Christian. Should we read the bible, pray, and witness to people about Christ, and do nothing more, or should we become involved politically. My opinion is this. Evil men and women, ungodly, violating biblical law, and violating the Constitution are gaining more and more control in this country, because too many Christians are not speaking out, and are not getting involved. It has been said (perhaps by Edmund Burke, but the true author is not clear) is “”The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing.” I believe that is true. Good men and women have been doing nothing, and evil is surely triumphing.

Our Constitutional rights are being assaulted every day. The First Amendment is under assault by laws limiting freedom of speech, such as laws that prevent a person from saying they believe homosexuality is wrong. The liberal mainstream media protects its’ liberal cohorts in Washington, as directed to by their billionaire masters who think they should control us because they are wealthy. They have forced upon us “fairness doctrine”. If a television news host has an opinion on Radical Islamic Groups, that program must have a person representing that group on the show in order for that group speak its’ viewpoint, no matter how evil and insane it is.

The Second Amendment is under assault. Disarm us to enslave us. That is the ultimate goal. It is the template followed by every totalitarian state. Should the people in Germany have just allowed Hitler to do what he did, or should they have done everything in their power to stop it? The same thing is happening in this country now as happened in China, Germany, and Russia. The promise was, the “state” will protect you. Soon, tens of millions of people were slaughtered as “dissidents”.

Should we not at least speak the truth? Should we not at least call leaders who violate their oath of office and commit acts of treason, such as unlawful infringements upon our Constitutionally guaranteed rights, 3 of which, including the Second Amendment had the phrase “shall not be infringed” emphasized with them? Should we stand mute as our the law of the land, which millions have fought and died for, is dismantled piece by piece through the lies and deception, while the government tells us it is for our own good?

I believe we as free Americans, especially Christians have a duty to call out evil and confront it publicly, for evil always succeeds best when hidden in shadow, and veiled in darkness, which is often “false light”. How can our government know the depths to which we oppose these infringements if we stand silent as they destroy everything this nation has stood for since its foundation? It cannot. So whose responsibility is it to speak out if not ours? I for one cannot remain silent. Thomas Jefferson said this : “What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?” He went on to say that “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. When wrongs are pressed because it is believed they will be borne, resistance becomes morality.” I think that makes things very clear, and Thomas Jefferson was a Christian, as were many who fought the Revolutionary War, and founded this country, and wrote the Constitution.

Winston Churchill once said, “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life. I can certainly count myself in that group. I have openly accused the President and many lawmakers in Congress traitors, and of violating their oaths of office. Many think they will eventually come and arrest me for sedition for this, or some made up charge. We shall see.

Churchill also said “If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law.” We can certainly see that in America today. Obama creates hundreds of thousands of new regulations, and hires 101 new federal employees a day, everyday to oversee these regulations. Congressmen and women have admitted that they simply don’t have time to read the Bills that come in front of them in their entirety, they are too long. We have far too many laws and regulations already. The beauty of the Constitution was its’ simplicity and adaptability. Thomas Jefferson spoke eloquently of the Constitution, as did others. He posed the question “Can the liberties of a nation be sure when we remove their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people, that these liberties are a gift from God?” Notice, our liberties came from God, not from the law, so how can so-called lawmakers take away our rights that “cannot be infringed?” Patrick Henry put the entire question to bed with this last statement, which the Democrats, led by Obama have certainly forgotten, or chose to ignore ( An evil, conscious decision, or a slip of the mind? I will go with the former). Henry stated “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.”

I believe we have an obligation to speak the truth, no matter the consequences. This is what I will continue to do.

~Steve Jacobson

The Teeth of Liberty: 2nd Amendment Exists for Tyrants

2nd AmendmentThe teeth of liberty is, according to the Founding Fathers, the 2nd Amendment. It was to protect all of our other rights, and the infringement upon this by a tyrant who rose to power.

Tyrant? Check. First Amendment (Liberal Media and Federal and law enforcement threats) check. Dictator who thinks he can take away guns by creating laws, by powers NEVER granted his position by the Constitution or Congress? Check. Abandon our closest most powerful ally in the middle east, to cater to muslim fundamentalists, and letting the islamic nutcases in our country? Check.

The government is preparing for the second revolutionary war, to return us into being subjects like we were to the British before the Revolutionary War, instead of citizens. Are you preparing? Veterans, military troops, and all law enforcement should now consider their oath. Did WE swear to uphold the laws of the CONSTITUTION, or the whims of a dictator? When the shooting starts, remember your oath. We who will not willingly give up our guns are going to be labeled domestic terrorists, who he has recently said he has the right to kill any domestic terrorist by his order, and his order alone.

Obama wants absolute power. Will we be free, or will we be enslaved as the Russians were, as the Jews in Germany will, as every other totalitarian state has been like North Korea? It is up to the PEOPLE to remind the government who is in power. A government of the people, by the people, for the people. We have the power and the God given authority to keep and bear any arms to defend ourselves from real domestic terrorists, and our tyrannical government. We, supporters of the 2nd Amendment will ultimately face this decision.

Pray for guidance, pray for our leaders, and pray it never comes to this, because Obama gets impeached, tried for treason, and removed from office, along with his vicious cadre of liberal, radical elitists who wish to install a socialist dictatorship without God. Not on my watch.

~Steve Jacobson